How to use the belter/src.values function in belter

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few belter examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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        setTimeout(() => {
        }, 1000);

    // $FlowFixMe
    const { style } = props;
    const { label, layout, height: buttonHeight } = style;

    let minimumSize = MINIMUM_SIZE[layout];
    const maximumSize = MAXIMUM_SIZE[layout];
    if (buttonHeight) {
        const possibleSizes = values(BUTTON_SIZE).filter(possibleSize => {
            return BUTTON_SIZE_STYLE[possibleSize] && buttonHeight &&
                BUTTON_SIZE_STYLE[possibleSize].minHeight <= buttonHeight && BUTTON_SIZE_STYLE[possibleSize].maxHeight >= buttonHeight;

        possibleSizes.sort((sizeA : $Values, sizeB : $Values) : number => {
            return BUTTON_SIZE_STYLE[sizeA].defaultWidth - BUTTON_SIZE_STYLE[sizeB].defaultWidth;

        minimumSize = possibleSizes[0];

    const setupAutoResize = (el) => {
        event.on(EVENT.RESIZE, ({ width: newWidth, height: newHeight }) => {
            if (typeof newWidth === 'number') {
       = toCSS(newWidth);
github paypal / paypal-checkout-components / src / funding / funding.js View on Github external
$ReadOnlyArray<{ fundingSource : $Values, paymentMethodID : string, vendor? : $Values, label : string }>  {
    const vaultedFunding = [];

    for (const fundingSource of values(FUNDING)) {
        const fundingConfig = fundingEligibility[fundingSource];

        if (fundingConfig && fundingConfig.eligible && fundingConfig.vaultedInstruments) {
            // $FlowFixMe
            for (const { id, label: { description } } of fundingConfig.vaultedInstruments) {
                vaultedFunding.push({ fundingSource, label: description, paymentMethodID: id });

        if (fundingConfig && fundingConfig.vendors) {
            for (const vendor of values(CARD)) {
                // $FlowFixMe
                const vendorConfig = fundingConfig.vendors[vendor];

                if (vendorConfig && vendorConfig.vaultedInstruments) {
                    for (const { id, label: { description } } of vendorConfig.vaultedInstruments) {
                        vaultedFunding.push({ fundingSource, vendor, label: description, paymentMethodID: id });

    return vaultedFunding;
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export function determineVaultedFunding({ fundingEligibility } : {| fundingEligibility : FundingEligibilityType |}) :
    $ReadOnlyArray<{ fundingSource : $Values, paymentMethodID : string, vendor? : $Values, label : string }>  {
    const vaultedFunding = [];

    for (const fundingSource of values(FUNDING)) {
        const fundingConfig = fundingEligibility[fundingSource];

        if (fundingConfig && fundingConfig.eligible && fundingConfig.vaultedInstruments) {
            // $FlowFixMe
            for (const { id, label: { description } } of fundingConfig.vaultedInstruments) {
                vaultedFunding.push({ fundingSource, label: description, paymentMethodID: id });

        if (fundingConfig && fundingConfig.vendors) {
            for (const vendor of values(CARD)) {
                // $FlowFixMe
                const vendorConfig = fundingConfig.vendors[vendor];

                if (vendorConfig && vendorConfig.vaultedInstruments) {
                    for (const { id, label: { description } } of vendorConfig.vaultedInstruments) {
github paypal / paypal-checkout-components / src / zoid / buttons / props.js View on Github external
if (height < minHeight || height > maxHeight) {
            throw new Error(`Expected style.height to be between ${ minHeight }px and ${ maxHeight }px - got ${ height }px`);

    if (layout === BUTTON_LAYOUT.VERTICAL) {
        if (tagline) {
            throw new Error(`style.tagline is not allowed for ${ BUTTON_LAYOUT.VERTICAL } layout`);

    return { label, layout, color, shape, tagline, height, period };

const COUNTRIES = values(COUNTRY);
const ENVS = values(ENV);
const PLATFORMS = values(PLATFORM);

export function normalizeButtonProps(props : ?ButtonPropsInputs) : RenderButtonProps {

    if (!props) {
        throw new Error(`Expected props`);

    let {
        // $FlowFixMe
        style = {},
        remembered = [],
        locale = DEFAULT_PROPS.LOCALE,
github paypal / paypal-checkout-components / src / zoid / buttons / props.js View on Github external
throw new Error(`Expected style.height to be between ${ minHeight }px and ${ maxHeight }px - got ${ height }px`);

    if (layout === BUTTON_LAYOUT.VERTICAL) {
        if (tagline) {
            throw new Error(`style.tagline is not allowed for ${ BUTTON_LAYOUT.VERTICAL } layout`);

    return { label, layout, color, shape, tagline, height, period };

const COUNTRIES = values(COUNTRY);
const ENVS = values(ENV);
const PLATFORMS = values(PLATFORM);

export function normalizeButtonProps(props : ?ButtonPropsInputs) : RenderButtonProps {

    if (!props) {
        throw new Error(`Expected props`);

    let {
        // $FlowFixMe
        style = {},
        remembered = [],
        locale = DEFAULT_PROPS.LOCALE,
        env = DEFAULT_PROPS.ENV,
        platform = DEFAULT_PROPS.PLATFORM,
github paypal / paypal-smart-payment-buttons / test / client / mocks.js View on Github external
export function createButtonHTML(fundingEligibility? : Object = DEFAULT_FUNDING_ELIGIBILITY) {
    const buttons = [];
    for (const fundingSource of values(FUNDING)) {
        const fundingConfig = fundingEligibility[fundingSource];

        if (!fundingConfig || !fundingConfig.eligible) {

        buttons.push(`<button data-funding-source="${ fundingSource }">`);

        if (fundingConfig.vaultedInstruments) {
            for (const vaultedInstrument of fundingConfig.vaultedInstruments) {
                buttons.push(`</button><button data-payment-method-id="${ }" data-funding-source="${ fundingSource }">`);

        if (fundingSource === FUNDING.CARD) {
            for (const card of values(CARD)) {</button>
github paypal / paypal-checkout-components / src / zoid / buttons / props.js View on Github external
if (!style) {
        throw new Error(`Expected to be set`);

    const {
        layout = DEFAULT_STYLE.LAYOUT,
        color = DEFAULT_STYLE.COLOR,
        shape = DEFAULT_STYLE.SHAPE,
        tagline = (layout === BUTTON_LAYOUT.HORIZONTAL),
    } = style;

    if (values(BUTTON_LAYOUT).indexOf(layout) === -1) {
        throw new Error(`Invalid layout: ${ layout }`);

    if (label && values(BUTTON_LABEL).indexOf(label) === -1) {
        throw new Error(`Invalid label: ${ label }`);

    const FUNDING_CONFIG = getFundingConfig();
    const fundingConfig = FUNDING_CONFIG[FUNDING.PAYPAL];

    if (!fundingConfig) {
        throw new Error(`Expected ${ FUNDING.PAYPAL } to be eligible`);

    if (color && fundingConfig.colors.indexOf(color) === -1) {
        throw new Error(`Unexpected style.color for ${ FUNDING.PAYPAL } button: ${ color }, expected ${ fundingConfig.colors.join(', ') }`);
github krakenjs / zoid / src / component / validate.js View on Github external
function validatePropDefinitions<p>(options : ComponentOptionsType</p><p>) {

    if (options.props &amp;&amp; !(typeof options.props === 'object')) {
        throw new Error(`Expected options.props to be an object`);

    const PROP_TYPE_LIST = values(PROP_TYPE);

    if (options.props) {
        for (const key of Object.keys(options.props)) {
            const prop = options.props[key];

            if (!prop || !(typeof prop === 'object')) {
                throw new Error(`Expected options.props.${ key } to be an object`);

            if (!prop.type) {
                throw new Error(`Expected prop.type`);

            if (PROP_TYPE_LIST.indexOf(prop.type) === -1) {
                throw new Error(`Expected prop.type to be one of ${ PROP_TYPE_LIST.join(', ') }`);