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const apiKey = 'apiKey';
const clientId = 'clientId';
const clientSecret = 'clientSecret';
const redirectUri = 'redirectUri';
const state = 'state';
const code = 'code';
const refreshToken = 'refreshToken';
const configure = { host, apiKey }
const credentials = { clientId, clientSecret }
const oauth2 = new backlogjs.OAuth2(credentials);
oauth2.getAuthorizationURL({ host, redirectUri, state });
oauth2.getAccessToken({ host, code, redirectUri }).then(data => {}).catch(err => {});
oauth2.refreshAccessToken({ host, refreshToken }).then(data => {}).catch(err => {});
const backlog = new backlogjs.Backlog(configure);
backlog.getSpace().then(data => { }).catch(err => { });
activityTypeId: [
minId: 1,
maxId: 2,
count: 3,
order: "asc"
}).then(data => { }).catch(err => { });
backlog.getSpaceDiskUsage().then(data => { }).catch(err => { });
backlog.getSpaceIcon().then(data => { }).catch(err => { });
backlog.postSpaceAttachment(new FormData()).then(data => { }).catch(err => { });
backlog.getUsers().then(data => { }).catch(err => { });
backlog.getUser(1).then(data => { }).catch(err => { });