How to use babel-preset-babili - 1 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few babel-preset-babili examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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import babili from 'babel-preset-babili';
import raptorCompatTransformPlugin from "babel-plugin-transform-raptor-compat";
import { BABEL_PLUGINS_LATEST, BABEL_PLUGINS_COMPAT } from './babel-plugins';

export const MODES = {
    DEV: 'dev',
    PROD: 'prod',
    COMPAT: 'compat',
    PROD_COMPAT: 'prod_compat',
    ALL : 'all'

const BABILI_CONFIG = babili();

export const BASE_BABEL_CONFIG = {
    babelrc: false,
    sourceMaps: true,
    parserOpts: { plugins: ['*'] },
    presets: [],

export const DEV_BABEL_CONFIG = Object.assign(
    { plugins: BABEL_PLUGINS_LATEST },

export const PROD_BABEL_CONFIG = Object.assign(


Babel preset for all minify plugins.

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Popular babel-preset-babili functions