How to use aws-amplify - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few aws-amplify examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github aws-samples / aws-appsync-chat / src / mobx / UserStore.js View on Github external
async init() {
    try {
      const user = await Auth.currentAuthenticatedUser()
      this.username = user.username =
    } catch (err) {
      console.log('error getting user data... ', err)
    console.log('username:', this.username)
    // check if user exists in db, if not then create user
    if (this.username !== '') {
github aws-samples / aws-serverless-airline-booking / src / frontend / store / loyalty / actions.js View on Github external
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {{
      message: "Loading profile..."

    try {
      const {
        // @ts-ignore
        data: { getLoyalty: loyaltyData }
      } = await API.graphql(graphqlOperation(getLoyalty));
      const loyalty = new Loyalty(loyaltyData);

      commit("SET_LOYALTY", loyalty);

    } catch (err) {
github awslabs / aws-multi-account-viewer / Front-End / src / pages / AllODCR.js View on Github external
componentDidMount() {

        // API Gateway
        let apiName = 'MyAPIGatewayAPI';
        let querypath = '/search/?scan=odcr';

        // Loading 
        this.setState({ isLoading: true });

        // Scan DynamoDB for results
        API.get(apiName, querypath).then(response => {
                instances: response,
                isLoading: false
            .then(response => {
            .catch(error => {
                this.setState({ error, isLoading: false })
    render() {
github codexstanford / techlist-frontend-web / src / store / utils / auth-client.js View on Github external
import Amplify, { Auth } from 'aws-amplify';
import { GraphQLClient } from 'graphql-request';
import { LOCAL_STORAGE_KEY, GET_USER_QUERY } from './const';

import { client } from '../apollo';

console.log('CLIENT', client);

  Auth: {
    // identityPoolId: 'us-west-2:0de73b6e-0624-4f46-9e56-14e51ecf282a',
    region: 'us-west-2',
    userPoolId: 'us-west-2_uzyDC8Snl',
    userPoolWebClientId: '181177ggq1ot45s6t791vposkr',
    // cookieStorage: {
    //   domain: '',
    //   path: '/',
    //   expires: 365,
    //   secure: true,
    // },

const isBrowser = typeof window !== `undefined`;
github smoghal / cognito-amplify-custom-auth / src / actions / auth_actions.js View on Github external
return function(dispatch) {

      .then(currentAuthUser => {
        console.log('actions.validateUserSession():Auth.currentAuthenticatedUser() currentAuthUser:', currentAuthUser);
        // grab the user session
          .then(session => {
            console.log('actions.validateUserSession():Auth.userSession() session:', session);
            // finally invoke isValid() method on session to check if auth tokens are valid
            // if tokens have expired, lets call "logout"
            // otherwise, dispatch AUTH_USER success action and by-pass login screen
            if (session.isValid()) {
              // fire user is authenticated
              dispatch({ type: AUTH_USER });
            } else {
              // fire user is unauthenticated
              dispatch({ type: UNAUTH_USER });
github AJInteractive / InterviewJS / packages / composer / src / actions / actionCreators.js View on Github external
stories.forEach(({ key }) => {
          Storage.get(key, {
            bucket: "",
            level: "private"
            .then((url) => {
                .then((response) => {
                  // console.log('AWS',;
                  if ( {
                  } else {
                .catch((error) => Raven.captureException(error));
github aws-samples / connected-drink-dispenser-workshop / dispenser_app / src / views / Home.vue View on Github external
async created() {
    if (this.$store.getters.isAuth == true) {
      // If created with valid authentication, read in user assets,
      // read initial dispenser status then sub to MQTT topics
      let response;
      let authInfo;
      let mqttResponse;
      authInfo = await Auth.currentUserInfo();
      response = await"CDD_API", "/getResources", {
        body: { cognitoIdentityId: }
      console.log("resources response is ", response)
      // Get resources needed to complete setup
      await this.$store.dispatch("setAssets", response);
      // Read dispenser shadow and credit status, and set
      response = await API.get("CDD_API", "/status");
      this.$store.dispatch("setStatus", response);
          "".concat("events/", this.$store.getters.dispenserId),
          "".concat("$aws/things/", this.$store.getters.dispenserId, "/shadow/update/accepted")
          next: async () => {
            // Use the event to trigger a getResources call
github odyssy-automaton / pocket-moloch / src / contexts / Store.js View on Github external
const currentUser = async () => {
      try {
        // check if user is authenticated
        // try will throw if not
        const user = await Auth.currentAuthenticatedUser();
        // attributes are only updated here until re-auth
        // so grab attributes from here
        const attributes = await Auth.currentUserInfo();
        const realuser = { ...user, ...{ attributes: attributes.attributes } };


        // attach sdk
        // console.log("in load: realuser", realuser);
        const sdkEnv = getSdkEnvironment(
        // check or set up local storage and initialize sdk connection
        const sdk = new createSdk(
          sdkEnv.setConfig('storageAdapter', localStorage),
        await sdk.initialize();
        // check if account is connected in local storage
github aws-samples / connected-drink-dispenser-workshop / dispenser_app / src / views / auth / SignIn.vue View on Github external
.then(user => {
          this.isLoading = false;
            .then(info => {
              const payload = { username: user.username, jwt: user.signInUserSession.idToken.jwtToken };
              this.$store.dispatch("setLoggedIn", payload );
              this.statusMessage = "Loading user details";
              console.log("current user info ", info);
              console.log("initial JWT", user.signInUserSession.idToken.jwtToken)

              if (!this.redirectTo) {
                // No called route, send to root (/)
                  path: "/",
              } else {
                // When authenticated, forward to auth required route
                  path: this.redirectTo
github jamstack-cms / jamstack-cms / src / components / pageTemplates / heroTemplate.js View on Github external
pageHtml = getPageHtml(newComponents)

        const slug = slugify(pageTitle)
        const input = {
          name: pageTitle,
          content: pageHtml,
          components: JSON.stringify(newComponents),
          published: publishingState === 'publish' ? true : false
        if (pageId) {
          operation = updatePage
          input['id'] = pageId

        const newPageData = await API.graphql(graphqlOperation(operation, { input }))
        const { createPage } =

        baseComponents = JSON.parse(baseComponents)

        // worst hack ever. couldn't figure another way, so for now doing this:
        // stringifying state, then parsing and updating because state was being mutated somehow.
        baseComponents =, i) => {
          c.component = newComponents[i].component
          if (c.type === 'image') {
            c.content = {
              src: newComponents[i].content.src
          } else {
            c.content = newComponents[i].content