How to use the async-es.filterLimit function in async-es

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few async-es examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github ironscript / ironscript / iron / evalAsync.js View on Github external
evalAsync( _func, env, (err, _env, _, func) => {
						if (func instanceof Function) {
							let cbfn = (arg, _cb) => {
								nextTick (func, null, env, (err, _env, _, val) => {_cb(err, val);}, arg.val, arg.index);
							if (_map.equal(xarray[0]))
								mapLimit (arr, 32, cbfn, (err, newarr) => {
									if (seq.__itype__==='sequence') cb( err, env, null, new Sequence(newarr));
									else cb( err, env, null, newarr);
								filterLimit (arr, 32, cbfn, (err, newarr) => {
									let retarr = [];
									for (let it of newarr) retarr.push(it.val);
									if (seq.__itype__==='sequence') cb( err, env, null, new Sequence(retarr));
									else cb( err, env, null, retarr);
						else cb( Cell.stringify(_func)+' is not a Function');


Higher-order functions and common patterns for asynchronous code

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