How to use the function in ast-types

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few ast-types examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.

github rexxars / sql-to-graphql / steps / ast-builders / type-imports.js View on Github external
'use strict';

var b = require('ast-types').builders;

function buildTypeImports(type, opts) {
    var imports = type.imports;
    var others = imports.filter(not(isGraphQL));
    var graphql = ['GraphQLObjectType'].concat(imports.filter(isGraphQL));

    return opts.es6 ?
        es6Import(graphql, others, opts) :
        cjsImport(graphql, others, opts);

function cjsImport(graphql, others, opts) {
    // Require the entity resolver
    var declarations = [
github probmods / webppl / src / transforms / builders.js View on Github external
'use strict';

var builders = require('ast-types').builders;
var _ = require('lodash');

// The ast-type builders don't provide a convenient way to set the
// source location of a built node. As a work-around, we wrap each
// builder function with a new function that takes the source location
// as an extra argument and adds it to the new node. The source
// location argument is optional, and is given as the final argument
// when present.

function isLocationNode(node) {
  return _.has(node, 'start') && _.has(node, 'end');

module.exports = _.mapValues(builders, function(builder) {
  return function() {
    var args = _.toArray(arguments);
github probmods / webppl / src / transforms / freevars.js View on Github external
'use strict';

var _ = require('underscore');

var Syntax = require('estraverse').Syntax;
var replace = require('estraverse').replace;
var build = require('ast-types').builders;
var types = require('ast-types').types;
var makeGensym = require('../util').makeGensym;

// filter out:
// -- member expression properties

var genid = null;
var boundVarsStack = null;
var freeVarsStack = null;
var nodeStack = null;

var literalIdentifiers = {
  undefined: true,
  NaN: true,
github probmods / dippl / tests / test-cps.js View on Github external
"use strict";

var _ = require('underscore');
var esprima = require("esprima");
var escodegen = require("escodegen");
var types = require("ast-types");
var cps = require("../assets/js/cps.js");
var util = require("../assets/js/util.js");

var build =;

var fooObj = {
  bar: 1,
  baz: {
    blubb: 2,
    bla: 3
var plus = function(k, x, y) {return k(x + y);};
var minus = function(k, x, y) {return k(x - y);};
var times = function(k, x, y) {return k(x * y);};
var and = function(k, x, y) {return k(x && y);};
var plusTwo = function(k, x, y) {return k(x + 2);};
var getTwoK = function(k) {return 2;};

var runCpsTest = function(test, code, expected){
github RReverser / pure-cjs / lib / index.js View on Github external
var fs = require('fs'),
	b = require('ast-types').builders,
	generate = require('escodegen').generate,
	Promise = require('./promise'),
	astConsts = require('./astConsts'),
	parseOptions = require('./parseOptions'),
	pathUtils = require('./pathUtils'),
	ReplacerMap = require('./replacerMap'),
	whenWriteFile = Promise.wrap(fs.writeFile);

exports.transformAST = function (inOptions) {
	var options = parseOptions(inOptions),
		map = new ReplacerMap(options),
		replacer = map.get(options.input);

	return map.whenAll().then(function (modules) {
		var factoryExpr = astConsts.tmpl.preamble({
				deps: options.deps,
github probmods / webppl / src / transforms / adify.js View on Github external
'use strict';

var assert = require('assert');
var path = require('path');
var parse = require('esprima').parse;
var replace = require('estraverse').replace;
var generate = require('escodegen').generate;
var build = require('ast-types').builders;
var _ = require('lodash');
var ad = require('./ad').ad;

function isMarkedForGlobalTransform(ast) {
  assert.ok(ast.type === 'Program');
  var body = ast.body;
  if (!(body.length > 0 && isUseStrictExpr(body[0]))) {
    throw new Error('Expected program to enable strict mode.');
  return body.length > 1 && isUseAdExpr(body[1]);

function isMarkedForTransform(node) {
  return node.body.body.length > 0 && isUseAdExpr(node.body.body[0]);
github cinchapi / concourse / concourse-driver-node-js / tools / thrift-transformers / thrift-map-return-types-to-javascript-maps.js View on Github external
try {
                          const pathObjectPath = path.get('object')
                          const { code: memberExpressionValue } = recast.print(pathObjectPath.node)
                          if (! mapVariableNames.has(memberExpressionValue)) {
                          const { parentPath: pathParentPath } = path
                          if (! astTypes.namedTypes.AssignmentExpression.check(pathParentPath.node)) {
                          const pathParentPathLeftPath = pathParentPath.get('left')
                          const pathParentPathRightPath = pathParentPath.get('right')
                        } catch (error) {
                          if (error instanceof this.AbortRequest) {
                            return false
                          } else {
                            throw error
github RReverser / pure-cjs / lib / astConsts.js View on Github external
var estemplate = require('estemplate'),
	b = require('ast-types').builders,
	fs = require('fs');

exports.moduleArgs = [b.identifier('module'), b.identifier('exports')];

exports.tmpl = {};

['external', 'preamble', 'umdWrapper'].forEach(function (name) {
	var tmpl = estemplate.compile(fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/templates/' + name + '.js', 'utf-8'), {
		comment: true,
		attachComment: true

	exports.tmpl[name] = function (data) {
		data.b = b;
		return tmpl(data).body[0].expression;
github probmods / webppl / src / transforms / trampoline.js View on Github external
'use strict';

var replace = require('estraverse').replace;
var Syntax = require('estraverse').Syntax;
var build = require('ast-types').builders;
var types = require('ast-types').namedTypes;
var parse = require('esprima').parse;

var fail = require('../syntax').fail;
var inProgram = require('../syntax').inProgram;
var isPrimitive = require('../syntax').isPrimitive;

function thunkify(node) {
  return build.functionExpression(
      null, [],
      ]), false, false);
github rexxars / sql-to-graphql / steps / ast-builders / schema.js View on Github external
'use strict';

var camelCase = require('lodash/string/camelCase');
var map = require('lodash/collection/map');
var b = require('ast-types').builders;
var buildVar = require('./variable');
var buildQuery = require('./query');
var buildFieldWrapperFunction = require('./field-wrapper-function');

module.exports = function(data, opts) {
    var queryFields = [];
    if (opts.relay) {
    } else {
        queryFields = map(data.types, function(type) {