How to use the asn1js.Constructed function in asn1js

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few asn1js examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github PeculiarVentures / PKI.js / src / NameConstraints.js View on Github external
		//region Create array for output sequence
		const outputArray = [];
		if("permittedSubtrees" in this)
			outputArray.push(new asn1js.Constructed({
				idBlock: {
					tagClass: 3, // CONTEXT-SPECIFIC
					tagNumber: 0 // [0]
				value: Array.from(this.permittedSubtrees, element => element.toSchema())
		if("excludedSubtrees" in this)
			outputArray.push(new asn1js.Constructed({
				idBlock: {
					tagClass: 3, // CONTEXT-SPECIFIC
					tagNumber: 1 // [1]
				value: Array.from(this.excludedSubtrees, element => element.toSchema())
github PeculiarVentures / PKI.js / src / SignedAndUnsignedAttributes.js View on Github external
static schema(parameters = {})
		 * @type {Object}
		 * @property {string} [blockName]
		 * @property {number} [tagNumber]
		 * @property {string} [attributes]
		const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {});

		return (new asn1js.Constructed({
			name: (names.blockName || ""),
			optional: true,
			idBlock: {
				tagClass: 3, // CONTEXT-SPECIFIC
				tagNumber: names.tagNumber // "SignedAttributes" = 0, "UnsignedAttributes" = 1
			value: [
				new asn1js.Repeated({
					name: (names.attributes || ""),
					value: Attribute.schema()
github PeculiarVentures / PKI.js / src / CertificateRevocationList.js View on Github external
		if("nextUpdate" in this)
		if("revokedCertificates" in this)
			outputArray.push(new asn1js.Sequence({
				value: Array.from(this.revokedCertificates, element => element.toSchema())
		if("crlExtensions" in this)
			outputArray.push(new asn1js.Constructed({
				optional: true,
				idBlock: {
					tagClass: 3, // CONTEXT-SPECIFIC
					tagNumber: 0 // [0]
				value: [
		return (new asn1js.Sequence({
			value: outputArray
github PeculiarVentures / PKI.js / src / RSASSAPSSParams.js View on Github external
idBlock: {
						tagClass: 3, // CONTEXT-SPECIFIC
						tagNumber: 0 // [0]
					optional: true,
					value: [AlgorithmIdentifier.schema(names.hashAlgorithm || {})]
				new asn1js.Constructed({
					idBlock: {
						tagClass: 3, // CONTEXT-SPECIFIC
						tagNumber: 1 // [1]
					optional: true,
					value: [AlgorithmIdentifier.schema(names.maskGenAlgorithm || {})]
				new asn1js.Constructed({
					idBlock: {
						tagClass: 3, // CONTEXT-SPECIFIC
						tagNumber: 2 // [2]
					optional: true,
					value: [new asn1js.Integer({ name: (names.saltLength || "") })]
				new asn1js.Constructed({
					idBlock: {
						tagClass: 3, // CONTEXT-SPECIFIC
						tagNumber: 3 // [3]
					optional: true,
					value: [new asn1js.Integer({ name: (names.trailerField || "") })]
github PeculiarVentures / PKI.js / src / TBSRequest.js View on Github external
* @property {string} [requestExtensions]
		const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {});
		return (new asn1js.Sequence({
			name: (names.blockName || "TBSRequest"),
			value: [
				new asn1js.Constructed({
					optional: true,
					idBlock: {
						tagClass: 3, // CONTEXT-SPECIFIC
						tagNumber: 0 // [0]
					value: [new asn1js.Integer({ name: (names.TBSRequestVersion || "TBSRequest.version") })]
				new asn1js.Constructed({
					optional: true,
					idBlock: {
						tagClass: 3, // CONTEXT-SPECIFIC
						tagNumber: 1 // [1]
					value: [GeneralName.schema(names.requestorName || {
						names: {
							blockName: "TBSRequest.requestorName"
				new asn1js.Sequence({
					name: (names.requestList || "TBSRequest.requestList"),
					value: [
						new asn1js.Repeated({
							name: (names.requests || "TBSRequest.requests"),
github PeculiarVentures / PKI.js / src / Request.js View on Github external
		//region Create array for output sequence
		const outputArray = [];


		if("singleRequestExtensions" in this)
			outputArray.push(new asn1js.Constructed({
				optional: true,
				idBlock: {
					tagClass: 3, // CONTEXT-SPECIFIC
					tagNumber: 0 // [0]
				value: [
					new asn1js.Sequence({
						value: Array.from(this.singleRequestExtensions, element => element.toSchema())

		//region Construct and return new ASN.1 schema for this object
		return (new asn1js.Sequence({
github PeculiarVentures / PKI.js / src / NameConstraints.js View on Github external
name: (names.blockName || ""),
			value: [
				new asn1js.Constructed({
					optional: true,
					idBlock: {
						tagClass: 3, // CONTEXT-SPECIFIC
						tagNumber: 0 // [0]
					value: [
						new asn1js.Repeated({
							name: (names.permittedSubtrees || ""),
							value: GeneralSubtree.schema()
				new asn1js.Constructed({
					optional: true,
					idBlock: {
						tagClass: 3, // CONTEXT-SPECIFIC
						tagNumber: 1 // [1]
					value: [
						new asn1js.Repeated({
							name: (names.excludedSubtrees || ""),
							value: GeneralSubtree.schema()
github PeculiarVentures / PKI.js / src / OriginatorInfo.js View on Github external
const sequenceValue = [];

		if("certs" in this)
			sequenceValue.push(new asn1js.Constructed({
				idBlock: {
					tagClass: 3, // CONTEXT-SPECIFIC
					tagNumber: 0 // [0]
				value: this.certs.toSchema().valueBlock.value

		if("crls" in this)
			sequenceValue.push(new asn1js.Constructed({
				idBlock: {
					tagClass: 3, // CONTEXT-SPECIFIC
					tagNumber: 1 // [1]
				value: this.crls.toSchema().valueBlock.value

		//region Construct and return new ASN.1 schema for this object
		return (new asn1js.Sequence({
			value: sequenceValue
github PeculiarVentures / PKI.js / src / ContentInfo.js View on Github external
		//region Construct and return new ASN.1 schema for this object
		return (new asn1js.Sequence({
			value: [
				new asn1js.ObjectIdentifier({ value: this.contentType }),
				new asn1js.Constructed({
					idBlock: {
						tagClass: 3, // CONTEXT-SPECIFIC
						tagNumber: 0 // [0]
					value: [this.content] // EXPLICIT ANY value
github PeculiarVentures / PKI.js / src / KeyAgreeRecipientInfo.js View on Github external
		//region Create array for final sequence
		const outputArray = [];

		outputArray.push(new asn1js.Integer({ value: this.version }));
		outputArray.push(new asn1js.Constructed({
			idBlock: {
				tagClass: 3, // CONTEXT-SPECIFIC
				tagNumber: 0 // [0]
			value: [this.originator.toSchema()]

		if("ukm" in this)
			outputArray.push(new asn1js.Constructed({
				optional: true,
				idBlock: {
					tagClass: 3, // CONTEXT-SPECIFIC
					tagNumber: 1 // [1]
				value: [this.ukm]


asn1js is a pure JavaScript library implementing this standard. ASN.1 is the basis of all X.509 related data structures and numerous other protocols used on the web

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