How to use array-sort - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few array-sort examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github rodi01 / Artboard-Plus-XD / src / commands / sortArtboards.js View on Github external
export function sortZA(selection, documentRoot) {
  // @ts-ignore
  const sortedArboards = arraySort(artboards(documentRoot.children), "name")

  sort(selection, sortedArboards)
github rodi01 / Artboard-Plus-XD / src / commands / sortArtboards.js View on Github external
export function sortAZ(selection, documentRoot) {
  // @ts-ignore
  const sortedArboards = arraySort(artboards(documentRoot.children), "name", {
    reverse: true
  sort(selection, sortedArboards)
github doczjs / docz / core / docz / src / hooks / useMenus.ts View on Github external
const sortMenus = (first: Menus, second: Menus | undefined = []): Menus => {
  const sorted: Menus = sort(first, compareWithMenu(second), sortByName)

  return => {
    if (! return item
    const found = second.find(menu => ===
    const foundMenu = found &&

    return {
      menu: foundMenu
        ? sortMenus(, foundMenu)
        : sort(, sortByName),
github dcos / dcos-ui / plugins / nodes / src / js / components / NodesTable.tsx View on Github external
const sorter = (
  data: Node[],
  comparator: (a: Node, b: Node) => number,
  sortDirection: SortDirection
): Node[] => {
  return sort(data, [comparator, compareByHostname], {
    reverse: sortDirection !== "ASC"
export default class NodesTable extends React.Component<
github dcos / dcos-ui / plugins / services / src / js / containers / services / ServicesTable.tsx View on Github external
) {
  const copiedData = data.slice();

  if (sortColumn === currentSortColumn) {
    return {
        sortDirection === currentSortDirection
          ? copiedData
          : copiedData.reverse(),

  return {
    data: sort(copiedData, sortForColumn(sortColumn), {
      reverse: sortDirection !== "ASC"
github dcos / dcos-ui / plugins / services / src / js / components / GroupsQuotaOverviewTable.tsx View on Github external
public sortData = (
    groups: ServiceGroup[],
    sortColumn: string = this.state.sortColumn,
    sortDirection: SortDirection = this.state.sortDirection
  ): ServiceGroup[] =>
    sort(groups.slice(), sortForColumn(sortColumn), {
      reverse: sortDirection !== "ASC"
github dcos / dcos-ui / plugins / nodes / src / js / columns / NodesTableIpColumn.tsx View on Github external
export function ipSorter(data: Node[], sortDirection: SortDirection): Node[] {
  const reverse = sortDirection !== "ASC";
  return sort(data, comparators, { reverse });
github doczjs / docz / core / docz / src / components / Docs.tsx View on Github external
{state.get(({ entries, config }) => {
        if (!entries || !config || !children) return null
        if (!isFn(children)) {
          throw new Error(
            'You need to pass a children as a function to your  component'

        const arr = Object.values(entries)

        /** TODO: remove all order and  logic from here in a breaking change */
        const menusArr = flatArrFromObject(arr, 'menu')
        const menus = sort(menusArr, (a: string, b: string) => compare(a, b))
        const descending = config.ordering === 'descending'
        const docs: Entry[] = sort(
          (a: Entry, b: Entry) => compare(a.order, b.order, descending),
          (a: Entry, b: Entry) => compare(,

        return children({
github doczjs / docz / core / docz / src / components / Docs.tsx View on Github external
{state.get(({ entries, config }) => {
        if (!entries || !config || !children) return null
        if (!isFn(children)) {
          throw new Error(
            'You need to pass a children as a function to your  component'

        const arr = Object.values(entries)

        /** TODO: remove all order and  logic from here in a breaking change */
        const menusArr = flatArrFromObject(arr, 'menu')
        const menus = sort(menusArr, (a: string, b: string) => compare(a, b))
        const descending = config.ordering === 'descending'
        const docs: Entry[] = sort(
          (a: Entry, b: Entry) => compare(a.order, b.order, descending),
          (a: Entry, b: Entry) => compare(,

        return children({
github dcos / dcos-ui / plugins / services / src / js / utils / ServiceTableUtil.js View on Github external
sortData(data, sortDirection, prop) {
    const compareFunction = getCompareFunctionByProp(prop);
    const comparators = [compareFunction];
    const reverse = sortDirection !== "ASC";

    return sort(data, comparators, { reverse });


Fast and powerful array sorting. Sort an array of objects by one or more properties. Any number of nested properties or custom comparison functions may be used.

Latest version published 7 years ago

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Popular array-sort functions