How to use archy - 4 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few archy examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github alexanderGugel / ied / src / ls_cmd.js View on Github external
function (subDeps, cb) {
        label: path.basename(cwd),
        nodes: (dep) {
          return '[' + dep.shasum + '] ' + (dep.error ? dep.error.message : + '@' + dep.pkg.version)
github stringparser / gulp-runtime / util / log.js View on Github external
util.logTasks = function(runtime) {
  var tree = this.taskTree(;
  var configFile = this.tildify(process.argv[1]);
  tree.label = 'Tasks for ' + this.color.magenta(configFile);
  require('archy')(tree).split('\n').forEach(function (v) {
    if(!v.trim().length) { return ; }
github rocjs / roc / src / context / initContext.js View on Github external
function printTree(project, usedExtensions, projectExtensions) {
    const getParents = (extensionName) =>
            .find(({ name }) => name === extensionName)
            .map(({ name, version }) => ({
                label: `${name}@${version}`,
                nodes: getParents(name),

    const tree ={ name, version }) => ({
        label: `${name}@${version}`,
        nodes: getParents(name),

    return archy({
        label: `${}@${project.version}`,
        nodes: tree,
github ranyitz / qnm / src / render / render-module-occurrences.ts View on Github external

  const packageInfo = {
    label: chalk.underline(moduleName),
    nodes: buildedOccurrences,

  if (monorepoPackageName) {
    return archy({
      label: chalk.bold(monorepoPackageName),
      nodes: [packageInfo],

  return archy(packageInfo);


render nested hierarchies `npm ls` style with unicode pipes

Latest version published 11 years ago

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65 / 100
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Popular archy functions