How to use appium-ios-driver - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few appium-ios-driver examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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// `contextId` will be in the form of `appId.pageId` in this case
  const [appIdKey, pageIdKey] ='.'), (id) => parseInt(id, 10));
  try {
    this.selectingNewPage = true;
    await this.remote.selectPage(appIdKey, pageIdKey, skipReadyCheck);
  } catch (err) {
    this.curContext = this.curWindowHandle = oldContext;
    throw err;
  } finally {
    this.selectingNewPage = false;

  // attempt to start performance logging, if requested
  if (this.opts.enablePerformanceLogging && this.remote) {
    log.debug(`Starting performance log on '${this.curContext}'`);
    this.logs.performance = new IOSPerformanceLog(this.remote);
    await this.logs.performance.startCapture();

  // start safari logging if the logs handlers are active
  if (name && name !== NATIVE_WIN && this.logs) {
    if (this.logs.safariConsole) {
      await this.remote.startConsole(this.logs.safariConsole.addLogLine.bind(this.logs.safariConsole));
    if (this.logs.safariNetwork) {
      await this.remote.startNetwork(this.logs.safariNetwork.addLogLine.bind(this.logs.safariNetwork));
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// find the keyboard, and hit the last Button
    log.debug('Finding keyboard and clicking final button to close');
    if (await this.getNativeAttribute('visible', keyboard) === 'false') {
      log.debug('No visible keyboard found. Returning');
    let buttons = await this.findNativeElementOrElements('class name', 'XCUIElementTypeButton', true, keyboard);
    if (_.isEmpty(buttons)) {
      log.warn(`No button elements found. Unable to hide.`);
    await this.nativeClick(_.last(buttons));

commands.getStrings = iosCommands.general.getStrings;

commands.removeApp = async function removeApp (bundleId) {
  return await this.mobileRemoveApp({bundleId});

commands.launchApp = iosCommands.general.launchApp;

commands.closeApp = iosCommands.general.closeApp;

commands.keys = async function keys (keys) {
  if (!this.isWebContext()) {
    throw new errors.UnknownError('Command should be proxied to WDA');
  let el = util.unwrapElement(await;
  if (_.isEmpty(el)) {
    throw new errors.NoSuchElementError();
github appium / appium-xcuitest-driver / lib / commands / certificate.js View on Github external
        }, {
          intervalMs: 300,
        log.debug(`The temporary web server is running at http://${host}:${tmpPort}`);
      } catch (e) {
        throw new Error(`The temporary web server cannot be started at http://${host}:${tmpPort}.`);
      if (this.isRealDevice()) {
        try {
          await this.proxyCommand('/url', 'POST', {url: certUrl});
        } catch (err) {
          if (this.isWebContext()) {
            // The command above does not always work on real devices
            await, certUrl);
          } else {
            throw err;
      } else {
        await openUrl(this.opts.udid || this.sim.udid, certUrl);

      let isCertAlreadyInstalled = false;
      if (util.compareVersions(this.opts.platformVersion, '>=', '12.2')) {
        if (await installPost122Certificate(this, cn)) {
          await clickElement(this, Settings.Profile);
          await trustCertificateInPreferences(this, cn);
        } else {
          isCertAlreadyInstalled = true;
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if (this.isSimulator()) {
      if (this.opts.shutdownOtherSimulators) {
        await shutdownOtherSimulators(this.opts.device);

      // this should be done before the simulator is started
      // if it is already running, this cap won't work, which is documented
      if (this.isSafari() && this.opts.safariGlobalPreferences) {
        if (await this.opts.device.updateSafariGlobalSettings(this.opts.safariGlobalPreferences)) {
          log.debug(`Safari global preferences updated`);

      this.localConfig = await iosSettings.setLocaleAndPreferences(this.opts.device, this.opts, this.isSafari(), async (sim) => {
        await shutdownSimulator(sim);

        // we don't know if there needs to be changes a priori, so change first.
        // sometimes the shutdown process changes the settings, so reset them,
        // knowing that the sim is already shut
        await iosSettings.setLocaleAndPreferences(sim, this.opts, this.isSafari());

      await this.startSim();

      if (this.opts.customSSLCert) {
        if (await hasSSLCert(this.opts.customSSLCert, this.opts.udid)) {
`SSL cert '${_.truncate(this.opts.customSSLCert, {length: 20})}' already installed`);
        } else {
`Installing ssl cert '${_.truncate(this.opts.customSSLCert, {length: 20})}'`);
          await shutdownSimulator(this.opts.device);
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this.localConfig = await iosSettings.setLocaleAndPreferences(this.opts.device, this.opts, this.isSafari(), async (sim) => {
        await shutdownSimulator(sim);

        // we don't know if there needs to be changes a priori, so change first.
        // sometimes the shutdown process changes the settings, so reset them,
        // knowing that the sim is already shut
        await iosSettings.setLocaleAndPreferences(sim, this.opts, this.isSafari());
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if (util.compareVersions(this.opts.platformVersion, '<', '12.2')) {
        // this option does not work on 12.2 and above
        this.opts.processArguments.args = ['-u', this._currentUrl];
    } else if ( || this.opts.bundleId) {
      await this.configureApp();

    // fail very early if the app doesn't actually exist
    // or if bundle id doesn't point to an installed app
    if ( {
      await checkAppPresent(;

      if (!this.opts.bundleId) {
        this.opts.bundleId = await appUtils.extractBundleId(;

    await this.runReset();

    const memoizedLogInfo = _.memoize(function logInfo () {"'skipLogCapture' is set. Skipping starting logs such as crash, system, safari console and safari network.");
    const startLogCapture = async () => {
      if (this.opts.skipLogCapture) {
        return false;

      const result = await this.startLogCapture();
      if (result) {
github appium / appium-xcuitest-driver / lib / commands / context.js View on Github external
import { iosCommands, IOSPerformanceLog, NATIVE_WIN, WEBVIEW_WIN } from 'appium-ios-driver';
import { createRemoteDebugger, RemoteDebugger } from 'appium-remote-debugger';
import { errors, isErrorType } from 'appium-base-driver';
import { util, timing } from 'appium-support';
import log from '../logger';
import { retryInterval } from 'asyncbox';
import _ from 'lodash';


let commands = {}, helpers = {}, extensions = {};

Object.assign(extensions, iosCommands.context);

// override, as appium-ios-driver's version uses UI Automation to close
extensions.closeAlertBeforeTest = async function closeAlertBeforeTest () { // eslint-disable-line require-await
  return true;

// the appium-ios-driver version has a wait on real devices, which is no longer
// necessary
extensions.navToInitialWebview = async function navToInitialWebview () {
  if (this.useNewSafari()) {
    await this.typeAndNavToUrl();
  } else if (!this.isRealDevice() && this.opts.safari) {
    await this.navToViewThroughFavorites();
  } else {
    await this.navToViewWithTitle(/.*/);
github appium / appium-xcuitest-driver / test / unit / driver-specs.js View on Github external
          udid: null,
          realDevice: null
      sandbox.stub(driver, 'configureApp').callsFake(_.noop);
      sandbox.stub(driver, 'startLogCapture').callsFake(_.noop);
      sandbox.stub(driver, 'startSim').callsFake(_.noop);
      sandbox.stub(driver, 'startWdaSession').callsFake(_.noop);
      sandbox.stub(driver, 'startWda').callsFake(_.noop);
      sandbox.stub(driver, 'setReduceMotion').callsFake(_.noop);
      sandbox.stub(driver, 'installAUT').callsFake(_.noop);
      sandbox.stub(driver, 'connectToRemoteDebugger').callsFake(_.noop);
      sandbox.stub(iosDriver.settings, 'setLocale').callsFake(_.noop);
      sandbox.stub(iosDriver.settings, 'setPreferences').callsFake(_.noop);
      sandbox.stub(xcode, 'getMaxIOSSDK').callsFake(async () => '10.0'); // eslint-disable-line require-await
      sandbox.stub(utils, 'checkAppPresent').callsFake(_.noop);
      sandbox.stub(iosDriver.appUtils, 'extractBundleId').callsFake(_.noop);
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return '/path/to/uds.socket';
          udid: null,
          realDevice: null
      sandbox.stub(driver, 'configureApp').callsFake(_.noop);
      sandbox.stub(driver, 'startLogCapture').callsFake(_.noop);
      sandbox.stub(driver, 'startSim').callsFake(_.noop);
      sandbox.stub(driver, 'startWdaSession').callsFake(_.noop);
      sandbox.stub(driver, 'startWda').callsFake(_.noop);
      sandbox.stub(driver, 'setReduceMotion').callsFake(_.noop);
      sandbox.stub(driver, 'installAUT').callsFake(_.noop);
      sandbox.stub(driver, 'connectToRemoteDebugger').callsFake(_.noop);
      sandbox.stub(iosDriver.settings, 'setLocale').callsFake(_.noop);
      sandbox.stub(iosDriver.settings, 'setPreferences').callsFake(_.noop);
      sandbox.stub(xcode, 'getMaxIOSSDK').callsFake(async () => '10.0'); // eslint-disable-line require-await
      sandbox.stub(utils, 'checkAppPresent').callsFake(_.noop);
      sandbox.stub(iosDriver.appUtils, 'extractBundleId').callsFake(_.noop);
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realDevice: null
      sandbox.stub(driver, 'configureApp').callsFake(_.noop);
      sandbox.stub(driver, 'startLogCapture').callsFake(_.noop);
      sandbox.stub(driver, 'startSim').callsFake(_.noop);
      sandbox.stub(driver, 'startWdaSession').callsFake(_.noop);
      sandbox.stub(driver, 'startWda').callsFake(_.noop);
      sandbox.stub(driver, 'setReduceMotion').callsFake(_.noop);
      sandbox.stub(driver, 'installAUT').callsFake(_.noop);
      sandbox.stub(driver, 'connectToRemoteDebugger').callsFake(_.noop);
      sandbox.stub(iosDriver.settings, 'setLocale').callsFake(_.noop);
      sandbox.stub(iosDriver.settings, 'setPreferences').callsFake(_.noop);
      sandbox.stub(xcode, 'getMaxIOSSDK').callsFake(async () => '10.0'); // eslint-disable-line require-await
      sandbox.stub(utils, 'checkAppPresent').callsFake(_.noop);
      sandbox.stub(iosDriver.appUtils, 'extractBundleId').callsFake(_.noop);