How to use appdmg - 1 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few appdmg examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github kooparse / getsub-desktop / packager.js View on Github external
const dmgOpt = {
    target: 'release/darwin/getsub.dmg',
    basepath: buildPath[0],
    specification: {
      title: 'Getsub',
      contents: [
        {x: 122, y: 240, type: 'file', path: ''},
        {x: 380, y: 240, type: 'link', path: '/Applications'},
        {x: 50, y: 500, type: 'position', path: '.background'},
        {x: 100, y: 500, type: 'position', path: '.DS_Store'},
        {x: 150, y: 500, type: 'position', path: '.Trashes'},
        {x: 200, y: 500, type: 'position', path: '.VolumeIcon.icns'}
  const dmg = appdmg(dmgOpt)
  dmg.once('error', (err) => cb(err))
  dmg.once('finish', () => cb(null))


Generate beautiful DMG-images for your OS X applications.

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Popular appdmg functions