How to use the apollo-server-errors.UserInputError function in apollo-server-errors

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few apollo-server-errors examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github sysgears / apollo-universal-starter-kit / modules / user / server-ts / resolvers.js View on Github external
const userExists = await User.getUserByUsername(input.username);
        if (userExists && !== {
          errors.username = t('user:usernameIsExisted');

        const emailExists = await User.getUserByEmail(;
        if (emailExists && !== {
 = t('user:emailIsExisted');

        if (input.password && input.password.length < settings.user.auth.password.minLength) {
          errors.password = t('user:passwordLength', { length: settings.user.auth.password.minLength });

        if (!isEmpty(errors)) throw new UserInputError('Failed to get events due to validation errors', { errors });

        const userInfo = !isSelf() && isAdmin() ? input : pick(input, ['id', 'username', 'email', 'password']);

        const isProfileExists = await User.isUserProfileExists(;
        const passwordHash = await createPasswordHash(input.password);

        const trx = await createTransaction();
        try {
          await User.editUser(userInfo, passwordHash).transacting(trx);
          await User.editUserProfile(input, isProfileExists).transacting(trx);
        } catch (e) {

        if (settings.user.auth.certificate.enabled) {
github vtex / node-vtex-api / src / service / worker / runtime / graphql / schema / schemaDirectives / Auth.ts View on Github external
function parseArgs (authArgs: AuthDirectiveArgs): AuthDirectiveArgs {
  if (!authArgs.productCode || !authArgs.resourceCode) {
    throw new UserInputError('Invalid auth schema directive args. Usage: @auth(productCode: String, resourceCode: String).')
  return authArgs
github sysgears / apollo-universal-starter-kit / modules / user / server-ts / password / resolvers.js View on Github external
async login(
        input: { usernameOrEmail, password }
      { req }
    ) {
      const user = await User.getUserByUsernameOrEmail(usernameOrEmail);

      const errors = await validateUserPassword(user, password, req.t);
      if (!isEmpty(errors)) throw new UserInputError('Failed valid user password', { errors });

      const tokens = await access.grantAccess(user, req, user.passwordHash);

      return { user, tokens };
    async register(obj, { input }, { mailer, User, req }) {
github elastic / kibana / x-pack / legacy / plugins / infra / server / graphql / sources / resolvers.ts View on Github external
fold(errors => {
            throw new UserInputError(failure(errors).join('\n'));
          }, identity)
github sysgears / apollo-universal-starter-kit / modules / user / server-ts / password / resolvers.js View on Github external
    ) {
      const errors = {};

      const reset = pick(input, ['password', 'passwordConfirmation', 'token']);
      if (reset.password !== reset.passwordConfirmation) {
        errors.password = t('user:auth.password.passwordsIsNotMatch');

      if (reset.password.length < settings.auth.password.minLength) {
        errors.password = t('user:auth.password.passwordLength', { length: settings.auth.password.minLength });

      if (!isEmpty(errors)) throw new UserInputError('Failed reset password', { errors });

      const token = Buffer.from(reset.token, 'base64').toString();
      const { email, password } = jwt.verify(token, settings.auth.secret);
      const user = await User.getUserByEmail(email);
      if (user.passwordHash !== password) {
        throw new Error(t('user:auth.password.invalidToken'));
      if (user) {
        await User.updatePassword(, reset.password);
        const url = `${__WEBSITE_URL__}/profile`;

        if (mailer && settings.auth.password.sendPasswordChangesEmail) {
            from: `${} <${process.env.EMAIL_USER}>`,
            subject: 'Your Password Has Been Updated',
github sysgears / apollo-universal-starter-kit / modules / contact / server-ts / resolvers.ts View on Github external
async contact(obj: any, { input }: ContactInput, { mailer, req: { t } }: any) {
      const errors = validate(input, contactFormSchema);
      if (!isEmpty(errors)) {
        throw new UserInputError(t('contact:validateError'), { errors });

      try {
        await mailer.sendMail({
          to: process.env.EMAIL_USER,
          subject: 'New email through contact us page',
          html: `<p>${} is sending the following message.</p><p>${input.content}</p>`
      } catch (e) {
        throw new Error(t('contact:sendError'));
github elastic / kibana / x-pack / plugins / infra / server / graphql / sources / resolvers.ts View on Github external
SavedSourceConfigurationColumnRuntimeType.decode(logColumn).getOrElseL(errors => {
          throw new UserInputError(failure(errors).join('\n'));