How to use the apollo-link.toPromise function in apollo-link

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few apollo-link examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github apollographql / apollo-tooling / packages / apollo / src / commands / schema / publish.ts View on Github external
task: async (ctx, task) => {
          task.title = `Publishing ${getIdFromKey(
          )} to Apollo Engine`;
          const gitContext = await gitInfo();
          const variables = {
            schema: (await graphql(ctx.schema, parse(introspectionQuery))).data!
            id: getIdFromKey(ctx.currentSchema.engineKey)

          ctx.current = await toPromise(
            execute(engineLink, {
              query: UPLOAD_SCHEMA,
              context: {
                headers: { ["x-api-key"]: ctx.currentSchema.engineKey },
                ...(ctx.config.engineEndpoint && {
                  uri: ctx.config.engineEndpoint
            .then(async ({ data, errors }) => {
              // XXX better end user error message
              if (errors) {
                throw new Error(
github apollographql / apollo-tooling / packages / apollo-language-server / src / providers / federation-info / endpoint.ts View on Github external
    if (url.startsWith("https:") && skipSSLValidation) {
      options.fetchOptions = {
        agent: new HTTPSAgent({ rejectUnauthorized: false })

    const getFederationInfoQuery = `
      query getFederationInfo {
        _service {

    const { data, errors } = (await toPromise(
      linkExecute(createHttpLink(options), {
        query: parse(getFederationInfoQuery),
        context: { headers }
    )) as ExecutionResult<{ _service: FederationInfo }>;

    if (errors && errors.length) {
      // XXX better error handling of GraphQL errors
      throw new Error({ message }: Error) => message).join("\n"));

    if (!data || !data._service) {
      throw new Error(
        "No data received from server when querying for _service."
github apollographql / apollo-tooling / packages / apollo / src / commands / queries / register.ts View on Github external
if (!ctx.manifest.operations || !ctx.manifest.operations.length) {
            throw new Error("No operations were found.");

          const variables = {
            clientIdentity: {
              name: flags.clientName,
              identifier: flags.clientIdentifier || flags.clientName,
              version: flags.clientVersion
            serviceId: getIdFromKey(ctx.currentSchema.engineKey),
            operations: ctx.manifest.operations

          await toPromise(
            execute(engineLink, {
              query: REGISTER_OPERATIONS,
              context: {
                headers: { ["x-api-key"]: ctx.currentSchema.engineKey },
                ...(ctx.config.engineEndpoint && {
                  uri: ctx.config.engineEndpoint
            .then(({ data, errors }) => {
              // XXX better end user error message
              if (!errors) {
                return data!.service.registerOperations;
github apollographql / apollo-tooling / packages / apollo / src / commands / queries / check.ts View on Github external
              "No API key was specified. Set an Apollo Engine API key using the `--key` flag or the `ENGINE_API_KEY` environment variable."

          const gitContext = await gitInfo();

          const variables = {
            id: getIdFromKey(ctx.documentSets[0].engineKey),
            // XXX hardcoded for now
            tag: "current",
            operations: ctx.operations

          ctx.changes = await toPromise(
            execute(engineLink, {
              query: VALIDATE_OPERATIONS,
              context: {
                headers: { ["x-api-key"]: ctx.documentSets[0].engineKey },
                ...(ctx.config.engineEndpoint && {
                  uri: ctx.config.engineEndpoint
            .then(({ data, errors }) => {
              // XXX better end user error message
              if (errors)
                throw new Error(
        { message }) => message).join("\n")
github apollographql / apollo-tooling / packages / apollo-language-server / src / providers / schema / endpoint.ts View on Github external
async resolveSchema() {
    if (this.schema) return this.schema;
    const { skipSSLValidation, url, headers } = this.config;
    const options: HttpLink.Options = {
      uri: url,
    if (url.startsWith("https:") && skipSSLValidation) {
      options.fetchOptions = {
        agent: new HTTPSAgent({ rejectUnauthorized: false })

    const { data, errors } = (await toPromise(
      linkExecute(createHttpLink(options), {
        query: parse(getIntrospectionQuery()),
        context: { headers }
    ).catch(e => {
      // html response from introspection
      if (isString(e.message) && e.message.includes("token <")) {
        throw new Error(
          "Apollo tried to introspect a running GraphQL service at " +
            url +
            "\nIt expected a JSON schema introspection result, but got an HTML response instead." +
            "\nYou may need to add headers to your request or adjust your endpoint url.\n" +
            "-----------------------------\n" +
            "For more information, please refer to: \n\n" +
            "The following error occurred:\n-----------------------------\n" +
github apollographql / apollo-tooling / packages / apollo / src / commands / schema / check.ts View on Github external
task: async ctx => {
          const gitContext = await gitInfo();

          const variables = {
            id: getIdFromKey(ctx.currentSchema.engineKey),
            schema: ctx.schema,
            // XXX hardcoded for now
            tag: "current",

          ctx.changes = await toPromise(
            execute(engineLink, {
              query: VALIDATE_SCHEMA,
              context: {
                headers: { ["x-api-key"]: ctx.currentSchema.engineKey },
                ...(ctx.config.engineEndpoint && {
                  uri: ctx.config.engineEndpoint
            .then(({ data, errors }) => {
              // XXX better end user error message
              if (errors)
                throw new Error(
        { message }) => message).join("\n")
github apollographql / apollo-tooling / packages / apollo-language-server / src / providers / schema / endpoint.ts View on Github external
    if (url.startsWith("https:") && skipSSLValidation) {
      options.fetchOptions = {
        agent: new HTTPSAgent({ rejectUnauthorized: false })

    const getFederationInfoQuery = `
      query getFederationInfo {
        _service {

    const { data, errors } = (await toPromise(
      linkExecute(createHttpLink(options), {
        query: parse(getFederationInfoQuery),
        context: { headers }
    )) as ExecutionResult<{ _service: { sdl: string } }>;

    if (errors && errors.length) {
      return Debug.error({ message }: Error) => message).join("\n")

    if (!data || !data._service) {
      return Debug.error(
        "No data received from server when querying for _service."
github apollographql / apollo-tooling / packages / apollo / src / fetch-schema.ts View on Github external
export async function fetchSchemaFromEngine({
  tag = "current",
}: {
  apiKey: string;
  tag?: string;
  customEngine?: string;
}): Promise {
  const variables = {
    id: getIdFromKey(apiKey as string),

  const engineSchema = await toPromise(
    linkExecute(engineLink, {
      query: SCHEMA_QUERY,
      context: {
        headers: { ["x-api-key"]: apiKey },
        ...(customEngine && { uri: customEngine })

  if (! || ! {
    throw new Error("Unable to get schema from Apollo Engine");

github apollographql / apollo-tooling / packages / apollo / src / fetch-schema.ts View on Github external
const urlObject = new URL(url);
    const host =;
    const port = +urlObject.port || 443;

    const agentOptions: AgentOptions = {
      host: host,
      port: port,
      rejectUnauthorized: false

    const agent = new Agent(agentOptions);

    options.fetchOptions = { agent: agent };

  const { data, errors }: any = await toPromise(
    linkExecute(createHttpLink(options), {
      query: introspection,
      context: { headers }

  if (errors) {
    throw new Error({ message }: Error) => message).join("\n"));

  if (!data) {
    throw new Error("No data received from server introspection.");

  return data.__schema;