How to use apidoc - 4 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few apidoc examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github apidoc / grunt-apidoc / tasks / apidoc.js View on Github external
grunt.registerMultiTask('apidoc', 'Create REST-API-Documentation with apidoc', function() {
        var config =;
        var options = config.options || {};


        // options
        options.src      = config.src      || config.i || options.i;
        options.dest     = config.dest     || config.o || options.o;
        options.template = config.template || config.t || options.t;

        // execute
        var result = apidoc.createDoc(options);

        if (result === false) {
            grunt.log.error('grunt-apidoc error: Execution terminated (set \'options: { debug: true }\' in Gruntfile.js for details.');
            return false;
        else {
            grunt.log.ok('grunt-apidoc finished.');
            return true;
github SamVerschueren / gulp-api-doc / index.js View on Github external
// us with a directory and he wants to include the entire directory.
			f.walkSync(base, (dirPath, dirs, files) => {
				// Iterate over every file and if it's not in the included list, it should be
				// excluded.
				files.forEach(file => {
					const relPath = path.relative(base, path.join(dirPath, file));

					if (include.indexOf(relPath) === -1) {

		// Generate the documentation
		const isGenerated = apidoc.createDoc({
			src: base,
			dest: tempPath,
			includeFilters: include.length > 0 ? include : undefined,
			excludeFilters: exclude.length > 0 ? exclude : undefined,

			// Set the options provided by the devleoper
			template: options.template,
			debug: options.debug === true,
			silent: options.silent === true,
			markdown: options.markdown !== false,
			marked: options.marked,
			config: options.config

		if (!isGenerated) {
			// Throw an error if it failed to generate
github alfg / srv / bin / cmd / docs.js View on Github external
export default function (src, opt) {
  const options = {
    src: src || 'lib/',
    dest: opt.dest || 'docs/',
    includeFilters: opt.includeFilters || ['.*\\.js$'],
    silent: opt.silent || true,

  const created = apidoc.createDoc(options);

  if (created) {
  throw new Error(`Docs Error! ${opt.src} does not exist.`);
github c0b41 / gulp-apidoc / index.js View on Github external
var _opt = objectAssign({
		dest: opt.dest || opt.o || 'doc/',
		config: opt.config || opt.c || opt.src,
		src: opt.src || opt.i

	if(_opt.template || _opt.t){
		_opt.template =  _opt.template || _opt.t;


		var chunk = apidoc.createDoc(_opt);

		if(typeof chunk === 'object') {
	    	log(pname+' '+'Apidoc created...   [  '+ colors.cyan(JSON.parse(chunk.project).name) +'  ] '));
		} else if(chunk === true){
			log(pname+' ''Apidoc created... '));
			done(new PluginError(pname, 'Execution terminated (set \" debug: true \" in gulpfile.js for details. '))

		done(new PluginError(pname, 'Folder specified'));


RESTful web API Documentation Generator

Latest version published 2 years ago

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