How to use anymatch - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few anymatch examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github zinserjan / mocha-webpack / src / cli / prepareWebpack.js View on Github external
cached: false,
      reasons: false,
      source: false,
      errorDetails: true,
      chunkOrigins: false,
      colors: options.colors,
    state: false, // show bundle valid / invalid

  const webpackPlugins = [webpackInfoPlugin];

  if (glob || existsDirSync(file)) {
    const globPattern = glob ? file : directoryToGlob(file, options);

    const matcher = anymatch(globPattern);
    const parent = globParent(globPattern);
    const directory = path.resolve(parent);

    const context = normalizePath(path.relative(tmpPath, directory));
    const recursive = globPattern.indexOf('**') !== -1; // or via options.recursive?

    const optionsHash = hash.MD5(options); // eslint-disable-line new-cap

    const entryFilePath = path.join(tmpPath, `${optionsHash}-entry.js`);
    const outputFilePath = path.join(tmpPath, optionsHash, `${optionsHash}-output.js`);

    function matchModule(mod) { // eslint-disable-line no-inner-declarations
      // normalize path to match glob
      const correctedPath = path.join(parent, mod);
      return matcher(correctedPath);
github paulmillr / chokidar / index.js View on Github external
_isIgnored(path, stats) {
  if (this.options.atomic && DOT_RE.test(path)) return true;
  if (!this._userIgnored) {
    const {cwd} = this.options;
    const ign = this.options.ignored;

    const ignored = ign &&;
    const paths = arrify(ignored)
      .filter((path) => typeof path === STRING_TYPE && !isGlob(path))
      .map((path) => path + SLASH_GLOBSTAR);
    const list = this._getGlobIgnored().map(normalizeIgnored(cwd)).concat(ignored, paths);
    this._userIgnored = anymatch(list, undefined, ANYMATCH_OPTS);

  return this._userIgnored([path, stats]);
github polakowo / datadocs / website / node_modules / chokidar / index.js View on Github external
_isIgnored(path, stats) {
  if (this.options.atomic && DOT_RE.test(path)) return true;
  if (!this._userIgnored) {
    const cwd = this.options.cwd;
    const ign = this.options.ignored;

    const ignored = ign &&;
    const paths = arrify(ignored)
      .filter((path) => typeof path === STRING_TYPE && !isGlob(path))
      .map((path) => path + SLASH_GLOBSTAR);
    const list = this._getGlobIgnored().map(normalizeIgnored(cwd)).concat(ignored, paths);
    this._userIgnored = anymatch(list, undefined, ANYMATCH_OPTS);

  return this._userIgnored([path, stats]);
github makuga01 / dnsFookup / FE / node_modules / chokidar / index.js View on Github external
_isIgnored(path, stats) {
  if (this.options.atomic && DOT_RE.test(path)) return true;
  if (!this._userIgnored) {
    const {cwd} = this.options;
    const ign = this.options.ignored;

    const ignored = ign &&;
    const paths = arrify(ignored)
      .filter((path) => typeof path === STRING_TYPE && !isGlob(path))
      .map((path) => path + SLASH_GLOBSTAR);
    const list = this._getGlobIgnored().map(normalizeIgnored(cwd)).concat(ignored, paths);
    this._userIgnored = anymatch(list, undefined, ANYMATCH_OPTS);

  return this._userIgnored([path, stats]);
github paulmillr / chokidar / index.js View on Github external
constructor(path, watchPath, follow, fsw) {
    this.fsw = fsw;
    this.path = path = path.replace(REPLACER_RE, EMPTY_STR);
    this.watchPath = watchPath;
    this.fullWatchPath = sysPath.resolve(watchPath);
    this.hasGlob = watchPath !== path;
    /** @type {object|boolean} */
    if (path === EMPTY_STR) this.hasGlob = false;
    this.globSymlink = this.hasGlob && follow ? undefined : false;
    this.globFilter = this.hasGlob ? anymatch(path, undefined, ANYMATCH_OPTS) : false;
    this.dirParts = this.getDirParts(path);
    this.dirParts.forEach((parts) => {
      if (parts.length > 1) parts.pop();
    this.followSymlinks = follow;
    this.statMethod = follow ? STAT_METHOD_F : STAT_METHOD_L;
github paulmillr / chokidar / index.js View on Github external
return parts.every((part, i) => {
          if (part === GLOBSTAR) globstar = true;
          return globstar || !entryParts[0][i] || anymatch(part, entryParts[0][i], ANYMATCH_OPTS);
github makuga01 / dnsFookup / FE / node_modules / chokidar / index.js View on Github external
constructor(path, watchPath, follow, fsw) {
    this.fsw = fsw;
    this.path = path = path.replace(REPLACER_RE, EMPTY_STR);
    this.watchPath = watchPath;
    this.fullWatchPath = sysPath.resolve(watchPath);
    this.hasGlob = watchPath !== path;
    /** @type {object|boolean} */
    if (path === EMPTY_STR) this.hasGlob = false;
    this.globSymlink = this.hasGlob && follow ? undefined : false;
    this.globFilter = this.hasGlob ? anymatch(path, undefined, ANYMATCH_OPTS) : false;
    this.dirParts = this.getDirParts(path);
    this.dirParts.forEach((parts) => {
      if (parts.length > 1) parts.pop();
    this.followSymlinks = follow;
    this.statMethod = follow ? STAT_METHOD_F : STAT_METHOD_L;
github polakowo / datadocs / website / node_modules / chokidar / index.js View on Github external
constructor(path, watchPath, follow, fsw) {
    this.fsw = fsw;
    this.path = path = path.replace(REPLACER_RE, EMPTY_STR);
    this.watchPath = watchPath;
    this.fullWatchPath = sysPath.resolve(watchPath);
    this.hasGlob = watchPath !== path;
    /** @type {object|boolean} */
    if (path === EMPTY_STR) this.hasGlob = false;
    this.globSymlink = this.hasGlob && follow ? undefined : false;
    this.globFilter = this.hasGlob ? anymatch(path, undefined, ANYMATCH_OPTS) : false;
    this.dirParts = this.getDirParts(path);
    this.dirParts.forEach((parts) => {
      if (parts.length > 1) parts.pop();
    this.followSymlinks = follow;
    this.statMethod = follow ? STAT_METHOD_F : STAT_METHOD_L;
github kaola-fed / foxman / src / Plugins / watcher / watcher.es6 View on Github external
this.watching[type].forEach((pattern, idx) => {
            if (pattern && anymatch(pattern)(path)) {
                this.handlers[type][idx](path, event, stats);
github facebook / jest / packages / jest-haste-map / src / lib / FSEventsWatcher.ts View on Github external
) {
    if (!fsevents) {
      throw new Error(
        '`fsevents` unavailable (this watcher can only be used on Darwin)',

    super(); = || false;
    this.ignored = opts.ignored;
    this.glob = Array.isArray(opts.glob) ? opts.glob : [opts.glob];

    this.hasIgnore =
      Boolean(opts.ignored) && !(Array.isArray(opts) && opts.length > 0);
    this.doIgnore = opts.ignored ? anymatch(opts.ignored) : () => false;

    this.root = path.resolve(dir);
    this.fsEventsWatchStopper =

    this._tracked = new Set();
      (filepath: string) => {
      (filepath: string) => {


Matches strings against configurable strings, globs, regular expressions, and/or functions

Latest version published 2 years ago

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Popular anymatch functions