How to use the ansi-colors.italic function in ansi-colors

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few ansi-colors examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.

github NewFuture / miniprogram-build / bin / mp-build.js View on Github external
"use strict";
const colors = require("ansi-colors");
const config = require("../src/config");

function cb(str) { return colors.cyanBright.bold(str) }
function c(str) { return colors.greenBright.bold(str) }
function cw(str) { return colors.magentaBright.bold(str) }
function cd(str) { return colors.cyan.italic(str) }
function od(str) { return colors.italic(str) }
function odc(str) { return colors.reset.gray(str) }
function ed(str) { return colors.gray(str) }

var argv = require("yargs")
    .usage(colors.whiteBright.inverse.bold("\n> Wechat MiniProgram build tools 微信小程序编译打包工具 <\n"))
    .usage(`${colors.italic("Short Usage")} <短用法>: ${colors.bold.yellowBright("$0")} ${colors.cyanBright("[command...]")} ${colors.italic("[--option]")}`)
    .usage(`${colors.italic("Full Name")} <完整名称>: ${colors.bold.yellowBright("miniprogram-build")} ${colors.cyanBright("[命令...]")} ${colors.italic("[--选项]")}`)
    .example("$0 js js-watch"), ed("编译并监测生成js文件"))
    .example("$0 --config=mpconfig.json"), ed("指定配置文件"))
    .example("$0 --release --var.APP_ID=1234"), ed("优化编译,并替换变量{{APP_ID}}"))
    // configuration
    .config("config", od(`JSONC config file ${odc("<配置置文件,命令参数优先级高于配置>")}`), config.load)
    .alias("c", "config")
    .help("help", od(`show help ${odc("<显示帮助信息>")}`))
    .alias("h", "help")
    .describe("version", od(`show version number ${odc("<查看本版号>")}`))
    .epilog("♥ ")
        + colors.italic(colors.gray("2018 - " + new Date().getFullYear()) + colors.cyan.dim(" @NewFuture "))
        + colors.gray(" →")
        +" ♥")
github simplymemes / crunchyroll-dl / lib / bar.js View on Github external
module.exports = (percent, fps, timemark) => {
  const stream = process.stderr

  let percentStr = `${c.bold(percent)}${c.bold('%')}`
  let fpsStr = `${c.bold(fps)}${c.italic('/fps')}`
  let timemarkStr = `${c.bold(timemark)}${c.italic('/encoded')}`

  // calculate 3 dots
  let dotsCount = (Number(Number(percent).toFixed()) % 3) + 1
  let downloadingStr = `${c.bold(`Downloading${'.'.repeat(dotsCount)}`)}${' '.repeat(3 - dotsCount)}`

  let str = `${c.bold.cyan('i')} ${downloadingStr} ${percentStr} ${fpsStr} ${timemarkStr}`
github NewFuture / miniprogram-build / bin / mp-build.js View on Github external
const colors = require("ansi-colors");
const config = require("../src/config");

function cb(str) { return colors.cyanBright.bold(str) }
function c(str) { return colors.greenBright.bold(str) }
function cw(str) { return colors.magentaBright.bold(str) }
function cd(str) { return colors.cyan.italic(str) }
function od(str) { return colors.italic(str) }
function odc(str) { return colors.reset.gray(str) }
function ed(str) { return colors.gray(str) }

var argv = require("yargs")
    .usage(colors.whiteBright.inverse.bold("\n> Wechat MiniProgram build tools 微信小程序编译打包工具 <\n"))
    .usage(`${colors.italic("Short Usage")} <短用法>: ${colors.bold.yellowBright("$0")} ${colors.cyanBright("[command...]")} ${colors.italic("[--option]")}`)
    .usage(`${colors.italic("Full Name")} <完整名称>: ${colors.bold.yellowBright("miniprogram-build")} ${colors.cyanBright("[命令...]")} ${colors.italic("[--选项]")}`)
    .example("$0 js js-watch"), ed("编译并监测生成js文件"))
    .example("$0 --config=mpconfig.json"), ed("指定配置文件"))
    .example("$0 --release --var.APP_ID=1234"), ed("优化编译,并替换变量{{APP_ID}}"))
    // configuration
    .config("config", od(`JSONC config file ${odc("<配置置文件,命令参数优先级高于配置>")}`), config.load)
    .alias("c", "config")
    .help("help", od(`show help ${odc("<显示帮助信息>")}`))
    .alias("h", "help")
    .describe("version", od(`show version number ${odc("<查看本版号>")}`))
    .epilog("♥ ")
        + colors.italic(colors.gray("2018 - " + new Date().getFullYear()) + colors.cyan.dim(" @NewFuture "))
        + colors.gray(" →")
        +" ♥")
github NewFuture / miniprogram-build / bin / mp-build.js View on Github external
.usage(colors.whiteBright.inverse.bold("\n> Wechat MiniProgram build tools 微信小程序编译打包工具 <\n"))
    .usage(`${colors.italic("Short Usage")} <短用法>: ${colors.bold.yellowBright("$0")} ${colors.cyanBright("[command...]")} ${colors.italic("[--option]")}`)
    .usage(`${colors.italic("Full Name")} <完整名称>: ${colors.bold.yellowBright("miniprogram-build")} ${colors.cyanBright("[命令...]")} ${colors.italic("[--选项]")}`)
    .example("$0 js js-watch"), ed("编译并监测生成js文件"))
    .example("$0 --config=mpconfig.json"), ed("指定配置文件"))
    .example("$0 --release --var.APP_ID=1234"), ed("优化编译,并替换变量{{APP_ID}}"))
    // configuration
    .config("config", od(`JSONC config file ${odc("<配置置文件,命令参数优先级高于配置>")}`), config.load)
    .alias("c", "config")
    .help("help", od(`show help ${odc("<显示帮助信息>")}`))
    .alias("h", "help")
    .describe("version", od(`show version number ${odc("<查看本版号>")}`))
    .epilog("♥ ")
        + colors.italic(colors.gray("2018 - " + new Date().getFullYear()) + colors.cyan.dim(" @NewFuture "))
        + colors.gray(" →")
        +" ♥")
    .option("production", {
        describe: od(`production mode ${odc("<发布模式会优化压缩>")}`),
        default: process.env.NODE_ENV === "production" || process.env.NODE_ENV === "prod",
        boolean: true,
    .alias("production", "release")
    .option("src", {
        describe: od(`source folder ${odc("<源文件目录>")}`),
        default: "src",
        type: "string",
    .option("dist", {
        describe: od(`output folder ${odc("<编译输出目录>")}`),
github vialer / vialer-js / test / browser / shared / index.js View on Github external
async function step(actor, message, context = '') {
    let prefix

    prefix = actor.padEnd(7)
    if (context) context = c.italic(` <${context}>`)
    if (actor === 'alice') prefix = c.cyan(prefix)
    else if (actor === 'bob') prefix = c.magenta(prefix)
    else if (actor === 'charlie') prefix = c.yellow(prefix)
    console.log(`${prefix}${context} ${c.grey(message)}`)
    if (settings.DEBUG_MODE) {
        await utils.delay(2000)
github NewFuture / miniprogram-build / src / lib / multi-replace.js View on Github external
function logReplace(n, key, value, file) {
        typeof value === 'function' ? colors.cyan(colors.italic('Function:') + ( || '')) : colors.underline(value),
        colors.gray('(' + colors.underline(
            path.relative(file.base, file.path)
        ) + ')')
github enquirer / enquirer / examples / multiselect / choice-onChoice.js View on Github external
const enable = (choices, fn) => choices.forEach(ch => (ch.enabled = fn(ch)));

const prompt = new MultiSelect({
  name: 'food',
  message: 'What are your favorite foods?',
  choices: [
    { name: 'all',
      message: colors.italic('All'),
      onChoice(state, choice, i) {
        if (state.index === i && choice.enabled) {
          enable(state.choices, ch => !== 'none');
    { name: 'none',
      message: colors.italic('None'),
      onChoice(state, choice, i) {
        if (state.index === i) {
          if (choice.enabled) {
            enable(state.choices, ch => === 'none');
        if (state.keypress && === 'a') choice.enabled = false;
        if (state.index !== i && state.choices[state.index].enabled === true) {
          choice.enabled = false;
    { role: 'separator' },
    { name: 'lasagna', message: 'Lasagna' },
    { name: 'pizza', message: 'Pizza' },
    { name: 'chicken_curry', message: 'Chicken Curry' },
github NewFuture / miniprogram-build / bin / mp-build.js View on Github external
function od(str) { return colors.italic(str) }
function odc(str) { return colors.reset.gray(str) }


Easily add ANSI colors to your text and symbols in the terminal. A faster drop-in replacement for chalk, kleur and turbocolor (without the dependencies and rendering bugs).

Latest version published 3 years ago

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