How to use the angular-cesium.EditActions.ADD_POINT function in angular-cesium

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github articodeltd / angular-cesium / projects / demo / src / app / components / editor-layer / hippodrome-example / hippodrome-editor-example.component.ts View on Github external
this.editing$.subscribe((editUpdate: HippodromeEditUpdate) => {

      if (editUpdate.editAction === EditActions.DRAG_POINT || editUpdate.editAction === EditActions.ADD_POINT) {
        console.log('width', this.editing$.getCurrentWidth());
        console.log('positions', this.editing$.getCurrentPoints());

        // or
        console.log('width', editUpdate.width);
        console.log('positions', editUpdate.points); // cartesian3
github articodeltd / angular-cesium / projects / demo / src / app / components / editor-layer / polyline-example / polyline-editor-example.component.ts View on Github external
this.editing$.subscribe((editUpdate: PolylineEditUpdate) => {

      if (editUpdate.editAction === EditActions.ADD_POINT) {
        console.log(editUpdate.points); // point = position with id
        console.log(editUpdate.positions); // or just position
        console.log(editUpdate.updatedPosition); // added position