How to use the alloy/underscore._ function in alloy

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few alloy examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github appcelerator / titanium_mobile_windows / Examples / Corporate / src / Assets / alloy / constants.js View on Github external
var isTitanium = typeof Titanium !== 'undefined';
var _, generatePlatformArray;

if (isTitanium) {
	_ = require('alloy/underscore')._;
} else {
	var platforms = require('../../platforms/index');
	_ = require('../lib/alloy/underscore')._;

	// iterate through supported platforms to create specific constants
	generatePlatformArray = function(key) {
		var ret = [];
		_.each(_.keys(platforms), function(p) {
		return ret;

	// generate compile time constants based on supported platforms
	exports.PLATFORMS = generatePlatformArray('platform');
	exports.PLATFORM_FOLDERS_ALLOY = generatePlatformArray('alloyFolder');
github pablorr18 / TiFlexiGrid / Image Gallery Sample / Resources / android / alloy / constants.js View on Github external
var isTitanium = typeof Titanium !== 'undefined';
var _, generatePlatformArray;

if (isTitanium) {
	_ = require('alloy/underscore')._;
} else {
	var platforms = require('../../platforms/index');
	_ = require('../lib/alloy/underscore')._;

	// iterate through supported platforms to create specific constants
	generatePlatformArray = function(key) {
		var ret = [];
		_.each(_.keys(platforms), function(p) {
		return ret;

	// generate compile time constants based on supported platforms
	exports.PLATFORMS = generatePlatformArray('platform');
	exports.PLATFORM_FOLDERS_ALLOY = generatePlatformArray('alloyFolder');
github viezel / napp.alloy.adapter.restsql / sqlrest.js View on Github external
 * SQL Rest Adapter for Titanium Alloy
 * @author Mads Møller
 * @version 0.3.4
 * Copyright Napp ApS

var _ = require('alloy/underscore')._,
    Alloy = require("alloy"),
    Backbone = Alloy.Backbone,
    moment = require('alloy/moment');

// The database name used when none is specified in the
// model configuration.
var ALLOY_DB_DEFAULT = '_alloy_';
var ALLOY_ID_DEFAULT = 'alloy_id';

var cache = {
	config : {},
	Model : {},
	URL : null

// The sql-specific migration object, which is the main parameter
github pablorr18 / TiFlexiGrid / Image Gallery Sample / Resources / mobileweb / alloy / sync / localStorage.js View on Github external
        resp = model.toJSON();

      case "delete":
        delete data[];
        resp = model.toJSON();
    if (resp) {
        _.isFunction(opts.success) && opts.success(resp);
        "read" === method && model.trigger("fetch");
    } else _.isFunction(opts.error) && opts.error(resp);

var _ = require("alloy/underscore")._;

module.exports.sync = Sync;

module.exports.beforeModelCreate = function(config) {
    config = config || {}; = {};
    return config;

module.exports.afterModelCreate = function(Model) {
    Model = Model || {};
    Model.prototype.config.Model = Model;
    return Model;
github gimdongwoo / NIPA-Titanium-BoilerPlate-BaaS / app / lib / alloy / sync / restapi.js View on Github external
 * Set the ETag for the given url
 * @param {Object} url
 * @param {Object} eTag
function setETag(url, eTag) {
	if (eTag && url) {
		var obj = Ti.App.Properties.getObject("NAPP_REST_ADAPTER", {});
		obj[url] = eTag;
		Ti.App.Properties.setObject("NAPP_REST_ADAPTER", obj);

//we need underscore
var _ = require("alloy/underscore")._;

//until this issue is fixed:
var Alloy = require("alloy"), Backbone = Alloy.Backbone;

module.exports.sync = Sync;

module.exports.beforeModelCreate = function(config, name) {
	config = config || {};
	return config;

module.exports.afterModelCreate = function(Model, name) {
	Model = Model || {};
	Model.prototype.config.Model = Model;
	Model.prototype.idAttribute = Model.prototype.config.adapter.idAttribute;
github viezel / napp.alloy.adapter.restapi / restapi.js View on Github external
 * Set the ETag for the given url
 * @param {Object} url
 * @param {Object} eTag
function setETag(url, eTag) {
	if (eTag && url) {
		var obj = Ti.App.Properties.getObject("NAPP_REST_ADAPTER", {});
		obj[url] = eTag;
		Ti.App.Properties.setObject("NAPP_REST_ADAPTER", obj);

//we need underscore
var _ = require("alloy/underscore")._;

//until this issue is fixed:
var Alloy = require("alloy"), Backbone = Alloy.Backbone;

module.exports.sync = Sync;

module.exports.beforeModelCreate = function(config, name) {
	config = config || {};
	return config;

module.exports.afterModelCreate = function(Model, name) {
	Model = Model || {};
	Model.prototype.config.Model = Model;
	Model.prototype.idAttribute = Model.prototype.config.adapter.idAttribute;
github BOXOUT-THINKERS / TiOpenChat / Resources / iphone / alloy / models / Contacts.js View on Github external
var Alloy = require("alloy"), _ = require("alloy/underscore")._, model, collection;

var Q = require("q");

exports.definition = {
    config: {
        columns: {
            objectId: "text PRIMARY KEY",
            User_objectId: "text",
            User_object: "text",
            mainPhone: "text",
            User_objectId_To: "text",
            User_object_To: "text",
            firstName: "text",
            middleName: "text",
            lastName: "text",
            fullName: "text",
github moritzknecht / TiMeteor / ti.meteor / meteor.js View on Github external
var packageDir = "ti.meteor/packages/";

_ = typeof Alloy != "undefined" ? require("alloy/underscore")._ : require(packageDir + 'underscore');
Meteor = require(packageDir + 'meteor').Meteor;
var Accounts = {},
	OS_ANDROID = OS_ANDROID || Ti.Platform.osname == "android",
	Session = require(packageDir + 'reactive-dict').ReactiveDict;

require(packageDir + 'dynamics_browser');
require(packageDir + 'errors');
ServiceConfiguration = {};
ServiceConfiguration.configurations = {
	findOne:function(query) {
		return ServiceConfiguration.loginServices[query.service];
ServiceConfiguration.loginServices = {};
github hoyo / ActionBarSample / Resources / alloy / sync / properties.js View on Github external
        TAP.setObject(prefix + "-" +, model.toJSON() || {});
        resp = model.toJSON();
    } else if ("delete" === method) {
        TAP.removeProperty(prefix + "-" +;
        resp = model.toJSON();
    if (resp) {
        _.isFunction(opts.success) && opts.success(resp);
        "read" === method && model.trigger("fetch");
    } else _.isFunction(opts.error) && opts.error(resp);

var Alloy = require("alloy"), _ = require("alloy/underscore")._, TAP = Ti.App.Properties;

module.exports.sync = Sync;

module.exports.beforeModelCreate = function(config) {
    config = config || {};
    config.columns = config.columns || {};
    config.defaults = config.defaults || {};
    ("undefined" == typeof || null === && ( = "String");
    return config;
github pablorr18 / TiFlexiGrid / Image Gallery Sample / Resources / mobileweb / alloy / sync / sql.js View on Github external
_.each(config.columns, function(type, name) {
            fullStrings.push(name + " " + type);
        var colsString = colStrings.join(",");
        db.execute("ALTER TABLE " + table + " RENAME TO " + table + "_temp;");
        db.execute("CREATE TABLE " + table + "(" + fullStrings.join(",") + "," + ALLOY_ID_DEFAULT + " TEXT UNIQUE);");
        db.execute("INSERT INTO " + table + "(" + colsString + "," + ALLOY_ID_DEFAULT + ") SELECT " + colsString + ",CAST(_ROWID_ AS TEXT) FROM " + table + "_temp;");
        db.execute("DROP TABLE " + table + "_temp;");
        config.columns[ALLOY_ID_DEFAULT] = "TEXT UNIQUE";
        config.adapter.idAttribute = ALLOY_ID_DEFAULT;

var _ = require("alloy/underscore")._;

var ALLOY_DB_DEFAULT = "_alloy_";

var ALLOY_ID_DEFAULT = "alloy_id";

var cache = {
    config: {},
    Model: {}

module.exports.beforeModelCreate = function(config, name) {
    if (cache.config[name]) return cache.config[name];
    throw "No support for Titanium.Database in MobileWeb environment.";

module.exports.afterModelCreate = function(Model, name) {