How to use the actions-on-google.Button function in actions-on-google

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few actions-on-google examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github actions-on-google / actionssdk-conversation-components-nodejs / functions / index.js View on Github external
function basicCard(conv) {
  conv.ask('This is the first simple response for a basic card.');
  conv.ask(new Suggestions(intentSuggestions));
  conv.ask(new BasicCard({
    text: `This is a basic card.  Text in a basic card can include "quotes" and
    most other unicode characters including emoji 📱.  Basic cards also support
    some markdown formatting like *emphasis* or _italics_, **strong** or
    __bold__, and ***bold itallic*** or ___strong emphasis___ as well as other
    things like line  \nbreaks`, // Note the two spaces before '\n' required for
                                // a line break to be rendered in the card.
    subtitle: 'This is a subtitle',
    title: 'Title: this is a title',
    buttons: new Button({
      title: 'This is a button',
      url: '',
    image: new Image({
      url: IMG_URL_AOG,
      alt: 'Image alternate text',
  conv.ask(new SimpleResponse({
    speech: 'This is the second simple response.',
    text: 'This is the 2nd simple response.',
github actions-on-google / actions-on-google-nodejs / samples / ts / app / facts-about-google / functions / src / index.ts View on Github external
  const { factPrefix } = categoryResponse
  // conv.ask can be called multiple times to have the library construct a single response itself
  // the response will get sent at the end of the function
  // or if the function returns a promise, after the promise is resolved
  conv.ask(new SimpleResponse({
    speech: concat(factPrefix, fact),
    text: factPrefix,
  conv.ask(new BasicCard({
    title: fact,
    image: random(responses.content.images),
    buttons: new Button({
      title: responses.general.linkOut,
github actions-on-google / dialogflow-conversation-components-nodejs / actions-sdk / functions / index.js View on Github external
'phone surface in the simulator.');
  conv.ask('This is the first simple response for a basic card.');
  conv.ask(new Suggestions(intentSuggestions));
  // Create a basic card
  conv.ask(new BasicCard({
    text: `This is a basic card.  Text in a basic card can include "quotes" and
    most other unicode characters including emoji 📱.  Basic cards also support
    some markdown formatting like *emphasis* or _italics_, **strong** or
    __bold__, and ***bold itallic*** or ___strong emphasis___ as well as other
    things like line  \nbreaks`, // Note the two spaces before '\n' required for
                                // a line break to be rendered in the card.
    subtitle: 'This is a subtitle',
    title: 'Title: this is a title',
    buttons: new Button({
      title: 'This is a button',
      url: '',
    image: new Image({
      url: IMG_URL_AOG,
      alt: 'Image alternate text',
  conv.ask(new SimpleResponse({
    speech: 'This is the second simple response.',
    text: 'This is the 2nd simple response.',
github PinkyJie / google-actions-github-bot / functions / src / actions.ts View on Github external
function goToNextRepo(conv: CONV_TYPE) {
    const data = as UserData;
    const { repositories, period } = data;
    data.currentIndex += 1;
    const nextRepo = repositories[data.currentIndex];

    const greetingMsg =
        data.currentIndex === 0
            ? getRepoStartMessage(data.language, data.period)
            : getRandomMessage(PROMPTS.REPOSITORY_NEXT_ONE);

    const cardItem = new BasicCard({
        title: `${} / ${}`,
        subtitle: `Stars: ${nextRepo.stars}`,
        text: nextRepo.description,
        buttons: new Button({
            title: 'Read more on Github',
            url: nextRepo.href,

    // if next one is the last one
    if (data.currentIndex === repositories.length - 1) {
                getRepoParagraph(nextRepo, period),
    } else {
github actions-on-google / actions-on-google-nodejs / samples / js / app / facts-about-google / functions / index.js View on Github external
return conv.ask(responses.general.suggestions.confirmation)
  const { factPrefix, audio } = responses.cats
  // conv.ask can be called multiple times to have the library construct a single response itself.
  // The response will get sent at the end of the function
  // or if the function returns a promise, after the promise is resolved.
  const sound = util.format(audio, random(responses.cats.sounds))
  conv.ask(new SimpleResponse({
    ssml: `${concat(factPrefix, sound, fact)}`,
    text: factPrefix,
  conv.ask(new BasicCard({
    title: fact,
    image: random(responses.cats.images),
    buttons: new Button({
      title: responses.general.linkOut,
github actions-on-google / actionssdk-updates-nodejs / functions / aog-webhook.js View on Github external
function renderTip(conv, tip) {
  if (!tip) {
    return conv.ask(MSG_NO_TIP);
    new BasicCard({
      text: tip.tip,
      buttons: new Button({
        title: 'Learn More!',
        url: tip.url,
github AngularFirebase / 105-google-assistant-quick-start / functions / src / index.ts View on Github external
app.intent('Get Latest Episode', async (conv) => {
    const data = await scrapePage();
    conv.close(new SimpleResponse({ 
        text: `Last episode was ${data.title}`,
        speech: `The last video was episode ${data.episode}. ${data.title}. It's description goes like this: ${data.description}`,
    conv.close(new BasicCard({
        title: 'Watch the latest Episode',
        image: new Image({ 
            url: '',
            alt: 'AngularFirebase Logo' 
        buttons: new Button({
            title: 'Watch',
            url: '',
github actions-on-google / dialogflow-iosched-nodejs / functions / prompts / menu / common.js View on Github external
const buttons = [];
  if (getMoment(session.startTimestamp).isAfter( {
    buttons.push(new Button({
      title: buttonText || 'Add to my schedule',
      url: `${}`,
  } else if (getMoment(session.startTimestamp).isBefore( &&
    getMoment(session.endTimestamp).isAfter( &&
    session.livestream) {
      buttons.push(new Button({
        title: 'Watch live',
        url: session.youtubeUrl,
  } else if (session.livestream) {
    buttons.push(new Button({
      title: 'Watch the recording',
      url: session.youtubeUrl,

  return {
    'presentSession': {
      'firstTime/repeat': {
        'screen': [
            'elements': [
                new BasicCard({
                  title: session.title,
                  subtitle: `${getMoment(session.startTimestamp).format('ddd MMM D h:mmA')} / ${session.roomName}`,
github ferdelamad / dialogflow-firebase-restaurant-bot / functions / handlers.js View on Github external
const restaurantInfo = conv => {
    "We are located on 944 Market st, San Francisco. You can reach us at (123) 456 6524. \n We are open from Monday to Saturday, from 9 am to 5 pm. \n"
    new BasicCard({
      text: `We are locate at 📍__944 Market st__, San Francisco.  \nOur phone number is: 📱 (123) 345 6789`,
      subtitle: "A little bit about our restaurant",
      title: "Restaurant information",
      buttons: new Button({
        title: "Visit our website!",
        url: ""
      image: new Image({
        alt: "Image alternate text"
      display: "CROPPED"
  conv.ask(new Suggestions(listOfOptions));