How to use acorn-node - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few acorn-node examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github peterqliu / threebox / node_modules / undeclared-identifiers / index.js View on Github external
properties: true,
    wildcard: false
  }, opts)

  var state = {
    undeclared: {},
    undeclaredProps: {},
    identifiers: opts.identifiers,
    wildcard: opts.wildcard

  // Parse if `src` is not already an AST.
  var ast = typeof src === 'object' && src !== null && typeof src.type === 'string'
    ? src
    : acorn.parse(src)

  var parents = []
  dash(ast, {
    enter: function (node, parent) {
      if (parent) parents.push(parent)
      var visit = scopeVisitor[node.type]
      if (visit) visit(node, state, parents)
    leave: function (node, parent) {
      var visit = bindingVisitor[node.type]
      if (visit) visit(node, state, parents)
      if (parent) parents.pop()

  return {
github browserify / detective / index.js View on Github external
function parse (src, opts) {
    if (!opts) opts = {};
    var acornOpts = {
        ranges: defined(opts.ranges, opts.range),
        locations: defined(opts.locations, opts.loc),
        allowReserved: defined(opts.allowReserved, true),
        allowImportExportEverywhere: defined(opts.allowImportExportEverywhere, false)

    // Use acorn-node's defaults for the rest.
    if (opts.ecmaVersion != null) acornOpts.ecmaVersion = opts.ecmaVersion;
    if (opts.sourceType != null) acornOpts.sourceType = opts.sourceType;
    if (opts.allowHashBang != null) acornOpts.allowHashBang = opts.allowHashBang;
    if (opts.allowReturnOutsideFunction != null) acornOpts.allowReturnOutsideFunction = opts.allowReturnOutsideFunction;

    return acorn.parse(src, acornOpts);
github goto-bus-stop / split-require / plugin.js View on Github external
function onwrite (row, enc, cb) {
    if (mayContainSplitRequire(row.source)) {
      var ast = acorn.parse(row.source)
      row.transformable = transformAst(row.source, { ast: ast })
      detectSplitRequireCalls(ast, function (node) {
        if (node.parent.type === 'CallExpression' && node.parent.callee === node) {
          processSplitRequire(row, node.parent)
      }, function (node) {
        // Mark the thing we imported as the runtime row.
        var importPath = getStringValue(node.arguments[0])
        runtimeId = row.deps[importPath]
        if (rowsById[runtimeId]) {
          runtimeRow = rowsById[runtimeId]

    if (runtimeId && String( === String(runtimeId)) {
github browserify / browser-unpack / index.js View on Github external
module.exports = function (src) {
    // If src is a Buffer, esprima will just stringify it, so we beat them to
    // the punch. This avoids the problem where we're using esprima's range
    // indexes -- which are meant for a UTF-16 string -- in a buffer that
    // contains UTF-8 encoded text.
    if (typeof src !== 'string') {
        src = String(src);

    var ast = parse(src, { range: true });

    ast.body = ast.body.filter(function(node) {
        return node.type !== 'EmptyStatement';

    if (ast.body.length !== 1) return;
    if (ast.body[0].type !== 'ExpressionStatement') return;
    if (ast.body[0].expression.type === 'UnaryExpression') {
        var body = ast.body[0].expression.argument;
    } else if (ast.body[0].expression.type === 'AssignmentExpression') {
        var body = ast.body[0].expression.right;
    } else {
        var body = ast.body[0].expression;

    if (body.type !== 'CallExpression') return;
github browserify / detective / find-fast.js View on Github external
if (state !== ST_INSIDE_CALL && token.type === {
            state = ST_MEMBER_EXPRESSION;
        } else if (state === ST_NONE && token.type === && mayBeRequire(token)) {
            state = ST_SAW_NAME;
            opener = token;
        } else if (state === ST_SAW_NAME && token.type === acorn.tokTypes.parenL) {
            state = ST_INSIDE_CALL;
            args = [];
        } else if (state === ST_INSIDE_CALL) {
            if (token.type === acorn.tokTypes.parenR) { // End of fn() call
                if (args.length === 1 && args[0].type === acorn.tokTypes.string) {
                } else if (args.length === 3 // A template string without any expressions
                          && args[0].type === acorn.tokTypes.backQuote
                          && args[1].type === acorn.tokTypes.template
                          && args[2].type === acorn.tokTypes.backQuote) {
                } else if (args.length > 0) {
                    modules.expressions.push(src.slice(args[0].start, args[args.length - 1].end));

                if (opts.nodes) {
                    // Cut `src` at the end of this call, so that parseExpressionAt doesn't consider the `.abc` in
                    // `require('xyz').abc`
                    var chunk = src.slice(0, token.end);
                    var node = acorn.parseExpressionAt(chunk, opener.start, opts.parse);

                state = ST_NONE;
            } else {
github browserify / detective / find-fast.js View on Github external
    function (token) { return token.type === acorn.tokTypes.num || token.type === acorn.tokTypes.string; }, // 0
    function (token) { return token.type === acorn.tokTypes.colon; }, // :
github browserify / detective / find-fast.js View on Github external
if (args.length === 1 && args[0].type === acorn.tokTypes.string) {
                } else if (args.length === 3 // A template string without any expressions
                          && args[0].type === acorn.tokTypes.backQuote
                          && args[1].type === acorn.tokTypes.template
                          && args[2].type === acorn.tokTypes.backQuote) {
                } else if (args.length > 0) {
                    modules.expressions.push(src.slice(args[0].start, args[args.length - 1].end));

                if (opts.nodes) {
                    // Cut `src` at the end of this call, so that parseExpressionAt doesn't consider the `.abc` in
                    // `require('xyz').abc`
                    var chunk = src.slice(0, token.end);
                    var node = acorn.parseExpressionAt(chunk, opener.start, opts.parse);

                state = ST_NONE;
            } else {
        } else if (REQUIRE_REDEF_PATTERN[0](token)) {
            state = ST_REDEF_PATTERN;
            redefIndex = 1;
        } else {
            state = ST_NONE;
    return modules;
github browserify / detective / find-fast.js View on Github external
module.exports = function findFast(src, opts) {
    if (!opts) opts = {};
    if (typeof src !== 'string') src = String(src);
    if (opts.word === undefined) opts.word = 'require';

    var tokenizer = acorn.tokenizer(src, opts.parse);
    var token;
    var state = ST_NONE;
    // Current index in the require redefinition pattern.
    var redefIndex = 0;
    // Block scope depth when require was redefined. This is used to match the
    // correct } with the opening { after the redefining function parameter list.
    var redefDepth = 0;

    var opener;
    var args = [];

    var modules = { strings: [], expressions: [] };
    if (opts.nodes) modules.nodes = [];

    while ((token = tokenizer.getToken()) && token.type !== acorn.tokTypes.eof) {
        if (state === ST_REDEFINED) {
github goto-bus-stop / split-require / plugin.js View on Github external
function onend (cb) {
    if (!mayContainSplitRequire(source)) {

    if (this.listenerCount('dep') === 0) {
      throw new Error('split-require requires browserify v16 or up')

    var self = this
    var ast = acorn.parse(source)
    detectSplitRequireCalls(ast, function (node) {
      if (node.parent.type === 'CallExpression') {
        var arg = node.parent.arguments[0]
        self.emit('dep', arg.value)

github browserify / detective / index.js View on Github external
function visit(node, st, c) {
        var hasRequire = wordRe.test(src.slice(node.start, node.end));
        if (!hasRequire) return;
        walk.base[node.type](node, st, c);
        if (node.type !== 'CallExpression') return;
        if (isRequire(node)) {
            if (node.arguments.length) {
                var arg = node.arguments[0];
                if (arg.type === 'Literal') {
                else if (arg.type === 'TemplateLiteral'
                        && arg.quasis.length === 1
                        && arg.expressions.length === 0) {

                else {
                    modules.expressions.push(src.slice(arg.start, arg.end));


the acorn javascript parser, preloaded with plugins for syntax parity with recent node versions

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