How to use @wordpress/url - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @wordpress/url examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github google / site-kit-wp / tests / e2e / config / bootstrap.js View on Github external
function observeRestRequest( req ) {
	if ( req.url().match( 'wp-json' ) ) {
		// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
		console.log( '>>>', req.method(), req.url(), req.postData() );
	if ( req.url().match( 'google-site-kit/v1/data/' ) ) {
		const rawBatchRequest = getQueryArg( req.url(), 'request' );
		try {
			const batchRequests = JSON.parse( rawBatchRequest );
			if ( Array.isArray( batchRequests ) ) {
				batchRequests.forEach( ( r ) => {
					// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
					console.log( '>>>', r.key, );
				} );
		} catch {}
github getblocklab / block-lab / tests / e2e / config / setup-test-framework.js View on Github external
export async function trashExistingPosts( postType = 'post' ) {
	await switchUserToAdmin();
	// Visit `/wp-admin/edit.php` so we can see a list of posts and delete them.
	const query = addQueryArgs( '', {
		post_type: postType,
	} ).slice( 1 );
	await visitAdminPage( 'edit.php', query );

	// If this selector doesn't exist there are no posts for us to delete.
	const bulkSelector = await page.$( '#bulk-action-selector-top' );
	if ( ! bulkSelector ) {

	// Select all posts.
	await page.waitForSelector( '[id^=cb-select-all-]' );
	await '[id^=cb-select-all-]' );
	// Select the "bulk actions" > "trash" option.
	await '#bulk-action-selector-bottom', 'trash' );
	// Submit the form to send all draft/scheduled/published posts to the trash.
github WordPress / gutenberg / packages / block-library / src / image / edit.native.js View on Github external
componentDidMount() {
		const { attributes, setAttributes } = this.props;

		// This will warn when we have `id` defined, while `url` is undefined.
		// This may help track this issue:
		// where a cancelled image upload was resulting in a subsequent crash.
		if ( && ! attributes.url ) {
			// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
			console.warn( 'Attributes has id with no url.' );

		if ( && attributes.url && ! isURL( attributes.url ) ) {
			if ( attributes.url.indexOf( 'file:' ) === 0 ) {
				requestMediaImport( attributes.url, ( mediaId, mediaUri ) => {
					if ( mediaUri ) {
						setAttributes( { url: mediaUri, id: mediaId } );
				} );
github Automattic / vip-go-mu-plugins-built / jetpack / extensions / shared / components / stripe-nudge / index.jsx View on Github external
export default ( { blockName, postId, stripeConnectUrl } ) => {
	if ( ! isURL( stripeConnectUrl ) ) {
		return null;

	let url = stripeConnectUrl;

	if ( postId ) {
		try {
			const state = getQueryArg( stripeConnectUrl, 'state' );
			const decodedState = JSON.parse( atob( state ) );
			decodedState.from_editor_post_id = postId;
			url = addQueryArgs( stripeConnectUrl, { state: btoa( JSON.stringify( decodedState ) ) } );
		} catch ( err ) {
			if ( process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ) {
				console.error( err ); // eslint-disable-line no-console

	return (
github WordPress / gutenberg / packages / format-library / src / link / utils.js View on Github external
if ( ! isValidProtocol( protocol ) ) {
			return false;

		// Add some extra checks for http(s) URIs, since these are the most common use-case.
		// This ensures URIs with an http protocol have exactly two forward slashes following the protocol.
		if ( startsWith( protocol, 'http' ) && ! /^https?:\/\/[^\/\s]/i.test( trimmedHref ) ) {
			return false;

		const authority = getAuthority( trimmedHref );
		if ( ! isValidAuthority( authority ) ) {
			return false;

		const path = getPath( trimmedHref );
		if ( path && ! isValidPath( path ) ) {
			return false;

		const queryString = getQueryString( trimmedHref );
		if ( queryString && ! isValidQueryString( queryString ) ) {
			return false;

		const fragment = getFragment( trimmedHref );
		if ( fragment && ! isValidFragment( fragment ) ) {
			return false;

	// Validate anchor links.
github WordPress / gutenberg / packages / format-library / src / link / utils.js View on Github external
export function isValidHref( href ) {
	if ( ! href ) {
		return false;

	const trimmedHref = href.trim();

	if ( ! trimmedHref ) {
		return false;

	// Does the href start with something that looks like a URL protocol?
	if ( /^\S+:/.test( trimmedHref ) ) {
		const protocol = getProtocol( trimmedHref );
		if ( ! isValidProtocol( protocol ) ) {
			return false;

		// Add some extra checks for http(s) URIs, since these are the most common use-case.
		// This ensures URIs with an http protocol have exactly two forward slashes following the protocol.
		if ( startsWith( protocol, 'http' ) && ! /^https?:\/\/[^\/\s]/i.test( trimmedHref ) ) {
			return false;

		const authority = getAuthority( trimmedHref );
		if ( ! isValidAuthority( authority ) ) {
			return false;

		const path = getPath( trimmedHref );
github WordPress / gutenberg / packages / format-library / src / link / utils.js View on Github external

	// Does the href start with something that looks like a URL protocol?
	if ( /^\S+:/.test( trimmedHref ) ) {
		const protocol = getProtocol( trimmedHref );
		if ( ! isValidProtocol( protocol ) ) {
			return false;

		// Add some extra checks for http(s) URIs, since these are the most common use-case.
		// This ensures URIs with an http protocol have exactly two forward slashes following the protocol.
		if ( startsWith( protocol, 'http' ) && ! /^https?:\/\/[^\/\s]/i.test( trimmedHref ) ) {
			return false;

		const authority = getAuthority( trimmedHref );
		if ( ! isValidAuthority( authority ) ) {
			return false;

		const path = getPath( trimmedHref );
		if ( path && ! isValidPath( path ) ) {
			return false;

		const queryString = getQueryString( trimmedHref );
		if ( queryString && ! isValidQueryString( queryString ) ) {
			return false;

		const fragment = getFragment( trimmedHref );
		if ( fragment && ! isValidFragment( fragment ) ) {
github WordPress / gutenberg / packages / format-library / src / link / utils.js View on Github external
// This ensures URIs with an http protocol have exactly two forward slashes following the protocol.
		if ( startsWith( protocol, 'http' ) && ! /^https?:\/\/[^\/\s]/i.test( trimmedHref ) ) {
			return false;

		const authority = getAuthority( trimmedHref );
		if ( ! isValidAuthority( authority ) ) {
			return false;

		const path = getPath( trimmedHref );
		if ( path && ! isValidPath( path ) ) {
			return false;

		const queryString = getQueryString( trimmedHref );
		if ( queryString && ! isValidQueryString( queryString ) ) {
			return false;

		const fragment = getFragment( trimmedHref );
		if ( fragment && ! isValidFragment( fragment ) ) {
			return false;

	// Validate anchor links.
	if ( startsWith( trimmedHref, '#' ) && ! isValidFragment( trimmedHref ) ) {
		return false;

	return true;
github WordPress / gutenberg / packages / format-library / src / link / utils.js View on Github external
// Does the href start with something that looks like a URL protocol?
	if ( /^\S+:/.test( trimmedHref ) ) {
		const protocol = getProtocol( trimmedHref );
		if ( ! isValidProtocol( protocol ) ) {
			return false;

		// Add some extra checks for http(s) URIs, since these are the most common use-case.
		// This ensures URIs with an http protocol have exactly two forward slashes following the protocol.
		if ( startsWith( protocol, 'http' ) && ! /^https?:\/\/[^\/\s]/i.test( trimmedHref ) ) {
			return false;

		const authority = getAuthority( trimmedHref );
		if ( ! isValidAuthority( authority ) ) {
			return false;

		const path = getPath( trimmedHref );
		if ( path && ! isValidPath( path ) ) {
			return false;

		const queryString = getQueryString( trimmedHref );
		if ( queryString && ! isValidQueryString( queryString ) ) {
			return false;

		const fragment = getFragment( trimmedHref );
		if ( fragment && ! isValidFragment( fragment ) ) {
			return false;
github WordPress / gutenberg / packages / format-library / src / link / utils.js View on Github external
return false;

		// Add some extra checks for http(s) URIs, since these are the most common use-case.
		// This ensures URIs with an http protocol have exactly two forward slashes following the protocol.
		if ( startsWith( protocol, 'http' ) && ! /^https?:\/\/[^\/\s]/i.test( trimmedHref ) ) {
			return false;

		const authority = getAuthority( trimmedHref );
		if ( ! isValidAuthority( authority ) ) {
			return false;

		const path = getPath( trimmedHref );
		if ( path && ! isValidPath( path ) ) {
			return false;

		const queryString = getQueryString( trimmedHref );
		if ( queryString && ! isValidQueryString( queryString ) ) {
			return false;

		const fragment = getFragment( trimmedHref );
		if ( fragment && ! isValidFragment( fragment ) ) {
			return false;

	// Validate anchor links.
	if ( startsWith( trimmedHref, '#' ) && ! isValidFragment( trimmedHref ) ) {