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it( 'v1.0.0 row block content should be compatible', async () => {
await setPostContent( rowContent100 );
// Row blocks should be successfully inserted
expect( await page.$$( '[data-type="wp-bootstrap-blocks/row"]' ) ).toHaveLength( 2 );
expect( await page.$$( '[data-type="wp-bootstrap-blocks/column"]' ) ).toHaveLength( 4 );
expect( await getEditedPostContent() ).toMatchSnapshot();
await testVersion100RowFeatures();
expect( console ).toHaveWarned();
} );
it( 'v1.1.0 row block content should be compatible', async () => {
await setPostContent( rowContent110 );
// Row blocks should be successfully inserted
expect( await page.$$( '[data-type="wp-bootstrap-blocks/row"]' ) ).toHaveLength( 3 );
expect( await page.$$( '[data-type="wp-bootstrap-blocks/column"]' ) ).toHaveLength( 6 );
expect( await getEditedPostContent() ).toMatchSnapshot();
await testVersion100RowFeatures();
await testVersion110RowFeatures();
expect( console ).toHaveWarned();
} );
it( 'v1.4.0 column block content should be compatible', async () => {
await setPostContent( rowContent140 );
await testVersion100ColumnFeatures();
await testVersion110ColumnFeatures();
await testVersion140ColumnFeatures();
expect( console ).toHaveWarned();
} );
} );