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export function encodeMutability(v) {
var byte = constants.globalTypesByString[v];
if (typeof byte === "undefined") {
throw new Error("Unknown mutability: " + v);
return parseInt(byte, 10);
export function encodeUTF8Vec(str) {
export function encodeMutability(v) {
var byte = constants.globalTypesByString[v];
if (typeof byte === "undefined") {
throw new Error("Unknown mutability: " + v);
return parseInt(byte, 10);
export function encodeUTF8Vec(str) {
export function encodeMutability(v: Mutability): Byte {
const byte = constants.globalTypesByString[v];
if (typeof byte === "undefined") {
throw new Error("Unknown mutability: " + v);
return parseInt(byte, 10);