How to use @webassemblyjs/helper-api-error - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @webassemblyjs/helper-api-error examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github zc910704 / Vue.js-personal-note / www / day6.1.webpack的url-loader与babel / node_modules / @webassemblyjs / wasm-parser / lib / decoder.js View on Github external
dump([funcLocalNum], "num locals");
      var locals = [];

      for (var _i = 0; _i < funcLocalNum; _i++) {
        var localCountU32 = readU32();
        var localCount = localCountU32.value;
        dump([localCount], "num local");
        var valtypeByte = readByte();
        var type = _helperWasmBytecode.default.valtypes[valtypeByte];
        dump([valtypeByte], type);

        if (typeof type === "undefined") {
          throw new _helperApiError.CompileError("Unexpected valtype: " + toHex(valtypeByte));
      } // Decode instructions until the end

      code.unshift.apply(code, _toConsumableArray( (l) {
        return t.instruction("local", [t.valtypeLiteral(l)]);
      var endLoc = getPosition();
        code: code,
        locals: locals,
        endLoc: endLoc,
        startLoc: startLoc,
        bodySize: bodySizeU32.value
github maxdenaro / maxgraph-youtube-source / JS-плагины №7. Новое подключение swiper.js через npm / node_modules / @webassemblyjs / wasm-parser / lib / decoder.js View on Github external
var valtypeByte = readByte();
    var type = _helperWasmBytecode.default.valtypes[valtypeByte];
    dump([valtypeByte], type);

    if (typeof type === "undefined") {
      throw new _helperApiError.CompileError("Unknown valtype: " + toHex(valtypeByte));

    var globalTypeByte = readByte();
    var globalType = _helperWasmBytecode.default.globalTypes[globalTypeByte];
    dump([globalTypeByte], "global type (".concat(globalType, ")"));

    if (typeof globalType === "undefined") {
      throw new _helperApiError.CompileError("Invalid mutability: " + toHex(globalTypeByte));

    return t.globalType(type, globalType);
  } // function parseNameModule() {
  //   const lenu32 = readVaruint32();
github xtuc / webassemblyjs / packages / wasm-parser / src / decoder.js View on Github external
const type = constants.valtypes[valtypeByte];
        const args = [];

        for (let i = 0; i < localCount; i++) {

        const localNode = WITH_LOC(t.instruction("local", args), startLoc);


        dump([valtypeByte], type);

        if (typeof type === "undefined") {
          throw new CompileError("Unexpected valtype: " + toHex(valtypeByte));


      // Decode instructions until the end

      const endLoc = getPosition();


github maxdenaro / maxgraph-youtube-source / JS-плагины №7. Новое подключение swiper.js через npm / node_modules / @webassemblyjs / wasm-parser / lib / decoder.js View on Github external
return t.withLoc(t.callInstruction(t.indexLiteral(index)), endLoc, _startLoc6);

        instructionAlreadyCreated = true;
      } else if ( === "call_indirect") {
        var _startLoc10 = getPosition();

        var indexU32 = readU32();
        var typeindex = indexU32.value;
        dump([typeindex], "type index");
        var signature = state.typesInModule[typeindex];

        if (typeof signature === "undefined") {
          throw new _helperApiError.CompileError("call_indirect signature not found (".concat(typeindex, ")"));

        var _callNode = t.callIndirectInstruction(t.signature(signature.params, signature.result), []);

        var flagU32 = readU32();
        var flag = flagU32.value; // 0x00 - reserved byte


        if (flag !== 0) {
          throw new _helperApiError.CompileError("zero flag expected");

        code.push(function () {
          var endLoc = getPosition();
          return t.withLoc(_callNode, endLoc, _startLoc10);
github zc910704 / Vue.js-personal-note / www / day6.1.webpack的url-loader与babel / node_modules / @webassemblyjs / wasm-parser / lib / decoder.js View on Github external
function parseDataSection(numberOfElements) {
    var dataEntries = [];
    dump([numberOfElements], "num elements");

    for (var i = 0; i < numberOfElements; i++) {
      var memoryIndexu32 = readU32();
      var memoryIndex = memoryIndexu32.value;
      dump([memoryIndex], "memory index");
      var instrs = [];

      if (instrs.length !== 1) {
        throw new _helperApiError.CompileError("data section offset must be a single instruction");

      var bytes = parseVec(function (b) {
        return b;
      dump([], "init");
      dataEntries.push(, instrs[0], t.byteArray(bytes)));

    return dataEntries;
  } //
github M0nica / React-Ladies / node_modules / @webassemblyjs / wasm-parser / lib / decoder.js View on Github external
dump([length], "number");

    if (length === 0) {
      return [];

    var elements = [];

    for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
      var byte = readByte();
      var value = cast(byte);
      dump([byte], value);

      if (typeof value === "undefined") {
        throw new _helperApiError.CompileError("Internal failure: parseVec could not cast the value");


    return elements;
  } // Type section
github johandb / svg-drawing-tool / node_modules / @webassemblyjs / wasm-parser / lib / decoder.js View on Github external
id = t.numberLiteralFromRaw(index, String(index));
        signature = null;
      } else if (_helperWasmBytecode.default.exportTypes[typeIndex] === "Mem") {
        var memNode = state.memoriesInModule[index];

        if (typeof memNode === "undefined") {
          throw new _helperApiError.CompileError("entry not found at index ".concat(index, " in memory section"));

        id = t.numberLiteralFromRaw(index, String(index));
        signature = null;
      } else if (_helperWasmBytecode.default.exportTypes[typeIndex] === "Global") {
        var global = state.globalsInModule[index];

        if (typeof global === "undefined") {
          throw new _helperApiError.CompileError("entry not found at index ".concat(index, " in global section"));

        id = t.numberLiteralFromRaw(index, String(index));
        signature = null;
      } else {
        console.warn("Unsupported export type: " + toHex(typeIndex));

      var endLoc = getPosition();
        name: name.value,
        type: _helperWasmBytecode.default.exportTypes[typeIndex],
        signature: signature,
        id: id,
        index: index,
github zc910704 / Vue.js-personal-note / www / day6.1.webpack的url-loader与babel / node_modules / @webassemblyjs / wasm-parser / lib / decoder.js View on Github external
id = t.numberLiteralFromRaw(index, String(index));
        signature = null;
      } else if (_helperWasmBytecode.default.exportTypes[typeIndex] === "Mem") {
        var memNode = state.memoriesInModule[index];

        if (typeof memNode === "undefined") {
          throw new _helperApiError.CompileError("entry not found at index ".concat(index, " in memory section"));

        id = t.numberLiteralFromRaw(index, String(index));
        signature = null;
      } else if (_helperWasmBytecode.default.exportTypes[typeIndex] === "Global") {
        var global = state.globalsInModule[index];

        if (typeof global === "undefined") {
          throw new _helperApiError.CompileError("entry not found at index ".concat(index, " in global section"));

        id = t.numberLiteralFromRaw(index, String(index));
        signature = null;
      } else {
        console.warn("Unsupported export type: " + toHex(typeIndex));

      var endLoc = getPosition();
        name: name.value,
        type: _helperWasmBytecode.default.exportTypes[typeIndex],
        signature: signature,
        id: id,
        index: index,
github xtuc / webassemblyjs / packages / wasm-parser / src / decoder.js View on Github external
if (length === 0) {
      return [];

    const elements = [];

    for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
      const byte = readByte();

      const value = cast(byte);

      dump([byte], value);

      if (typeof value === "undefined") {
        throw new CompileError(
          "Internal failure: parseVec could not cast the value"


    return elements;
github maxdenaro / maxgraph-youtube-source / JS-плагины №7. Новое подключение swiper.js через npm / node_modules / @webassemblyjs / wasm-parser / esm / decoder.js View on Github external
var typeIndex = readByte();
      dump([typeIndex], "export kind");
      var indexu32 = readU32();
      var index = indexu32.value;
      dump([index], "export index");
      var id = void 0,
          signature = void 0;

      if (constants.exportTypes[typeIndex] === "Func") {
        var func = state.functionsInModule[index];

        if (typeof func === "undefined") {
          throw new CompileError("unknown function (".concat(index, ")"));

        id = t.numberLiteralFromRaw(index, String(index));
        signature = func.signature;
      } else if (constants.exportTypes[typeIndex] === "Table") {
        var table = state.tablesInModule[index];

        if (typeof table === "undefined") {
          throw new CompileError("unknown table ".concat(index));

        id = t.numberLiteralFromRaw(index, String(index));
        signature = null;
      } else if (constants.exportTypes[typeIndex] === "Mem") {
        var memNode = state.memoriesInModule[index];


Common API errors

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