How to use @turf/truncate - 1 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @turf/truncate examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github Turfjs / turf / packages / turf-line-split / index.js View on Github external
function lineSplit(line, splitter) {
    if (!line) throw new Error('line is required');
    if (!splitter) throw new Error('splitter is required');

    var lineType = getType(line);
    var splitterType = getType(splitter);

    if (lineType !== 'LineString') throw new Error('line must be LineString');
    if (splitterType === 'FeatureCollection') throw new Error('splitter cannot be a FeatureCollection');
    if (splitterType === 'GeometryCollection') throw new Error('splitter cannot be a GeometryCollection');

    // remove excessive decimals from splitter
    // to avoid possible approximation issues in rbush
    var truncatedSplitter = truncate(splitter, {precision: 7});

    switch (splitterType) {
    case 'Point':
        return splitLineWithPoint(line, truncatedSplitter);
    case 'MultiPoint':
        return splitLineWithPoints(line, truncatedSplitter);
    case 'LineString':
    case 'MultiLineString':
    case 'Polygon':
    case 'MultiPolygon':
        return splitLineWithPoints(line, lineIntersect(line, truncatedSplitter));


turf truncate module

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