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const clickSequence = this.getClickSequence();
if (!selectedGeometry) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console,no-undef
console.warn('A polygon must be selected for splitting');
return editAction;
const pt = {
type: 'Point',
coordinates: clickSequence[clickSequence.length - 1]
const isPointInPolygon = booleanPointInPolygon(pt, selectedGeometry);
if (clickSequence.length > 1 && tentativeFeature && !isPointInPolygon) {
const isLineInterectingWithPolygon = lineIntersect(tentativeFeature, selectedGeometry);
if (isLineInterectingWithPolygon.features.length === 0) {
return editAction;
return this.splitPolygon();
return editAction;
for (var i = 0; i < coords.length - 1; i++) {
var start = point(coords[i]); = distance(pt, start, options);
var stop = point(coords[i + 1]); = distance(pt, stop, options);
// sectionLength
var sectionLength = distance(start, stop, options);
var heightDistance = Math.max(,;
var direction = bearing(start, stop);
var perpendicularPt1 = destination(pt, heightDistance, direction + 90, options);
var perpendicularPt2 = destination(pt, heightDistance, direction - 90, options);
var intersect = lineIntersects(
lineString([perpendicularPt1.geometry.coordinates, perpendicularPt2.geometry.coordinates]),
lineString([start.geometry.coordinates, stop.geometry.coordinates])
var intersectPt = null;
if (intersect.features.length > 0) {
intersectPt = intersect.features[0]; = distance(pt, intersectPt, options); = length + distance(start, intersectPt, options);
if ( < {
closestPt = start; = i; = length;
if ( < {
if (splitterType === 'GeometryCollection') throw new Error('splitter cannot be a GeometryCollection');
// remove excessive decimals from splitter
// to avoid possible approximation issues in rbush
var truncatedSplitter = truncate(splitter, {precision: 7});
switch (splitterType) {
case 'Point':
return splitLineWithPoint(line, truncatedSplitter);
case 'MultiPoint':
return splitLineWithPoints(line, truncatedSplitter);
case 'LineString':
case 'MultiLineString':
case 'Polygon':
case 'MultiPolygon':
return splitLineWithPoints(line, lineIntersect(line, truncatedSplitter));
function doLineStringAndPolygonCross(lineString, polygon: Polygon) {
const line: any = polygonToLine(polygon);
const doLinesIntersect = lineIntersect(lineString, line);
if (doLinesIntersect.features.length > 0) {
return true;
return false;
function isLineInPoly(polygon: Polygon, lineString: LineString) {
for (const coord of lineString.coordinates) {
if (booleanPointInPolygon(coord, polygon)) {
return true;
const doLinesIntersect = lineIntersect(lineString, polygonToLine(polygon));
if (doLinesIntersect.features.length > 0) {
return true;
return false;
if (olSlicer.getCoordinates().length > 2) {
throw new GeometrySliceLineStringError();
const olGeoJSON = new OlGeoJSON();
const slicer = olGeoJSON.writeGeometryObject(olSlicer);
const outerCoordinates = olPolygon.getLinearRing(0).getCoordinates();
const parts = [[], []];
let totalIntersectionCount = 0;
for (let i = 0, ii = outerCoordinates.length - 1; i < ii; i++) {
const segmentCoordinates = [outerCoordinates[i], outerCoordinates[i + 1]];
const segment = lineString(segmentCoordinates);
const intersections = lineIntersect(segment, slicer).features;
const intersectionCount = intersections.length;
totalIntersectionCount += intersectionCount;
if (intersectionCount > 1 || totalIntersectionCount > 2) {
throw new GeometrySliceTooManyIntersectionError();
if (intersectionCount === 1) {
const intersection = intersections[0].geometry.coordinates;
function isLineOnLine(lineString1: LineString, lineString2: LineString) {
const doLinesIntersect = lineIntersect(lineString1, lineString2);
if (doLinesIntersect.features.length > 0) {
return true;
return false;
street_layers.eachLayer(function(street_layer) {
status_update("Removing superfluous units from streets. Checking street " + i + " of " + street_layers.count() + "...");
let street_feature = street_layer.feature;
for (let unit_feature of processed_unit_features) {
let intersection_exists = lineIntersect(street_feature, unit_feature).features.length > 0;
if (intersection_exists) {
processed_unit_features.splice(processed_unit_features.indexOf(unit_feature), 1, null);
processed_unit_features = processed_unit_features.filter(feature => feature === null ? false : true);
function verifyFeature(geometry, boundingBox) {
try {
if (geometry.type == 'Point') {
return geometry;
} else if (geometry.type == 'LineString') {
var intersect = LineIntersect(geometry, boundingBox.toGeoJSON().geometry);
if (intersect.features.length) {
return geometry;
} else if (BooleanWithin(geometry, boundingBox.toGeoJSON().geometry)) {
return geometry;
} else if (geometry.type == 'Polygon') {
var polyIntersect = Intersect(geometry, boundingBox.toGeoJSON().geometry);
if (polyIntersect) {
return geometry;
} else if (BooleanWithin(geometry, boundingBox.toGeoJSON().geometry)) {
return geometry;
} catch (e) {}
street_layers.eachLayer(function(street_layer) {
let street_feature = street_layer.feature;
for (let unit_feature of processed_unit_features) {
let intersection_exists = lineIntersect(street_feature, unit_feature).features.length > 0;
if (intersection_exists) {
processed_unit_features.splice(processed_unit_features.indexOf(unit_feature), 1, null);
processed_unit_features = processed_unit_features.filter(feature => feature === null ? false : true);