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function rhumbDistance(from: Coord, to: Coord, options: {
units?: Units,
} = {}): number {
const origin = getCoord(from);
const destination = getCoord(to);
// compensate the crossing of the 180th meridian (
// solution from
destination[0] += (destination[0] - origin[0] > 180) ? -360 : (origin[0] - destination[0] > 180) ? 360 : 0;
const distanceInMeters = calculateRhumbDistance(origin, destination);
const distance = convertLength(distanceInMeters, "meters", options.units);
return distance;
options = options || {};
var steps = options.steps || 64;
var units = options.units || 'kilometers';
var angle = options.angle || 0;
var pivot = options.pivot || center;
var properties = || || {};
// validation
if (!center) throw new Error('center is required');
if (!xSemiAxis) throw new Error('xSemiAxis is required');
if (!ySemiAxis) throw new Error('ySemiAxis is required');
if (!isObject(options)) throw new Error('options must be an object');
if (!isNumber(steps)) throw new Error('steps must be a number');
if (!isNumber(angle)) throw new Error('angle must be a number');
var centerCoords = getCoord(center);
if (units === 'degrees') {
var angleRad = degreesToRadians(angle);
} else {
xSemiAxis = rhumbDestination(center, xSemiAxis, 90, {units: units});
ySemiAxis = rhumbDestination(center, ySemiAxis, 0, {units: units});
xSemiAxis = getCoord(xSemiAxis)[0] - centerCoords[0];
ySemiAxis = getCoord(ySemiAxis)[1] - centerCoords[1];
var coordinates = [];
for (var i = 0; i < steps; i += 1) {
var stepAngle = i * -360 / steps;
var x = ((xSemiAxis * ySemiAxis) / Math.sqrt(Math.pow(ySemiAxis, 2) + (Math.pow(xSemiAxis, 2) * Math.pow(getTanDeg(stepAngle), 2))));
var y = ((xSemiAxis * ySemiAxis) / Math.sqrt(Math.pow(xSemiAxis, 2) + (Math.pow(ySemiAxis, 2) / Math.pow(getTanDeg(stepAngle), 2))));
if (stepAngle < -90 && stepAngle >= -270) x = -x;
return totalBounds;
if (!totalBounds) {
totalBounds = new LngLatBounds(coordinates[0], coordinates[0]);
totalBounds = coordinates.reduce(function(bounds, coord) {
return bounds.extend(coord);
}, totalBounds);
return totalBounds;
const coordinates = getCoord(data);
return createBoundsFromCoordinates(coordinates, totalBounds);
const r: number = angle * Math.PI / 180;
const sin: number = Math.sin(r);
const cos: number = Math.cos(r);
beginX = averageX - lenOfLine / 2 * cos;
beginY = averageY - lenOfLine / 2 * sin;
endX = averageX + lenOfLine / 2 * cos;
endY = averageY + lenOfLine / 2 * sin;
return [
[beginX, beginY],
[endX, endY],
} else {
const end = destination(point(centroidOfLine), lenOfLine / 2, angle, { units: "meters" });
const begin = destination(point(centroidOfLine), -lenOfLine / 2, angle, { units: "meters" });
return [
getCoord(begin), getCoord(end),
function resolveElevationProfilePointsViaApi(
) {
const totalDistanceInKm = turfLength(trackGeojson);
const delta = Math.min(0.1, totalDistanceInKm / (window.innerWidth / 2));
const elevationProfilePoints = [];
for (let dist = 0; dist <= totalDistanceInKm; dist += delta) {
const [lon, lat] = getCoord(turfAlong(trackGeojson, dist));
elevationProfilePoints.push({ lat, lon, distance: dist * 1000 });
const pid = Math.random();
const source = axios.CancelToken.source();
cancelled$.subscribe(() => {
`${process.env.API_URL}/geotools/elevation`,{ lat, lon }) => [lat, lon]),
validateStatus: status => status === 200,
cancelToken: source.token,
export function geometry(start: Location, end: Location, bearing: number): Geometry {
const id = 'NxPFkg4CrzHeFhwV7Uiq7K'
const coords = [getCoord(start), getCoord(end)]
const properties = {
fromIntersectionId: '5gRJyF2MT5BBErTyEesQLC',
toIntersectionId: 'N38a21UGykpnqxwez7NGS3',
forwardReferenceId: '2Vw2XzW4cs7r32RLhQnqwA',
backReferenceId: 'VXKSEokmvBJ81XHYhUronG',
roadClass: getRoadClass(3),
return lineString(coords, properties, {id})
export function pNormDistance(feature1: Feature, feature2: Feature, p: number = 2): number {
let coordinate1 = getCoord(feature1);
let coordinate2 = getCoord(feature2);
let xDiff = coordinate1[0] - coordinate2[0];
let yDiff = coordinate1[1] - coordinate2[1];
if (p == 1) {
return Math.abs(xDiff) + Math.abs(yDiff);
return Math.pow((Math.pow(xDiff, p) + Math.pow(yDiff, p)), 1 / p);
export function intersection(pt: Location): Intersection {
const coord = getCoord(pt)
const id = '5gRJyF2MT5BBErTyEesQLC'
const properties = {
osmNodeId: 42460951,
outboundSegmentIds: ['6mjqqv7YNsp4541DmrrRbV', 'jwwKcUvHuCw6GJJAT3mDQ', '2Vw2XzW4cs7r32RLhQnqwA'],
inboundSegmentIds: ['VmSkhzGKoEc767w98x35La', 'VXKSEokmvBJ81XHYhUronG', 'B7RPzs3hb1cSXqYcAKmUhE'],
return point(coord, properties, {id})
_sum = featureReduce(output, (prev, current) => {
w = isWeighted ? ([weight] || 0) : 1,
c = getCoord(current).map((a, i) => Math.pow(w * a - m[i], 2));
return, i) => a + c[i]);
}, [0, 0]),
degDist = Math.sqrt((_sum[0] + _sum[1]) / pointsCount);