How to use the @turf/center.default function in @turf/center

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @turf/center examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github sharedstreets / sharedstreets-road-closure-ui / src / components / road-closure-map / index.tsx View on Github external
viewport: {
    } = this.state;

    const mapboxInitConfig: any = {
      center: [longitude, latitude],
      container: 'SHST-Road-Closure-Map',
      style: 'mapbox://styles/mapbox/light-v9',
    if (AppExtent && AppExtent.length === 4) {
      mapboxInitConfig.bounds = AppExtent; = center(bboxPolygon(AppExtent)).geometry.coordinates;
      mapboxInitConfig.zoom = 10;
    this.mapContainer = new mapboxgl.Map(mapboxInitConfig);

    this.mapContainer.on('move', this.handleMapMove);
    this.mapContainer.on('mousemove', () => {
      // set pointer style to crosshair when isDrawing is toggled
      this.mapContainer.getCanvas().style.cursor = this.state.isDrawing ? 'crosshair' : '';
    this.mapContainer.on('click', this.handleMapClick);
    this.mapContainer.on('mousemove', this.handleShowPossibleDirections)
      new mapboxgl.NavigationControl()
      new MapboxGeocoder({
github geosolutions-it / MapStore2 / web / client / utils / AnnotationsUtils.js View on Github external
createGeometryFromGeomFunction: (ft) => {
        let type = geometryFunctions[] && geometryFunctions[].type || ft.geometry.type;
        let coordinates = ft.geometry.coordinates || [];
        switch ( ) {
        case "startPoint": coordinates = head(coordinates); break;
        case "endPoint": coordinates = last(coordinates); break;
        case "centerPoint": coordinates = turfCenter(ft).geometry.coordinates; break;
        default: break;
        return {type, coordinates};


turf center module

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Popular @turf/center functions