How to use @turf/buffer - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @turf/buffer examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github mapseed / platform / src / base / static / utils / geo.js View on Github external
const getBufferFeature = (placeGeometry, bufferOptions) => {
  try {
    return buffer(placeGeometry, bufferOptions.distance, {
      units: bufferOptions.units,
  } catch (e) {
    // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
    Mixpanel.track("Error", {
      message: "unable to perform getBufferFeature",
      error: e,

    return null;
github geomoose / gm3 / src / gm3 / jsts.js View on Github external
export function bufferAndUnion(features, meters) {
    let geometry = null;

    for(let i = 0, ii = features.length; i < ii; i++) {
        // buffer the geometry.
        const g = turf_buffer(features[i], meters, {units: 'meters'});

        // if the output geometry is still null, then set the
        //  first member to the new geometry
        if(geometry === null) {
            geometry = g;
        // otherwise buffer it.
        } else {
            geometry = turf_union(geometry, g);

    return geometry.geometry;
github uber / / modules / main / src / lib / deck-renderer / deck-drawer.js View on Github external
polygon: selPolygon,
        lineColor: POLYGON_LINE_COLOR,
        fillColor: POLYGON_FILL_COLOR
    } else if (this.usePolygon && this.landPoints.length) {
        polygon: this.landPoints,
        lineColor: POLYGON_LINE_COLOR,
        fillColor: POLYGON_FILL_COLOR

      // Hack: use a polygon to hide the outside, because pickObjects()
      // does not support polygons
      if (this.landPoints.length >= 3) {
        const landPointsPoly = polygon([[...this.landPoints, this.landPoints[0]]]);
        const bigBuffer = turfBuffer(point(this.landPoints[0]), EXPANSION_KM);
        let bigPolygon;
        try {
          // turfDifference throws an exception if the polygon
          // intersects with itself
          bigPolygon = turfDifference(bigBuffer, landPointsPoly);
            polygon: bigPolygon.geometry.coordinates,
            fillColor: [0, 0, 0, 1]
          this.validPolygon = true;
        } catch (e) {
          // invalid selection polygon
          this.validPolygon = false;
github Turfjs / turf / packages / turf-kernel_density / index.js View on Github external
featureEach(output, current => {
            area = buffer(current, sr),
            ptsWithin = pointsWithinPolygon(output, area);
        // the initial value of -1 is on purpose to disregard the point itself. = featureReduce(ptsWithin, prev => prev + 1, -1);
    return output;
github benjamintd / / src / components / Map.js View on Github external
moveTo(location, zoom) {
    if (!location) return;
    if (location.bbox) {
      // We have a bbox to fit to
      const distance = turfDistance(
        [location.bbox[0], location.bbox[1]],
        [location.bbox[2], location.bbox[3]]
      const buffered = turfBuffer(
        distance / 2,
      const bbox = turfBbox(buffered);
      try {, { linear: true });
      } catch (e) {, { linear: true });
    } else {
      // We just have a point{
        center: location.geometry.coordinates,
        zoom: zoom || 16
github noncomputable / AgentMaps / src / agents.js View on Github external

	let goal_layer = this.agentmap.units.getLayer( || this.agentmap.streets.getLayer(;
	//If the goal isn't unanchored, see if it's a street or a unit and schedule the agent appropriately.
	if (goal_layer) {
		let goal_coords = L.A.pointToCoordinateArray(goal_lat_lng);
		//Buffering so that points on the perimeter, like the door, are captured. 
		//Also expands street lines into thin polygons (booleanPointInPolygon requires polys).
		//Might be more efficient to generate the door so that it's slightly inside the area.
		let goal_polygon = buffer(goal_layer.toGeoJSON(), .001);
		if (booleanPointInPolygon(goal_coords, goal_polygon)) {
			if (start_place.type === "unit" && goal_place.type === "unit" && === {
				this.setTravelInUnit(goal_lat_lng, goal_place, speed);
			//Move to the street if it's starting at a unit and its goal is elsewhere.
			else if (start_place.type === "unit") {
				let start_unit_door = this.agentmap.getUnitDoor(;
				start_unit_door.new_place = start_place,
				start_unit_door.speed = speed;
				let start_unit_street_id = this.agentmap.units.getLayer(,
				start_unit_street_point = this.agentmap.getStreetNearDoor(;
				start_unit_street_point.new_place = { type: "street", id: start_unit_street_id },
github sharedstreets / sharedstreets-js / src / tile_index.ts View on Github external
if(searchType === TileType.GEOMETRY)
        else if(searchType === TileType.INTERSECTION)
            throw "invalid search type must be GEOMETRY or INTERSECTION"

        if(additionalTypes) {
            for(var type of additionalTypes) {

        await this.indexTilesByPathGroup(tilePaths);

        var bufferedPoint:turfHelpers.Feature = buffer(point, searchRadius, {'units':'meters'});
        var data:turfHelpers.FeatureCollection 
        if(searchType === TileType.GEOMETRY)
            data =;
        else if(searchType === TileType.INTERSECTION)
            data =;

        return data;
github uber / / modules / main / src / lib / deck-renderer / deck-drawer.js View on Github external
_makeStartPointHighlight(center: [number, number]): number[] {
    const buffer = turfBuffer(point(center), POLYGON_THRESHOLD / 4.0);
    return turfBboxPolygon(turfBbox(buffer)).geometry.coordinates;
github geomoose / gm3 / src / gm3 / jsts.js View on Github external
export function buffer(feature, meters) {
    return turf_buffer(feature, meters, {units: 'meters'}).geometry;
github terrestris / ol-util / src / GeometryUtil / GeometryUtil.js View on Github external
static addBuffer(geometry, radius = 0, projection = 'EPSG:3857') {
    if (radius === 0) {
      return geometry;
    const geoJsonFormat = new OlFormatGeoJSON({
      dataProjection: 'EPSG:4326',
      featureProjection: projection
    const geoJson = geometry instanceof OlFeature
      ? geoJsonFormat.writeFeatureObject(geometry)
      : geoJsonFormat.writeGeometryObject(geometry);
    const buffered = buffer(geoJson, radius, {
      units: 'meters'
    if (geometry instanceof OlFeature) {
      return geoJsonFormat.readFeature(buffered);
    } else {
      return geoJsonFormat.readGeometry(buffered.geometry);


turf buffer module

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