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featureEach(, function (match) {
if (doesOverlaps === false) {
var coordsSegment = getCoords(segment).sort();
var coordsMatch: any = getCoords(match).sort();
// Segment overlaps feature
if (equal(coordsSegment, coordsMatch)) {
doesOverlaps = true;
// Overlaps already exists - only append last coordinate of segment
if (overlapSegment) overlapSegment = concatSegment(overlapSegment, segment);
else overlapSegment = segment;
// Match segments which don't share nodes (Issue #901)
} else if (
(tolerance === 0) ?
booleanPointOnLine(coordsSegment[0], match) && booleanPointOnLine(coordsSegment[1], match) :
nearestPointOnLine(match, coordsSegment[0]).properties.dist <= tolerance &&
nearestPointOnLine(match, coordsSegment[1]).properties.dist <= tolerance) {
doesOverlaps = true;
if (overlapSegment) overlapSegment = concatSegment(overlapSegment, segment);
else overlapSegment = segment;
} else if (
(tolerance === 0) ?
booleanPointOnLine(coordsMatch[0], segment) && booleanPointOnLine(coordsMatch[1], segment) :
nearestPointOnLine(segment, coordsMatch[0]).properties.dist <= tolerance &&
nearestPointOnLine(segment, coordsMatch[1]).properties.dist <= tolerance) {
// Do not define (doesOverlap = true) since more matches can occur within the same segment
// doesOverlaps = true;
if (overlapSegment) overlapSegment = concatSegment(overlapSegment, match);
else overlapSegment = match;
doesOverlaps = true;
// Overlaps already exists - only append last coordinate of segment
if (overlapSegment) overlapSegment = concatSegment(overlapSegment, segment);
else overlapSegment = segment;
// Match segments which don't share nodes (Issue #901)
} else if (
(tolerance === 0) ?
booleanPointOnLine(coordsSegment[0], match) && booleanPointOnLine(coordsSegment[1], match) :
nearestPointOnLine(match, coordsSegment[0]).properties.dist <= tolerance &&
nearestPointOnLine(match, coordsSegment[1]).properties.dist <= tolerance) {
doesOverlaps = true;
if (overlapSegment) overlapSegment = concatSegment(overlapSegment, segment);
else overlapSegment = segment;
} else if (
(tolerance === 0) ?
booleanPointOnLine(coordsMatch[0], segment) && booleanPointOnLine(coordsMatch[1], segment) :
nearestPointOnLine(segment, coordsMatch[0]).properties.dist <= tolerance &&
nearestPointOnLine(segment, coordsMatch[1]).properties.dist <= tolerance) {
// Do not define (doesOverlap = true) since more matches can occur within the same segment
// doesOverlaps = true;
if (overlapSegment) overlapSegment = concatSegment(overlapSegment, match);
else overlapSegment = match;
function checkRingsForSpikesPunctures(geom) {
for (var i = 0; i < geom.length - 1; i++) {
var point = geom[i]
for (var ii = i + 1; ii < geom.length - 2; ii++) {
var seg = [geom[ii], geom[ii + 1]]
if (isPointOnLine(point, lineString(seg))) return true
return false
var type2 = geom2.type;
switch (type1) {
case 'Point':
switch (type2) {
case 'LineString':
return isPointOnLineEnd(geom1, geom2);
case 'MultiLineString':
var foundTouchingPoint = false
for (var ii = 0; ii < geom2.coordinates.length; ii++) {
if (isPointOnLineEnd(geom1, {type: 'LineString', coordinates: geom2.coordinates[ii]})) foundTouchingPoint = true;
return foundTouchingPoint
case 'Polygon':
for (var i = 0; i < geom2.coordinates.length; i++) {
if (booleanPointOnLine(geom1, {type:'LineString', coordinates: geom2.coordinates[i]})) return true;
return false
case 'MultiPolygon':
for (var i = 0; i < geom2.coordinates.length; i++) {
for (var ii = 0; ii < geom2.coordinates[i].length; ii++) {
if (booleanPointOnLine(geom1, {type:'LineString', coordinates: geom2.coordinates[i][ii]})) return true;
return false;
throw new Error('feature2 ' + type2 + ' geometry not supported');
case 'MultiPoint':
switch (type2) {
case 'LineString':
var foundTouchingPoint = false;
function isLineOnLine(lineString1, lineString2) {
for (var i = 0; i < lineString1.coordinates.length; i++) {
if (!booleanPointOnLine(lineString1.coordinates[i], lineString2)) {
return false;
return true;
function isLineOnLine(lineString1, lineString2) {
for (var i = 0; i < lineString1.coordinates.length; i++) {
if (!booleanPointOnLine(lineString1.coordinates[i], lineString2)) {
return false;
return true;
throw new Error("feature2 " + type2 + " geometry not supported");
case "MultiPoint":
switch (type2) {
case "Point":
return isPointInMultiPoint(geom1, geom2);
case "MultiPoint":
return isMultiPointInMultiPoint(geom1, geom2);
throw new Error("feature2 " + type2 + " geometry not supported");
case "LineString":
switch (type2) {
case "Point":
return isPointOnLine(geom2, geom1, {ignoreEndVertices: true});
case "LineString":
return isLineOnLine(geom1, geom2);
case "MultiPoint":
return isMultiPointOnLine(geom1, geom2);
throw new Error("feature2 " + type2 + " geometry not supported");
case "Polygon":
switch (type2) {
case "Point":
return booleanPointInPolygon(geom2, geom1, {ignoreBoundary: true});
case "LineString":
return isLineInPoly(geom1, geom2);
case "Polygon":
return isPolyInPoly(geom1, geom2);
case "MultiPoint":
export function isMultiPointOnLine(lineString: LineString, multiPoint: MultiPoint) {
let haveFoundInteriorPoint = false;
for (const coord of multiPoint.coordinates) {
if (isPointOnLine(coord, lineString, {ignoreEndVertices: true})) {
haveFoundInteriorPoint = true;
if (!isPointOnLine(coord, lineString)) {
return false;
if (haveFoundInteriorPoint) {
return true;
return false;
function isMultiPointOnLine(multiPoint, lineString) {
var foundInsidePoint = false;
for (var i = 0; i < multiPoint.coordinates.length; i++) {
if (!booleanPointOnLine(multiPoint.coordinates[i], lineString)) {
return false;
if (!foundInsidePoint) {
foundInsidePoint = booleanPointOnLine(multiPoint.coordinates[i], lineString, {ignoreEndVertices: true});
return foundInsidePoint;