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//HACK -- we can't use "this" as a variable name, so we're going to
//find an available replacement name, and then modify the context
//and expression appropriately
let pseudoThis = "_this";
while (pseudoThis in context) {
pseudoThis = "_" + pseudoThis;
//in addition to pseudoThis, which replaces this, we also have
//pseudoPseudoThis, which replaces pseudoThis in order to ensure
//that any uses of pseudoThis yield an error instead of showing this
let pseudoPseudoThis = "thereisnovariableofthatname";
while (pseudoPseudoThis in context) {
pseudoPseudoThis = "_" + pseudoPseudoThis;
context = DebugUtils.cleanThis(context, pseudoThis);
let expr = raw.replace(
//those characters in [] are the legal JS variable name characters
//note that pseudoThis contains no special characters
new RegExp("(?