How to use the @truffle/codec/utils.EVM function in @truffle/codec

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github trufflesuite / truffle / packages / codec / lib / read / constant.ts View on Github external
export function readDefinition(definition: AstDefinition): Uint8Array {

  debug("definition %o", definition);

    case "rational":
      let numericalValue: BN = CodecUtils.Definition.rationalValue(definition);
      return CodecUtils.Conversion.toBytes(numericalValue, CodecUtils.EVM.WORD_SIZE);
      //you may be wondering, why do we not just use definition.value here,
      //like we do below? answer: because if this isn't a literal, that may not
    case "stringliteral":
      return CodecUtils.Conversion.toBytes(definition.hexValue);
      //unfortunately, other types of constants are just too complicated to
      //handle right now.  sorry.
      debug("unsupported constant definition type");
      throw new DecodingError(
          kind: "UnsupportedConstantError",
github trufflesuite / truffle / packages / codec / lib / read / stack.ts View on Github external
export function readStack(stack: Uint8Array[], from: number, to: number): Uint8Array {
  if(from < 0 || to >= stack.length) {
    throw new DecodingError(
        kind: "ReadErrorStack",
  //unforunately, Uint8Arrays don't support concat; if they did the rest of
  //this would be one line.  Or similarly if they worked with lodash's flatten,
  //but they don't support that either.  But neither of those are the case, so
  //we'll have to concatenate a bit more manually.
  let words = stack.slice(from, to + 1);
  let result = new Uint8Array(words.length * CodecUtils.EVM.WORD_SIZE);
    //shouldn't we total up the lengths? yeah, but each one should have a
    //length of 32, so unless somehting's gone wrong we can just multiply
  for(let index = 0; index < words.length; index++) {
    result.set(words[index], index * CodecUtils.EVM.WORD_SIZE);
  return result;
github trufflesuite / truffle / packages / codec / lib / read / stack.ts View on Github external
kind: "ReadErrorStack",
  //unforunately, Uint8Arrays don't support concat; if they did the rest of
  //this would be one line.  Or similarly if they worked with lodash's flatten,
  //but they don't support that either.  But neither of those are the case, so
  //we'll have to concatenate a bit more manually.
  let words = stack.slice(from, to + 1);
  let result = new Uint8Array(words.length * CodecUtils.EVM.WORD_SIZE);
    //shouldn't we total up the lengths? yeah, but each one should have a
    //length of 32, so unless somehting's gone wrong we can just multiply
  for(let index = 0; index < words.length; index++) {
    result.set(words[index], index * CodecUtils.EVM.WORD_SIZE);
  return result;
github trufflesuite / truffle / packages / codec / lib / read / bytes.ts View on Github external
export function read(memory: Uint8Array, offset: number) {
  return readBytes(memory, offset, CodecUtils.EVM.WORD_SIZE);