How to use the @tensorflow/tfjs-node.squeeze function in @tensorflow/tfjs-node

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @tensorflow/tfjs-node examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github loretoparisi / tensorflow-node-examples / lstm-text-generator / index.js View on Github external
// Encode the current input sequence as a one-hot Tensor.
        const inputBuffer =
            new tf.TensorBuffer([1, sampleLen, charSetSize]);

        // Make the one-hot encoding of the seeding sentence.
        for (let i = 0; i < sampleLen; ++i) {
            inputBuffer.set(1, 0, i, sentenceIndices[i]);
        const input = inputBuffer.toTensor();

        // Call model.predict() to get the probability values of the next
        // character.
        const output = model.predict(input);

        // Sample randomly based on the probability values.
        const winnerIndex = sample(tf.squeeze(output), temperature);
        const winnerChar = textData.getFromCharSet(winnerIndex);
        if (onTextGenerationChar != null) {

        generated += winnerChar;
        sentenceIndices = sentenceIndices.slice(1);

        // Memory cleanups.
    return generated;
github bobiblazeski / js-gym / dist / agents.node.js View on Github external
const action = tf.tidy(() => {
      let action = tf.squeeze([state])));
      if (train) {
        const noise = softmax(this.noise.sample());        
        action = action.mul(1-this.epsilon).add(tf.mul(noise, this.epsilon));
      return action;
    const data = await;