Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
componentDidShow () {}
componentDidHide () {}
componentDidCatchError () {}
// 在 App 类中的 render() 函数没有实际作用
// 请勿修改此函数
render () {
return (
Taro.render(, document.getElementById('app'))
componentDidShow () {}
componentDidHide () {}
componentDidCatchError () {}
// 在 App 类中的 render() 函数没有实际作用
// 请勿修改此函数
render () {
return (
Taro.render(, document.getElementById('app'))
// componentDidShow () {
// }
// componentDidHide () {
// }
render () {
return (
Taro.render(, document.getElementById('app'))
componentCatchError () {}
componentDidCatchError () {}
// 在 App 类中的 render() 函数没有实际作用
// 请勿修改此函数
render () {
return (
Taro.render(, document.getElementById('app'))
componentDidMount () {}
componentDidShow () {}
componentDidHide () {}
componentCatchError () {}
render () {
return (
Taro.render(, document.getElementById('app'))
window: {
backgroundTextStyle: 'light',
navigationBarBackgroundColor: '#fff',
navigationBarTitleText: 'V2EX',
navigationBarTextStyle: 'black'
render () {
return (
Taro.render(, document.getElementById('app'))
componentDidMount () {}
componentDidShow () {}
componentDidHide () {}
componentCatchError () {}
render () {
Taro.render(, document.getElementById('app'))
pagePath: 'pages/account/account',
render() {
return (
Taro.render(, document.getElementById('app'));
componentDidMount() {}
componentDidShow() {}
componentDidHide() {}
componentCatchError() {}
render() {
return ;
Taro.render(, document.getElementById("app"));
navigationBarBackgroundColor: '#fff',
navigationBarTitleText: 'WeChat',
navigationBarTextStyle: 'black'
render() {
return (
Taro.render(, document.getElementById('app'));