How to use the @tarojs/taro-h5.PureComponent function in @tarojs/taro-h5

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github NervJS / taro / packages / taro-components / src / components / canvas / index.js View on Github external
 * Canvas组件参数
 * @typedef CanvasProps
 * @property {String} [canvasId=canvas] 组件的唯一标识符
 * @property {Boolean} [disableScroll=false] 当在 canvas 中移动时且有绑定手势事件时,禁止屏幕滚动以及下拉刷新
 * @property {EventHandle} onTouchstart 手指触摸动作开始
 * @property {EventHandle} onTouchmove 手指触摸后移动
 * @property {EventHandle} onTouchend 手指触摸动作结束
 * @property {EventHandle} onTouchcancel 手指触摸动作被打断,如来电提醒,弹窗
 * @property {EventHandle} onLongtap 手指长按 500ms 之后触发,触发了长按事件后进行移动不会触发屏幕的滚动
 * @property {EventHandle} onError 当发生错误时触发 error 事件,detail = {errMsg: 'something wrong'}

class Canvas extends Taro.PureComponent {
  /** @type {CanvasProps} */
  static defaultProps = {
    canvasId: '',
    disableScroll: false,
    onError: null

  /** @type {CanvasProps} */
  width = 300
  height = 150
  getWrapRef = ref => {
    if (ref) this.wrapDom = ref
  getCanvasRef = ref => {
    if (ref) this.canvasRef = ref