How to use @storybook/theming - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @storybook/theming examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github storybookjs / storybook / addons / knobs / src / components / __tests__ / Panel.js View on Github external
it('should have no tabs when there are no groupIds', () => {
      // Unfortunately, a shallow render will not invoke the render() function of the groups --
      // it thinks they are unnamed function components (what they effectively are anyway).
      // We have to do a full mount.

      const root = mount(

        knobs: {
          foo: {
            name: 'foo',
            defaultValue: 'test',
            used: true,
            // no groupId
          bar: {
            name: 'bar',
            defaultValue: 'test2',
            used: true,
github storybookjs / storybook / lib / ui / src / components / panel / panel.js View on Github external
import React, { Component, Fragment } from 'react';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import { styled } from '@storybook/theming';
import { Tabs, Icons, IconButton } from '@storybook/components';

const DesktopOnlyIconButton = styled(IconButton)({
  // Hides full screen icon at mobile breakpoint defined in app.js
  '@media (max-width: 599px)': {
    display: 'none',

class SafeTab extends Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = { hasError: false };

  componentDidCatch(error, info) {
    this.setState({ hasError: true });
    // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
    console.error(error, info);
github storybookjs / storybook / lib / components / src / PropTable / PropTable.js View on Github external
return input;
  const text = String(input);
  const arrayOfText = text.split(/\r?\n|\r/g);
  const isSingleLine = arrayOfText.length < 2;
  return isSingleLine
    ? text
    :, i) => (
        // eslint-disable-next-line react/no-array-index-key
          {i &gt; 0 &amp;&amp; <br>} {lineOfText}

const Table = styled.table({
  width: '100%',
  textAlign: 'left',
  borderCollapse: 'collapse',
  borderLeft: '0px',
  borderRight: '0px',
const Thead = styled.thead(({ theme }) =&gt; ({
  textTransform: 'capitalize',
  color: '#ffffff', // theme.color.textInverseColor,
  backgroundColor: theme.color.darkest,
const Tbody = styled.tbody();
const Th ={
  paddingTop: '.5rem',
  paddingBottom: '.5rem',
github storybookjs / storybook / lib / ui / src / components / sidebar / SidebarSubheading.tsx View on Github external
import React from 'react';
import { transparentize } from 'polished';
import { styled } from '@storybook/theming';

export type SubheadingProps = React.ComponentProps&lt;'div'&gt;;

const Subheading = styled.div(({ theme }) =&gt; ({
  letterSpacing: '0.35em',
  textTransform: 'uppercase',
  fontSize: theme.typography.size.s1 - 1,
  lineHeight: '24px',
  color: transparentize(0.5, theme.color.defaultText),

// issue #6098
Subheading.defaultProps = {
  className: 'sidebar-subheading',

export default Subheading;
github commercetools / merchant-center-application-kit / packages / application-components / .storybook / config.js View on Github external
import { addParameters, configure, addDecorator } from '@storybook/react';
import { create } from '@storybook/theming';
import IntlDecorator from './decorators/intl';

  options: {
    theme: create({
      base: 'light',
      brandTitle: 'Application Kit',
      // To control appearance:
    isFullScreen: false,
    panelPosition: 'right',
    showNav: true,
    showPanel: true,
    sortStoriesByKind: false,
    hierarchySeparator: /\//,
    hierarchyRootSeparator: /\|/,
github exivity / ui / docs / config.js View on Github external
import { addDecorator, addParameters, configure } from '@storybook/react'
import { create } from '@storybook/theming'
import { CanvasDecorator } from '../src/utils/tests/decorators/CanvasDecorator'
import { ThemeDecorator } from '../src/utils/tests/decorators/ThemeDecorator'
import requireContext from 'require-context.macro'

// Our own decorators

// Add options
  options: {
    theme: create({
      base: 'light',
      brandTitle: '@exivity/ui',
      brandUrl: '',
      brandImage: 'logo.svg',
    panelPosition: 'right',
    isFullscreen: false,

// Automatically import all files ending in *.stories.js
const docs = requireContext('../docs', true, /.stories.(js|tsx)$/)
const src = requireContext('../src', true, /.stories.(js|tsx)$/)

function loadStories () {
  docs.keys().forEach(filename => docs(filename))
github elastic / kibana / x-pack / plugins / canvas / .storybook / config.js View on Github external
const css = require.context(
  css.keys().forEach(filename => css(filename));

  // Find all files ending in *.examples.ts
  const req = require.context('./..', true, /.examples.tsx$/);
  req.keys().forEach(filename => req(filename));

// Set up the Storybook environment with custom settings.
  options: {
    theme: create({
      base: 'light',
      brandTitle: 'Canvas Storybook',
      brandUrl: '',
    showPanel: true,
    isFullscreen: false,
    panelPosition: 'bottom',
    isToolshown: true,

configure(loadStories, module);
github tuchk4 / storybook-readme / packages / example-vue / .storybook / config.js View on Github external
import Vue from 'vue';
import { configure, addDecorator, addParameters } from '@storybook/vue';
import { addReadme } from 'storybook-readme/vue';
import { themes, create } from '@storybook/theming';

const basicTheme = create({
  base: 'light',
  brandTitle: 'README addon',
  brandUrl: '',
  brandImage: null,

  options: {
    showPanel: true,
    panelPosition: 'right',
    theme: basicTheme,
    // theme: themes.dark,
  readme: {
    // You can set the global code theme here.
    codeTheme: 'github',
github commercetools / ui-kit / .storybook / config.js View on Github external
import { addParameters, configure, addDecorator } from '@storybook/react';
import { withContexts } from '@storybook/addon-contexts/react';
import { addReadme } from 'storybook-readme';
import { withA11y } from '@storybook/addon-a11y';
import { create } from '@storybook/theming';
import { contexts } from './configs/contexts';

  readme: {
    // You can set a code theme globally.
    codeTheme: 'github',
  options: {
    theme: create({
      base: 'light',
      brandTitle: 'UI Kit',
      brandUrl: '',
      // To control appearance:
    isFullScreen: false,
    panelPosition: 'right',
    showNav: true,
    showPanel: true,
    sortStoriesByKind: false,
    hierarchySeparator: /\//,
    hierarchyRootSeparator: /\|/,
github storybookjs / storybook / lib / config / src / __mocks__ / storybook.config.ts View on Github external
import path from 'path';
import { create } from '@storybook/theming';

// @ts-ignore
export const entries = [];
export const preview = {};
export const manager = {};
export const theme = create({ base: 'light', brandTitle: 'test' });

export const unused = (z: string) => path.join('base', z);

export type Foo = string | number;