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import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react';
import { withKnobs, text, boolean, select, object } from '@storybook/addon-knobs';
import { action } from '@storybook/addon-actions';
import PressFilters from './index';
import PressFiltersDocs from './';
// import knob options for child patterns
import buttonOptions from '../../atoms/buttons/Button/Button.knobs.options';
import headingOptions from '../../atoms/headings/Headings.knobs.options';
import coloredHeadingOptions from '../../atoms/headings/ColoredHeading/ColoredHeading.knobs.options';
import selectBoxOptions from '../../atoms/forms/SelectBox/SelectBox.knobs.options';
import inputOptions from '../../atoms/forms/InputTextTypeAhead/InputTextTypeAhead.knobs.options';
import orgSelectorOptions from '../../molecules/OrgSelector/OrgSelector.knobs.options';
storiesOf('organisms/PressFilters', module)
.addDecorator(withKnobs({ escapeHTML: false }))
'SelectBox Only', (() => {
const defaultHeadingLevel = '2';
const pressFiltersStartDate = {
labelText: 'Select a start date', required: false, id: 'start-date', name: 'start-date', placeholder: 'm/dd/yyyy', restrict: 'max'
const pressFiltersEndDate = {
labelText: 'Select an end date', required: false, id: 'end-date', name: 'end-date', placeholder: 'today', restrict: 'max'
const hideTopic = select('PressFilters hideTopic', { hide: 'Hide', show: 'Show' }, 'show');
const props = {
action: text('PressFilters action', '#'),
coloredHeading: {
text: text('PressFilters coloredHeading: text', 'Filter Results', 'ColoredHeading'),
color: select('PressFilters coloredHeading: color', coloredHeadingOptions.color, 'blue', 'ColoredHeading'),
level: select('PressFilters coloredHeading: level', headingOptions.levels, defaultHeadingLevel, 'ColoredHeading')
import React from 'react';
import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react';
import { withKnobs, object, boolean } from '@storybook/addon-knobs';
import stateSeal from 'SharedAssets/images/stateseal.png';
import Footer from './index';
import FooterDocs from './';
import FooterLinksData from '../../molecules/FooterLinks/FooterLinks.json';
import SocialLinksData from '../../molecules/SocialLinks/SocialLinks.json';
import FooterLinksLiveData from '../../molecules/FooterLinks/FooterLinksLive.json';
import SocialLinksLiveData from '../../molecules/SocialLinks/SocialLinksLive.json';
storiesOf('organisms/Footer', module)
.addDecorator(withKnobs({ escapeHTML: false }))
'Footer', () => {
const props = {
footerLinks: object('footerLinks', FooterLinksData),
showNavHeading: boolean('showNavHeading', true),
socialLinks: object('socialLinksData', SocialLinksData),
footerLogo: object('footerLogo', {
src: stateSeal,
altText: 'Massachusetts State Seal'
footerText: object('footerText', {
copyright: '2018 Commonwealth of Massachusetts.',
description: '® is a registered service mark of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.',
privacyPolicy: {
text: ' Privacy Policy',
url: ''
examples.forEach(example => {
const {
storyPath = 'Missing story path',
storyName = 'Missing name',
renderStory = () => 'Missing `renderStory`',
options = {},
} = example;
storiesOf(storyPath, module)
.addParameters({ options })
.addDecorator(withKnobs({ escapeHTML: false }))
.addWithJSX(storyName, renderStory);
import React from 'react';
import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react';
import { action } from '@storybook/addon-actions';
import { withKnobs, text, boolean, object } from '@storybook/addon-knobs';
import Pagination from './index';
import PaginationDocs from './';
import paginationOptions from './Pagination.knobs.options';
storiesOf('molecules', module)
.addDecorator(withKnobs({ escapeHTML: false }))
'Pagination', (() => {
const props = {
next: {
disabled: boolean('Pagination next: disabled', false, 'Next'),
text: text('Pagination next: text', 'Next', 'Next'),
hide: boolean('Pagination next: hide', false, 'Next'),
onClick: action('Next Clicked.'),
ariaLabel: text('Pagination next: ariaLabel', 'Go to Next Search Results Page', 'Next')
prev: {
disabled: boolean('Pagination prev: disabled', false, 'Previous'),
text: text('Pagination prev: text', 'Previous', 'Previous'),
hide: boolean('Pagination prev: hide', false, 'Previous'),
onClick: action('Previous Clicked.'),
ariaLabel: text('Pagination prev: ariaLabel', 'Go to Previous Search Results Page', 'Previous')
import React from 'react';
import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react';
import { action } from '@storybook/addon-actions';
import { withKnobs, text, boolean } from '@storybook/addon-knobs';
import { ArrowNav, DecorativeLink } from '../../../index';
import PageFlipper from './index';
import PageFlipperDocs from './';
storiesOf('organisms', module)
.addDecorator(withKnobs({ escapeHTML: false }))
'PageFlipper', (() => {
const decorativeLinkProps = {
href: text('PageFlipper intro, introDecorativeLink: href', '#', 'DecorativeLink'),
info: text('PageFlipper intro, introDecorativeLink: info', 'info', 'DecorativeLink'),
text: text('PageFlipper intro, introDecorativeLink: text', 'Some Section', 'DecorativeLink'),
showFileIcon: boolean('PageFlipper intro, introDecorativeLink: showFileIcon', false, 'DecorativeLink')
const nextProps = {
href: text('PageFlipper nextLink: href', '', 'Next'),
info: text('PageFlipper nextLink: info', 'This is the next page', 'Next'),
text: text('PageFlipper nextLink: text', 'Next Site', 'Next'),
title: text('PageFlipper nextLink: title', 'See the Next Site', 'Next'),
onClick: action('Next Clicked'),
direction: 'right',
label: text('PageFlipper nextLink: label', 'Next Site', 'Next')
import React from 'react';
import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react';
import { withKnobs } from '@storybook/addon-knobs';
import { action } from '@storybook/addon-actions';
import InputText from './index';
import InputTextDocs from './';
import InputTextOptions from './InputText.knobs.options';
storiesOf('atoms/forms', module)
.addDecorator(withKnobs({ escapeHTML: false }))
'InputText', (() => {
const inputTextOptionsWithKnobs = Object.assign(...Object.entries(InputTextOptions).map(([k, v]) => (
{ [k]: v(InputText.defaultProps[k]) })));
inputTextOptionsWithKnobs.onChange = action('Text input modified');
{ info: InputTextDocs }
import PlusIcon from '../../icons/plus.svg';
import SendIcon from '../../icons/send.svg';
import { Composer, ComposerActions, ComposerAction } from '.';
const centeredWithWidth = (storyFn, ...args) => centered(() => (
<div style="{{">
), ...args);
const defaultPlaceholder = 'Insert your text here';
storiesOf('Components|Composer', module)
.addDecorator(withKnobs({ escapeHTML: false }))
.add('default', () => (
.add('connecting', () => (
.add('with large placeholder', () => (
import React from 'react';
import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react';
import { action } from '@storybook/addon-actions';
import { withKnobs, text, boolean, select } from '@storybook/addon-knobs';
import ButtonAlert from './index';
import ButtonAlertDocs from './';
import buttonWithIconOptions from '../ButtonWithIcon/ButtonWithIcon.knobs.options';
storiesOf('atoms/buttons', module)
.addDecorator(withKnobs({ escapeHTML: false }))
'ButtonAlert', (() => {
const props = {
onClick: action('ButtonAlert clicked'),
text: text('text', ' Updates'),
showText: text('showText', 'Show'),
hideText: text('hideText', 'Hide'),
classes: text('classes', ''),
isOpen: boolean('isOpen', false),
theme: select('theme', buttonWithIconOptions.theme)
import hbs from 'htmlbars-inline-precompile';
import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/ember';
import { withKnobs, select } from '@storybook/addon-knobs';
import notes from './';
storiesOf('Chevron', module)
.addParameters({ options: { showPanel: true } })
() => ({
template: hbs`
<h5 class="title is-5">Chevron</h5>
context: {
direction: select('Direction', ['right', 'down', 'left', 'up'], 'right'),
{ notes }
Cert: 'cert',
GCP: 'gcp',
Github: 'github',
JWT: 'jwt',
Kubernetes: 'kubernetes',
LDAP: 'ldap',
OKTA: 'okta',
Radius: 'radius',
Userpass: 'userpass',
const DEFAULT_VALUE = 'aws/client';
storiesOf('AuthConfigForm/Options', module)
.addParameters({ options: { showPanel: true } })
() => ({
template: hbs`
<h5 class="title is-5">Options</h5>
{{auth-config-form/options (compute (action 'getModel' model))}}
context: {
actions: {
getModel(modelType) {
return Ember.getOwner(this)
model: select('model', MODELS, DEFAULT_VALUE),