How to use @sinonjs/referee - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @sinonjs/referee examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github sinonjs / sinon / test / webworker / webworker-support-assessment.js View on Github external
"use strict";

var referee = require("@sinonjs/referee");
var assert = referee.assert;

if (typeof Worker !== "undefined") {
    describe("WebWorker support", function() {
        var sentMessage = "whatever";
        it("should not crash", function(done) {
            var worker = new Worker("/test/webworker/webworker-script.js");

            worker.onmessage = function(msg) {
                // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax
                try {
                    assert.same(, "worker received:" + sentMessage);
                } catch (err) {
github sinonjs / sinon / test / restore-object.js View on Github external
"use strict";
/* eslint-disable no-empty-function */

var referee = require("@sinonjs/referee");
var sinonSpy = require("../lib/sinon/spy");
var sinonStub = require("../lib/sinon/stub");
var restoreObject = require("../lib/sinon/restore-object.js");
var assert = referee.assert;
var refute = referee.refute;

describe("restore-object", function() {
    it("is defined", function() {

    it("works on empty objects", function() {
        refute.exception(function() {

    it("quietly ignores falsy input", function() {
        refute.exception(function() {
github sinonjs / sinon / test / restore-object.js View on Github external
"use strict";
/* eslint-disable no-empty-function */

var referee = require("@sinonjs/referee");
var sinonSpy = require("../lib/sinon/spy");
var sinonStub = require("../lib/sinon/stub");
var restoreObject = require("../lib/sinon/restore-object.js");
var assert = referee.assert;
var refute = referee.refute;

describe("restore-object", function() {
    it("is defined", function() {

    it("works on empty objects", function() {
        refute.exception(function() {

    it("quietly ignores falsy input", function() {
        refute.exception(function() {
github sinonjs / sinon / test / shared-spy-stub-everything-tests.js View on Github external
"use strict";

var referee = require("@sinonjs/referee");
var assert = referee.assert;
var refute = referee.refute;

module.exports = function shared(createSpyOrStub) {
    it("replaces all methods of an object when no property is given", function() {
        var obj = {
            func1: function() {
            func2: function() {
            func3: function() {
github sinonjs / sinon / test / shared-spy-stub-everything-tests.js View on Github external
"use strict";

var referee = require("@sinonjs/referee");
var assert = referee.assert;
var refute = referee.refute;

module.exports = function shared(createSpyOrStub) {
    it("replaces all methods of an object when no property is given", function() {
        var obj = {
            func1: function() {
            func2: function() {
            func3: function() {

github sinonjs / sinon / test / test-helper.js View on Github external
"use strict";

var referee = require("@sinonjs/referee");

referee.add("spy", {
    assert: function(obj) {
        return obj !== null && typeof obj.calledWith === "function" && !obj.returns;
    assertMessage: "Expected object ${0} to be a spy function",
    refuteMessage: "Expected object ${0} not to be a spy function"

referee.add("stub", {
    assert: function(obj) {
        return obj !== null && typeof obj.calledWith === "function" && typeof obj.returns === "function";
    assertMessage: "Expected object ${0} to be a stub function",
    refuteMessage: "Expected object ${0} not to be a stub function"

referee.add("mock", {
    assert: function(obj) {
        return obj !== null && typeof obj.verify === "function" && typeof obj.expects === "function";
    assertMessage: "Expected object ${0} to be a mock",
    refuteMessage: "Expected object ${0} not to be a mock"

referee.add("fakeServer", {
github sinonjs / sinon / test / test-helper.js View on Github external
assert: function(obj) {
        return obj !== null && typeof obj.calledWith === "function" && !obj.returns;
    assertMessage: "Expected object ${0} to be a spy function",
    refuteMessage: "Expected object ${0} not to be a spy function"

referee.add("stub", {
    assert: function(obj) {
        return obj !== null && typeof obj.calledWith === "function" && typeof obj.returns === "function";
    assertMessage: "Expected object ${0} to be a stub function",
    refuteMessage: "Expected object ${0} not to be a stub function"

referee.add("mock", {
    assert: function(obj) {
        return obj !== null && typeof obj.verify === "function" && typeof obj.expects === "function";
    assertMessage: "Expected object ${0} to be a mock",
    refuteMessage: "Expected object ${0} not to be a mock"

referee.add("fakeServer", {
    assert: function(obj) {
        return (
            obj !== null &&
   === "[object Array]" &&
            typeof obj.respondWith === "function"
    assertMessage: "Expected object ${0} to be a fake server",
github sinonjs / sinon / test / test-helper.js View on Github external
refuteMessage: "Expected object ${0} not to be a mock"

referee.add("fakeServer", {
    assert: function(obj) {
        return (
            obj !== null &&
   === "[object Array]" &&
            typeof obj.respondWith === "function"
    assertMessage: "Expected object ${0} to be a fake server",
    refuteMessage: "Expected object ${0} not to be a fake server"

referee.add("clock", {
    assert: function(obj) {
        return obj !== null && typeof obj.tick === "function" && typeof obj.setTimeout === "function";
    assertMessage: "Expected object ${0} to be a clock",
    refuteMessage: "Expected object ${0} not to be a clock"
github sinonjs / sinon / test / test-helper.js View on Github external
"use strict";

var referee = require("@sinonjs/referee");

referee.add("spy", {
    assert: function(obj) {
        return obj !== null && typeof obj.calledWith === "function" && !obj.returns;
    assertMessage: "Expected object ${0} to be a spy function",
    refuteMessage: "Expected object ${0} not to be a spy function"

referee.add("stub", {
    assert: function(obj) {
        return obj !== null && typeof obj.calledWith === "function" && typeof obj.returns === "function";
    assertMessage: "Expected object ${0} to be a stub function",
    refuteMessage: "Expected object ${0} not to be a stub function"

referee.add("mock", {
github sinonjs / sinon / test / test-helper.js View on Github external
assert: function(obj) {
        return obj !== null && typeof obj.calledWith === "function" && typeof obj.returns === "function";
    assertMessage: "Expected object ${0} to be a stub function",
    refuteMessage: "Expected object ${0} not to be a stub function"

referee.add("mock", {
    assert: function(obj) {
        return obj !== null && typeof obj.verify === "function" && typeof obj.expects === "function";
    assertMessage: "Expected object ${0} to be a mock",
    refuteMessage: "Expected object ${0} not to be a mock"

referee.add("fakeServer", {
    assert: function(obj) {
        return (
            obj !== null &&
   === "[object Array]" &&
            typeof obj.respondWith === "function"
    assertMessage: "Expected object ${0} to be a fake server",
    refuteMessage: "Expected object ${0} not to be a fake server"

referee.add("clock", {
    assert: function(obj) {
        return obj !== null && typeof obj.tick === "function" && typeof obj.setTimeout === "function";
    assertMessage: "Expected object ${0} to be a clock",


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