How to use the @sindresorhus/is.urlInstance function in @sindresorhus/is

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github sindresorhus / got / source / normalize-arguments.ts View on Github external
// Normalize URL
	// TODO: drop `optionsToUrl` in Got 12
	if (is.string(options.url)) {
		options.url = (options.prefixUrl as string) + options.url;
		options.url = options.url.replace(/^unix:/, 'http://$&');

		if (options.searchParams || {
			options.url = options.url.split('?')[0];

		options.url = optionsToUrl({
			origin: options.url,
	} else if (!is.urlInstance(options.url)) {
		options.url = optionsToUrl({origin: options.prefixUrl as string, ...options});

	const normalizedOptions = options as NormalizedOptions;

	// Make it possible to change `options.prefixUrl`
	let prefixUrl = options.prefixUrl as string;
	Object.defineProperty(normalizedOptions, 'prefixUrl', {
		set: (value: string) => {
			if (!normalizedOptions.url.href.startsWith(value)) {
				throw new Error(`Cannot change \`prefixUrl\` from ${prefixUrl} to ${value}: ${normalizedOptions.url.href}`);

			normalizedOptions.url = new URL(value + normalizedOptions.url.href.slice(prefixUrl.length));
			prefixUrl = value;
github sindresorhus / got / source / merge.ts View on Github external
for (const [key, sourceValue] of Object.entries(source)) {
			if (is.undefined(sourceValue)) {

			const targetValue = target[key];
			if (targetValue instanceof URLSearchParams && sourceValue instanceof URLSearchParams) {
				const params = new URLSearchParams();

				const append = (value: string, key: string): void => params.append(key, value);

				// @ts-ignore
				target[key] = params;
			} else if (is.urlInstance(targetValue) && (is.urlInstance(sourceValue) || is.string(sourceValue))) {
				// @ts-ignore
				target[key] = new URL(sourceValue as string, targetValue);
			} else if (is.plainObject(sourceValue)) {
				if (is.plainObject(targetValue)) {
					// @ts-ignore
					target[key] = merge({}, targetValue, sourceValue);
				} else {
					// @ts-ignore
					target[key] = merge({}, sourceValue);
			} else if (is.array(sourceValue)) {
				// @ts-ignore
				target[key] = sourceValue.slice();
			} else {
				// @ts-ignore
				target[key] = sourceValue;
github sindresorhus / got / source / normalize-arguments.ts View on Github external
export const normalizeArguments = (url: URLOrOptions, options?: Options, defaults?: Defaults): NormalizedOptions => {
	// Merge options
	if (typeof url === 'undefined') {
		throw new TypeError('Missing `url` argument');

	if (typeof options === 'undefined') {
		options = {};

	if (is.urlInstance(url) || is.string(url)) {
		if (Reflect.has(options, 'url')) {
			throw new TypeError('The `url` option cannot be used if the input is valid URL.');

		// @ts-ignore URL is not URL
		options.url = url;

		options = mergeOptions(defaults?.options ?? {}, options);
	} else {
		if (Reflect.has(url, 'resolve')) {
			throw new Error('The legacy `url.Url` is deprecated. Use `URL` instead.');

		options = mergeOptions(defaults?.options ?? {}, url, options);
github sindresorhus / got / source / normalize-arguments.ts View on Github external
export const preNormalizeArguments = (options: Options, defaults?: NormalizedOptions): NormalizedOptions => {
	// `options.headers`
	if (is.undefined(options.headers)) {
		options.headers = {};
	} else {
		options.headers = lowercaseKeys(options.headers);

	for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(options.headers)) {
		if (is.null_(value)) {
			throw new TypeError(`Use \`undefined\` instead of \`null\` to delete the \`${key}\` header`);

	// `options.prefixUrl`
	if (is.urlInstance(options.prefixUrl) || is.string(options.prefixUrl)) {
		options.prefixUrl = options.prefixUrl.toString();

		if (options.prefixUrl.length !== 0 && !options.prefixUrl.endsWith('/')) {
			options.prefixUrl += '/';
	} else {
		options.prefixUrl = defaults ? defaults.prefixUrl : '';

	// `options.hooks`
	if (is.undefined(options.hooks)) {
		options.hooks = {};

	if (is.object(options.hooks)) {
		for (const event of knownHookEvents) {
github sindresorhus / got / source / utils / merge.ts View on Github external
export default function merge(target: Target, ...sources: Source[]): Merge {
	for (const source of sources) {
		for (const [key, sourceValue] of Object.entries(source)) {
			const targetValue = target[key];

			if (is.urlInstance(targetValue) && is.string(sourceValue)) {
				// @ts-ignore TS doesn't recognise Target accepts string keys
				target[key] = new URL(sourceValue, targetValue);
			} else if (is.plainObject(sourceValue)) {
				if (is.plainObject(targetValue)) {
					// @ts-ignore TS doesn't recognise Target accepts string keys
					target[key] = merge({}, targetValue, sourceValue);
				} else {
					// @ts-ignore TS doesn't recognise Target accepts string keys
					target[key] = merge({}, sourceValue);
			} else if (is.array(sourceValue)) {
				// @ts-ignore TS doesn't recognise Target accepts string keys
				target[key] = sourceValue.slice();
			} else {
				// @ts-ignore TS doesn't recognise Target accepts string keys
				target[key] = sourceValue;
github sindresorhus / got / test / options-to-url.ts View on Github external
test('`origin` option', t => {
	const url = optionsToUrl({origin});, `${origin}/`);