How to use @sanity/base - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @sanity/base examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github sanity-io / sanity / packages / @sanity / desk-tool / src / utils / withInitialValue.js View on Github external
function resolveInitialValueWithParameters(templateName, parameters) {
  if (!templateExists(templateName)) {
    // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
    console.warn('Template "%s" not defined, using empty initial value', templateName)
    return of({isResolving: false, initialValue: undefined})

  return from(resolveInitialValue(getTemplateById(templateName), parameters)).pipe(
    map(initialValue => ({isResolving: false, initialValue}))
github sanity-io / sanity / packages / @sanity / desk-tool / src / utils / withInitialValue.js View on Github external

  const payload = paneContext.payload || {}
  const urlTemplate = (paneContext.params || {}).template
  const definedTemplate = props.options.template

  if (urlTemplate && definedTemplate && definedTemplate !== urlTemplate) {
    // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
      `Conflicting templates: URL says "${urlTemplate}", structure node says "${definedTemplate}". Using "${definedTemplate}".`

  const {options = {}} = props
  const template = definedTemplate || urlTemplate
  const typeTemplates = getTemplatesBySchemaType(options.type)

  const parameters = {...options.templateParameters, ...payload}
  let templateName = template

  // If we have not specified a specific template, and we only have a single
  // template available for a schema type, use it
  if (!template && typeTemplates.length === 1) {
    templateName = typeTemplates[0].id

  return {templateName, parameters}
github sanity-io / sanity / packages / @sanity / desk-tool / src / utils / withInitialValue.js View on Github external
function resolveInitialValueWithParameters(templateName, parameters) {
  if (!templateExists(templateName)) {
    // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
    console.warn('Template "%s" not defined, using empty initial value', templateName)
    return of({isResolving: false, initialValue: undefined})

  return from(resolveInitialValue(getTemplateById(templateName), parameters)).pipe(
    map(initialValue => ({isResolving: false, initialValue}))
github sanity-io / sanity / packages / @sanity / default-layout / src / util / getNewDocumentModalActions.js View on Github external
`Invalid "new document" configuration: "part:@sanity/base/new-document-structure" should return an array of items. Falling back to default structure.`
    structure = S.defaultInitialValueTemplateItems()
  } else if (structure) {
    try {
    } catch (err) {
      // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
        `Invalid "new document" configuration: ${err.message}. Falling back to default structure.`
      structure = S.defaultInitialValueTemplateItems()
  } else {
    // No structure defined, use default
    structure = S.defaultInitialValueTemplateItems()

  return createModalActions(structure)
github sanity-io / sanity / packages / @sanity / default-layout / src / util / getNewDocumentModalActions.js View on Github external
function createModalAction(templateItem) {
  // Make sure we're working with serialized definitions
  let item = templateItem
  if (item && typeof item.serialize === 'function') {
    item = item.serialize()

  // We currently only allow initial value template items in the "new document" dialog
  if (item.type !== 'initialValueTemplateItem') {
    throw new Error(
      'Only initial value template items are currently allowed in the new document structure'

  // Make sure the template actually exists
  const tpl = getTemplateById(item.templateId)
  if (!tpl) {
    throw new Error(`Template "${item.templateId}" not declared`)

  // Build up an item suited for the "action modal" dialog
  const type = schema.get(tpl.schemaType)
  const title = item.title || tpl.title
  const description = item.description || tpl.description
  return {
    // Don't show the type name as subtitle if it's the same as the template name
    subtitle: type.title === title ? undefined : type.title,
    // Prioritize icon from initial value template item
github sanity-io / sanity / packages / @sanity / desk-tool / src / utils / withInitialValue.js View on Github external
function resolvePaneOptions(props, templateName, document) {
  const {options} = props
  const hasDefinedType = options.type && options.type !== '*'
  const typeFromOptions = hasDefinedType ? options.type : undefined
  let documentType = typeFromOptions || (document && document._type)
  if (!documentType && templateName) {
    const template = getTemplateById(templateName)
    documentType = template && template.schemaType

  // If we were not passed a schema type, use the resolved value if available
  return hasDefinedType ? options : {...options, type: documentType}
github sanity-io / sanity / packages / test-studio / src / templates.js View on Github external
import T from '@sanity/base/initial-value-template-builder'

export default [

    id: 'author-developer',
    title: 'Developer',
    description: `Selects the role "Developer" for you, so you don't have to`,
    schemaType: 'author',
    value: params => ({role: 'developer'})

    id: 'book-by-author',
    title: 'Book by author',
    description: 'Book by a specific author',
    schemaType: 'book',
    parameters: [{name: 'authorId', type: 'string'}],
    value: params => ({
github sanity-io / sanity / packages / test-studio / src / templates.js View on Github external
import T from '@sanity/base/initial-value-template-builder'

export default [

    id: 'author-developer',
    title: 'Developer',
    description: `Selects the role "Developer" for you, so you don't have to`,
    schemaType: 'author',
    value: params => ({role: 'developer'})

    id: 'book-by-author',
    title: 'Book by author',
    description: 'Book by a specific author',
    schemaType: 'book',
    parameters: [{name: 'authorId', type: 'string'}],
    value: params => ({
      author: {_type: 'reference', _ref: params.authorId}
github sanity-io / sanity / packages / @sanity / desk-tool / src / components / IntentResolver.js View on Github external
function getNewRouterState({structure, documentType, params, payload, documentId, paneSegments}) {
  const lastChild = structure[structure.length - 1] || {}
  const lastGroup = paneSegments[paneSegments.length - 1]
  const lastSibling = lastGroup[lastGroup.length - 1]
  const terminatesInDocument = lastChild.type === 'document' && === documentId

  const isTemplateCreate = params.template
  const template = isTemplateCreate && getTemplateById(params.template)
  const type = (template && template.schemaType) || documentType
  const fallbackParameters = {type, template: params.template}
  const newDocumentId = documentId === FALLBACK_ID ? UUID() : documentId

  return terminatesInDocument
    ? paneSegments
        .slice(0, -1)
        .concat([lastGroup.slice(0, -1).concat({...lastSibling, id: newDocumentId})])
    : [[{id: `__edit__${newDocumentId}`, params: fallbackParameters, payload}]]
github sanity-io / sanity / packages / @sanity / desk-tool / src / DeskTool.js View on Github external
maybeHandleOldUrl() {
      const {navigate} = this.props.router
      const {
        type: schemaType,
        params = {}
      } = this.props.router.state

      const {template: templateName, ...payloadParams} = params
      const template = getTemplateById(templateName)
      const type = (template && template.schemaType) || schemaType
      const shouldRewrite = (action === 'edit' && legacyEditDocumentId) || (type && editDocumentId)
      if (!shouldRewrite) {

          id: editDocumentId || legacyEditDocumentId,
        {replace: true}