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test('ReactSerializer.fromExtensionManager', () => {
// fills in for a missing text
const altExtensions = [
{ extension: new DocExtension(), priority: 2 },
{ extension: new ParagraphExtension(), priority: 2 },
{ extension: new TextExtension(), priority: 2 },
{ extension: new BoldExtension(), priority: 2 },
{ extension: new CodeBlockExtension(), priority: 2 },
const altManager = ExtensionManager.create(altExtensions);
test('ReactSerializer.fromExtensionManager', () => {
// fills in for a missing text
const altExtensions = [
{ extension: new DocExtension(), priority: 2 },
{ extension: new ParagraphExtension(), priority: 2 },
{ extension: new TextExtension(), priority: 2 },
{ extension: new BoldExtension(), priority: 2 },
{ extension: new CodeBlockExtension(), priority: 2 },
const altManager = ExtensionManager.create(altExtensions);
test('ReactSerializer.fromExtensionManager', () => {
// fills in for a missing text
const altExtensions = [
{ extension: new DocExtension(), priority: 2 },
{ extension: new ParagraphExtension(), priority: 2 },
{ extension: new TextExtension(), priority: 2 },
{ extension: new BoldExtension(), priority: 2 },
{ extension: new CodeBlockExtension(), priority: 2 },
const altManager = ExtensionManager.create(altExtensions);
export const findPosition = ({ text, regexp, $pos, char, name }: FindMentionPositionParams) => {
let position: SuggestionStateField | undefined;
findMatches(text, regexp).forEach(match => {
// Check the character before the current match to check if it is supported
const matchPrefix = match.input.slice(Math.max(0, match.index - 1), match.index);
// ? Can this be switched for NOT `supportedCharacters` - TEST once refactored
if (/^[\s\0]?$/.test(matchPrefix)) {
// The absolute position of the match wrapper node
const from = match.index + $pos.start();
const to = from + match[0].length;
// If the $position is located within the matched substring, return that range
if (from < $pos.pos && to >= $pos.pos) {
position = {
range: {
): SuggestionsPluginState | undefined => {
// Matching expressions used for later
const escapedChar = `\\${char}`;
const supported =
typeof supportedCharacters === 'string' ? supportedCharacters : supportedCharacters.source;
// const suffix = new RegExp(`\\s${escapedChar}$`);
const prefix = startOfLine ? '^' : '';
const regexp = new RegExp(`${prefix}${escapedChar}${supported}`, 'gm');
// Lookup the boundaries of the current node
const textFrom = $pos.before();
const textTo = $pos.end();
const text = $pos.doc.textBetween(textFrom, textTo, '\0', '\0');
let position: SuggestionsPluginState | undefined;
findMatches(text, regexp).forEach(match => {
// JavaScript doesn't have lookbehinds; this hacks a check that first character is " "
// or the line beginning
const matchPrefix = match.input.slice(Math.max(0, match.index - 1), match.index);
if (/^[\s\0]?$/.test(matchPrefix)) {
// The absolute position of the match in the document
const from = match.index + $pos.start();
const to = from + match[0].length;
// Edge case handling; if spaces are allowed and we're directly in between
// two triggers
// if (allowSpaces && suffix.test(text.slice(to - 1, to + 1))) {
// match[0] += ' ';
// to += 1;
// }
findMatches(prevSearchText, extractUrl).forEach(match => {
const startIndex = match.index;
const url = match[1];
const start = $pos.start() + startIndex;
const end = $pos.start() + startIndex + match[0].length;
collectedParams.push({ state, url, from: start, to: end, type });
tr.removeMark($pos.start(), $pos.end(), type);
// Finds matches within the current node when in the middle of a node
findMatches(searchText, extractUrl).forEach(match => {
const startIndex = match.index;
const url = match[1];
const start = $from.start() + startIndex;
const end = $from.start() + startIndex + match[0].length;
// The text directly before the match
const textBefore = doc.textBetween(start - 1, start, LEAF_NODE_REPLACING_CHARACTER, leafChar);
if (!/[\w\d]/.test(textBefore)) {
collectedParams.push({ state, url, from: start, to: end, type });
// Remove all marks within the current block
tr.removeMark($from.start(), $from.end(), type);
// Add all marks again for the nodes
const onCompositionStart = ({ state, dispatch, extension }: CompositionParams) => {
const { empty } = getPluginState(extension.pluginKey, state);
if (empty) {
// remove placeholder, since document definitely contains text
dispatch(setPluginMeta(extension.pluginKey,, { removePlaceholder: true }));
return false;
update(view, prevState: EditorState) {
const prev = getPluginState(plugin, prevState);
const next = getPluginState(plugin, view.state);
// See how the state changed
const moved = && && prev.range && next.range && prev.range.from !== next.range.from;
const started = ! &&;
const stopped = && !;
const changed = !started && !stopped && prev.query !== next.query;
const handleStart = started || moved;
const handleChange = changed && !moved;
const handleExit = stopped || moved;
// Cancel when suggestion isn't active
if (!handleStart && !handleChange && !handleExit) {
}) => {
if (json.type === 'text' && json.text && (!json.marks || !json.marks.length)) {
return {json.text}; // For some reason FunctionalComponent don't allow returning react-nodes
const rest = { markMap, typeMap, skipUnknownMarks, skipUnknownTypes };
const TypeHandler = typeMap[json.type];
if (!TypeHandler) {
if (!skipUnknownTypes) {
throw new Error(`No handler for node type \`${json.type}\` registered`);
return null;
const props = isString(TypeHandler) ? json.attrs ?? Object.create(null) : {, node: json };
const { content } = json;
if (!content || !content.length) {
return ;
const children =, ii) => {
return ;
return {children};
// @dts-jest:pass:snap
// @dts-jest:fail:snap
type PositionTrackerExtensionHelpers = HelpersFromExtensions;
const trackerHelpers: PositionTrackerExtensionHelpers = Object.create(null);
// @dts-jest:pass:snap
trackerHelpers.addPositionTracker({ id: 'yo' });
// @dts-jest:pass:snap
// @dts-jest:pass:snap
new HistoryExtension(),
new ParagraphExtension(),
new BoldExtension(),
new CodeBlockExtension(),
new PositionTrackerExtension(),
{ priority: 1, extension: new TextExtension() },
{ priority: 0, extension: new DocExtension() },
const manager1 = ExtensionManager.create([
new HistoryExtension(),
new ParagraphExtension(),
new BoldExtension(),
new CodeBlockExtension(),
new PositionTrackerExtension(),
{ priority: 1, extension: new TextExtension() },