Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
preEnv: Record>,
build: string | cloud.ContainerBuild) {
const imageName = getBuildImageName(build);
const registry = getOrCreateGlobalRegistry();
// This is a container to build; produce a name, either user-specified or auto-computed.
pulumi.log.debug(`Building container image at '${build}'`, registry);
const dockerRegistry = pulumi.output({
registry: registry.loginServer,
username: registry.adminUsername,
password: registry.adminPassword,
const imageOptions = pulumi.all([registry.loginServer, dockerRegistry]).apply(([loginServer, dockerRegistry]) =>
computeImageFromBuildWorker(preEnv, build, imageName, loginServer + "/" + imageName, dockerRegistry, parent));
return { imageOptions, registry };
oauthScopes: [
// Export the Cluster name
export const clusterName =;
// Manufacture a GKE-style kubeconfig. Note that this is slightly "different"
// because of the way GKE requires gcloud to be in the picture for cluster
// authentication (rather than using the client cert/key directly).
export const kubeconfig = pulumi.
all([, cluster.endpoint, cluster.masterAuth ]).
apply(([ name, endpoint, masterAuth ]) => {
const context = `${gcp.config.project}_${}_${name}`;
return `apiVersion: v1
- cluster:
certificate-authority-data: ${masterAuth.clusterCaCertificate}
server: https://${endpoint}
name: ${context}
- context:
cluster: ${context}
user: ${context}
name: ${context}
current-context: ${context}
kind: Config
minMasterVersion: masterVersion,
masterAuth: { username, password },
nodeConfig: {
machineType: nodeMachineType,
oauthScopes: [
// Manufacture a GKE-style Kubeconfig. Note that this is slightly "different" because of the way GKE requires
// gcloud to be in the picture for cluster authentication (rather than using the client cert/key directly).
export const k8sConfig = pulumi.
all([, k8sCluster.endpoint, k8sCluster.masterAuth ]).
apply(([ name, endpoint, auth ]) => {
const context = `${gcp.config.project}_${}_${name}`;
return `apiVersion: v1
- cluster:
certificate-authority-data: ${auth.clusterCaCertificate}
server: https://${endpoint}
name: ${context}
- context:
cluster: ${context}
user: ${context}
name: ${context}
current-context: ${context}
kind: Config
export function forwardPrometheusService(
service: pulumi.Input,
deployment: pulumi.Input,
opts: PromPortForwardOpts,
): pulumi.Output<() => void> {
if (pulumi.runtime.isDryRun()) {
return pulumi.output(() => undefined);
return pulumi.all([service, deployment]).apply(([s, d]) => pulumi.all([s.metadata, d.urn])).apply(([meta]) => {
return new Promise<() => void>((resolve, reject) => {
const forwarderHandle = spawn("kubectl", [
`${opts.localPort}:${opts.targetPort || 80}`,
// NOTE: we need to wrap `forwarderHandle.kill` because of JavaScript's `this`
// semantics.
forwarderHandle.stdout.on("data", data => resolve(() => forwarderHandle.kill()));
forwarderHandle.stderr.on("data", data => reject());
function getInstanceUserData(
cluster: aws.ecs.Cluster,
fileSystem: aws.efs.FileSystem | undefined,
mountPath: string | undefined,
cloudFormationStackName: pulumi.Output) {
const fileSystemId = fileSystem ? : undefined;
const all = pulumi.all([fileSystemId,, cloudFormationStackName]);
return all.apply(([fsId, clusterId, stackName]) => {
let fileSystemRuncmdBlock = "";
if (fileSystem && mountPath) {
// This string must be indented exactly as much as the block of commands it's inserted into below!
// tslint:disable max-line-length
fileSystemRuncmdBlock = `
# Create EFS mount path
mkdir ${mountPath}
chown ec2-user:ec2-user ${mountPath}
# Create environment variables
# Update /etc/fstab with the new NFS mount
cp -p /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.back-$(date +%F)
Action: "logs:*",
Resource: "arn:aws:logs:*:*:*",
Effect: "Allow",
}, { parent });
const syncFuncPolicyAtt = new aws.iam.RolePolicyAttachment(`${name}-copyfunc-policy-att`, {
policyArn: syncFuncPolicy.arn,
}, { parent });
// Return the ARN for the function, but also join with the policy attachment so consumers don't try
// to use the function before the policy attachment has occurred (this can lead to permissions errors).
return pulumi.all([ syncFunc.arn, ]).apply(([ arn, _ ]) => arn);
const imageOptions = computeImage(imageName, container, ports, repository);
const portMappings = (container.ports || []).map(p => ({
containerPort: p.targetPort || p.port,
// From
// > For task definitions that use the awsvpc network mode, you should only specify the containerPort.
// > The hostPort can be left blank or it must be the same value as the containerPort.
// However, if left blank, it will be automatically populated by AWS, potentially leading to dirty
// diffs even when no changes have been made. Since we are currently always using `awsvpc` mode, we
// go ahead and populate it with the same value as `containerPort`.
// See
hostPort: p.targetPort || p.port,
return pulumi.all([imageOptions, container.command, container.memory,
container.memoryReservation,, container.dockerLabels])
.apply(([imageOpts, command, memory, memoryReservation, logGroupId, dockerLabels]) => {
const keyValuePairs: { name: string, value: string }[] = [];
for (const key of Object.keys(imageOpts.environment)) {
keyValuePairs.push({ name: key, value: imageOpts.environment[key] });
const containerDefinition: aws.ecs.ContainerDefinition = {
name: containerName,
image: imageOpts.image,
command: command,
memory: memory,
memoryReservation: memoryReservation,
portMappings: portMappings,
environment: keyValuePairs,
mountPoints: (container.volumes || []).map(v => ({
const cacheSubnets = new aws.elasticache.SubnetGroup("cachesubnets", {
subnetIds: vpc.publicSubnetIds,
const cacheCluster = new aws.elasticache.Cluster("cachecluster", {
engine: "redis",
nodeType: "cache.t2.micro",
numCacheNodes: 1,
securityGroupIds: securityGroupIds,
const hosts = pulumi.all([db.endpoint.apply(e => e.split(":")[0]), cacheCluster.cacheNodes[0].address]);
const environment = hosts.apply(([postgresHost, redisHost]) => [
{ name: "POSTGRES_HOST", value: postgresHost },
{ name: "POSTGRES_PASSWORD", value: dbPassword },
{ name: "REDIS_HOST", value: redisHost },
{ name: "EXECUTOR", value: "Celery" },
const airflowControllerListener = new awsx.elasticloadbalancingv2.ApplicationListener("airflowcontroller", {
external: true,
port: 8080,
protocol: "HTTP",
const airflowController = new awsx.ecs.EC2Service("airflowcontroller", {
desiredCount: 1,
Service: [ service ],
const role = new aws.iam.Role(`${name}-role`, {
description: args.description,
assumeRolePolicy: assumeRolePolicy,
}, { parent: this });
const rolePolicyAttachments = [];
for (const policy of (args.managedPolicyArns || [])) {
rolePolicyAttachments.push(new aws.iam.RolePolicyAttachment(`${name}-${sha1hash(policy)}`, {
policyArn: policy,
role: role,
}, { parent: this }));
this.role = pulumi.all([role.arn, =>]).apply(() => role);
this.registerOutputs({ role: this.role });
function getCloudFormationTemplate(
instanceName: string,
instanceLaunchConfigurationId: pulumi.Output,
subnetIds: pulumi.Input[],
targetGroupArns: pulumi.Input[],
parameters: pulumi.Output): pulumi.Output {
const subnetIdsArray = pulumi.all(subnetIds);
return pulumi.all([subnetIdsArray, targetGroupArns, instanceLaunchConfigurationId, parameters])
.apply(([subnetIdsArray, targetGroupArns, instanceLaunchConfigurationId, parameters]) => {
const minSize = ifUndefined(parameters.minSize, 2);
const maxSize = ifUndefined(parameters.maxSize, 100);
const desiredCapacity = ifUndefined(parameters.desiredCapacity, minSize);
const cooldown = ifUndefined(parameters.defaultCooldown, 300);
const healthCheckGracePeriod = ifUndefined(parameters.healthCheckGracePeriod, 120);
const healthCheckType = ifUndefined(parameters.healthCheckType, "EC2");
const suspendProcesses = ifUndefined(parameters.suspendedProcesses, ["ScheduledActions"]);
let suspendProcessesString = "";
for (let i = 0, n = suspendProcesses.length; i < n; i++) {
const sp = suspendProcesses[i];
if (i > 0) {
suspendProcessesString += "\n";