How to use the @pulumi/aws.ecs function in @pulumi/aws

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @pulumi/aws examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github pulumi / pulumi-awsx / nodejs / awsx / ecs / cluster.ts View on Github external
constructor(name: string, args: ClusterArgs = {}, opts: pulumi.ComponentResourceOptions = {}) {
        super("awsx:x:ecs:Cluster", name, {}, opts);

        // First create an ECS cluster.
        const parentOpts = { parent: this };
        const cluster = args.cluster || new aws.ecs.Cluster(name, args, parentOpts);
        this.cluster = cluster; =;

        this.vpc = args.vpc || x.ec2.Vpc.getDefault();

        // IDEA: Can we re-use the network's default security group instead of creating a specific
        // new security group in the Cluster layer?  This may allow us to share a single Security Group
        // across both instance and Lambda compute.
        this.securityGroups = x.ec2.getSecurityGroups(this.vpc, name, args.securityGroups, parentOpts) ||
            [Cluster.createDefaultSecurityGroup(name, this.vpc, parentOpts)];

        this.extraBootcmdLines = () => =>
            [{ contents: `- echo ECS_CLUSTER='${clusterId}' >> /etc/ecs/ecs.config` }]);

github pulumi / pulumi-awsx / nodejs / awsx / ecs / taskDefinition.ts View on Github external
// //             for (const volumeMount of container.volumes) {
// //                 const volume = volumeMount.sourceVolume;
// //                 volumes.push({
// //                     hostPath: (volume as Volume).getHostPath(),
// //                     name: (volume as Volume).getVolumeName(),
// //                 });
// //             }
// //         }
// //     }

        this.containers = args.containers;
        const containerDefinitions = computeContainerDefinitions(this, name, this.containers, this.logGroup);
        const containerString = containerDefinitions.apply(d => JSON.stringify(d));
        const family = containerString.apply(s => name + "-" + utils.sha1hash(pulumi.getStack() + containerString));

        this.taskDefinition = new aws.ecs.TaskDefinition(name, {
            taskRoleArn: this.taskRole.arn,
            executionRoleArn: this.executionRole.arn,
            containerDefinitions: containerString,
        }, parentOpts); = createRunFunction(isFargate, this.taskDefinition.arn);
github pulumi / pulumi-aws / examples / metrics / index.ts View on Github external
    mostRecent: true,
    owners: ["099720109477"], // Canonical
const instance = new aws.ec2.Instance("web", {
    ami: ubuntu.apply(ubuntu =>,
    instanceType: "t2.micro",
    tags: {
        Name: "HelloWorld",

const instanceMetric = instance.metrics.cpuUtilization();
const instanceAlarm = instanceMetric.createAlarm("alarm" + alarmIndex++, { threshold: 120, evaluationPeriods: 2 });

const cluster = new aws.ecs.Cluster("foo", {});
const clusterMetric = cluster.metrics.cpuUtilization({ unit: "Percent" });
const clusterAlarm = clusterMetric.createAlarm("alarm" + alarmIndex++, { threshold: 50, evaluationPeriods: 2 });

const userPool = new aws.cognito.UserPool("pool", {});
const userPoolMetric = userPool.metrics.compromisedCredentialsRisk();
const userPoolAlarm = userPoolMetric.createAlarm("alarm" + alarmIndex++, { threshold: 120, evaluationPeriods: 2 });

const eventRule = new aws.cloudwatch.EventRule("console", {
    description: "Capture each AWS Console Sign In",
    eventPattern: `{
  "detail-type": [
    "AWS Console Sign In via CloudTrail"
github pulumi / pulumi-awsx / nodejs / examples / metrics / index.ts View on Github external
    mostRecent: true,
    owners: ["099720109477"], // Canonical
const instance = new aws.ec2.Instance("web", {
    ami: ubuntu.apply(ubuntu =>,
    instanceType: "t2.micro",
    tags: {
        Name: "HelloWorld",

const instanceMetric = awsx.ec2.metrics.cpuUtilization({ instance });
const instanceAlarm = instanceMetric.createAlarm("alarm" + alarmIndex++, { threshold: 120, evaluationPeriods: 2 });

const cluster = new aws.ecs.Cluster("foo", {});
const clusterMetric = awsx.ecs.metrics.cpuUtilization({ cluster, unit: "Percent" });
const clusterAlarm = clusterMetric.createAlarm("alarm" + alarmIndex++, { threshold: 50, evaluationPeriods: 2 });

const userPool = new aws.cognito.UserPool("pool", {});
const userPoolMetric = awsx.cognito.metrics.compromisedCredentialsRisk({ userPool });
const userPoolAlarm = userPoolMetric.createAlarm("alarm" + alarmIndex++, { threshold: 120, evaluationPeriods: 2 });

const eventRule = new aws.cloudwatch.EventRule("console", {
    description: "Capture each AWS Console Sign In",
    eventPattern: `{
  "detail-type": [
    "AWS Console Sign In via CloudTrail"
github pulumi / pulumi-cloud / aws / service.ts View on Github external

        // Create the task definition, parented to this component.
        const taskDefinition = createTaskDefinition(this, name, containers, ports);

        // If the cluster has an autoscaling group, ensure the service depends on it being created.
        const serviceDependsOn = [];
        if (cluster.autoScalingGroupStack) {

        // Create the service.
        const securityGroups = cluster.securityGroupId ? [ cluster.securityGroupId ] : [];
        this.ecsService = new aws.ecs.Service(name, {
            desiredCount: replicas,
            taskDefinition: taskDefinition.task.arn,
            cluster: cluster.ecsClusterARN,
            loadBalancers: loadBalancers,
            placementConstraints: placementConstraintsForHost(,
            waitForSteadyState: args.waitForSteadyState === undefined ? true : args.waitForSteadyState,
            launchType: config.useFargate ? "FARGATE" : "EC2",
            networkConfiguration: {
                assignPublicIp: config.useFargate && !network.usePrivateSubnets,
                securityGroups: securityGroups,
                subnets: network.subnetIds,
        }, { parent: this, dependsOn: serviceDependsOn });

        const localEndpoints = getEndpoints(ports);
        this.endpoints = localEndpoints;
github pulumi / pulumi-cloud / aws / service.ts View on Github external
const volume = volumeMount.sourceVolume;
                    hostPath: (volume as Volume).getHostPath(),
                    name: (volume as Volume).getVolumeName(),

    // Create the task definition for the group of containers associated with this Service.
    const containerDefinitions = computeContainerDefinitions(containers, ports, logGroup);

    // Compute the memory and CPU requirements of the task for Fargate
    const taskMemoryAndCPU = containerDefinitions.apply(taskMemoryAndCPUForContainers);

    const taskDefinition = new aws.ecs.TaskDefinition(name, {
        family: name,
        containerDefinitions: containerDefinitions.apply(JSON.stringify),
        volumes: volumes,
        taskRoleArn: getTaskRole().arn,
        requiresCompatibilities: config.useFargate ? ["FARGATE"] : undefined,
        memory: config.useFargate ? taskMemoryAndCPU.apply(t => t.memory) : undefined,
        cpu: config.useFargate ? taskMemoryAndCPU.apply(t => t.cpu) : undefined,
        networkMode: "awsvpc",
        executionRoleArn: getExecutionRole().arn,
    }, { parent: parent });

    return {
        task: taskDefinition,
        logGroup: logGroup,
github pulumi / pulumi-awsx / nodejs / aws-infra / experimental / clusterService.ts View on Github external
     * Optional auto-scaling group for the cluster.  Can be created with
     * [cluster.createAutoScalingGroup]
    autoScalingGroup?: mod.ClusterAutoScalingGroup;

 * A mapping from a container name and it's exposed port, to the hostname/port it can be reached at.
export interface Endpoints {
    [containerName: string]: { [port: number]: aws.apigateway.x.Endpoint; };

export abstract class ClusterService extends aws.ecs.Service {
    public readonly clusterInstance: mod.Cluster;
    public readonly taskDefinitionInstance: mod.ClusterTaskDefinition;

     * Optional auto-scaling group for the cluster.  Can be created with
     * [cluster.createAutoScalingGroup]
    public readonly autoScalingGroup?: mod.ClusterAutoScalingGroup;

    public readonly endpoints: pulumi.Output;
    public readonly defaultEndpoint: pulumi.Output;

    public readonly getEndpoint: (containerName?: string, containerPort?: number) => Promise;

    constructor(name: string, cluster: mod.Cluster,
                args: ClusterServiceArgs, isFargate: boolean,
github pulumi / pulumi-awsx / nodejs / awsx / ecs / taskDefinition.ts View on Github external
this.executionRole = args.taskRole === null ? undefined :
                             args.executionRole ? args.executionRole : TaskDefinition.createExecutionRole(
            `${name}-execution`, /*assumeRolePolicy*/ undefined, /*policyArns*/ undefined, { parent: this });

        this.containers = args.containers;

        const containerDefinitions = computeContainerDefinitions(
            this, name, args.vpc, this.containers, this.applicationListeners, this.networkListeners, this.logGroup);
        this.listeners = {...this.applicationListeners, ...this.networkListeners };

        const containerString = containerDefinitions.apply(d => JSON.stringify(d));
        const defaultFamily = containerString.apply(s => name + "-" + utils.sha1hash(pulumi.getStack() + containerString));
        const family = utils.ifUndefined(, defaultFamily);

        this.taskDefinition = new aws.ecs.TaskDefinition(name, {
            family: family,
            taskRoleArn: this.taskRole ? this.taskRole.arn : undefined,
            executionRoleArn: this.executionRole ? this.executionRole.arn : undefined,
            containerDefinitions: containerString,
        }, { parent: this }); = createRunFunction(isFargate, this.taskDefinition.arn);
github pulumi / pulumi-awsx / nodejs / aws-infra / experimental / clusterTaskDefinition.ts View on Github external
* of containers in the ClusterTaskDefinition will be the one that is run.
    containerName?: string;

     * The OS to run.  Defaults to 'linux' if unspecified.
    os?: HostOperatingSystem;

     * Optional environment variables to override those set in the container definition.
    environment?: Record;

export abstract class ClusterTaskDefinition extends aws.ecs.TaskDefinition {
    public readonly cluster: module.Cluster;
    public readonly logGroup: aws.cloudwatch.LogGroup;
    public readonly containers: Record;
    public readonly taskRole: aws.iam.Role;
    public readonly executionRole: aws.iam.Role;

     * Information about the exposed port for the task definitions if it has one.
    public readonly exposedPort?: ExposedPort;

    public readonly endpoints: pulumi.Output;
    public readonly defaultEndpoint: pulumi.Output;

    public readonly getEndpoint: (containerName?: string, containerPort?: number) => Promise;
github pulumi / pulumi-awsx / nodejs / awsx / ecs / cluster.ts View on Github external
function getOrCreateCluster(name: string, args: ClusterArgs, parent: Cluster) {
    if (args.cluster === undefined) {
        return new aws.ecs.Cluster(name, args, { parent });

    if (pulumi.Resource.isInstance(args.cluster)) {
        return args.cluster;

    return aws.ecs.Cluster.get(name, args.cluster, undefined, { parent });