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* ## Resizable
* handles size and resizing
* @memberof MultiChart.mixin
* @polymer
* @mixinFunction
// const ResizeObserver = window.ResizeObserver || Polyfill;
const ResizeObserver = window.ResizeObserver ;
const ro = new ResizeObserver((entries, observer) => {
entries.forEach((entry, index) =>, index));
const Resizable = dedupingMixin(superClass => {
* @polymer
* @mixinClass
class Mixin extends superClass {
static get properties() {
return {,
* `width` of SVG host
import { dedupingMixin } from '@polymer/polymer/lib/utils/mixin.js';
import { select } from 'd3-selection';
* ## TrackHover
* track which element is being hovered
* @memberof MultiChart.mixin
* @polymer
* @mixinFunction
const TrackHover = dedupingMixin(superClass => {
return class extends superClass {
static get properties() {
return {,
* `trackHover` set true if selector listen to mouseenter/mouseleave events and set hoveredItem accordingly.
* When true, this element also and fires `multi-mouseenter` and multi-mouseleave.
trackHover: {
type: Boolean,
value: false
// for polymer mixin compatibility
static get properties() {
return {
/** Shared UI router global instance */
uiRouter: {
type: Object,
value: function () {
return uirouter;
const UiRouterMixin = dedupingMixin(UiRouterMixinInternal);
export {uirouter};
export default UiRouterMixin;
* ## MultiRegister
* The responsibility of this mixin is to observe nodes added to `#obseveNodes`.
* It adds elements fireing a`multi-register to `_registeredItems` and elements
* fireing `multi-serie-register` to `series`.
* @memberof MultiChart.mixin
* @polymer
* @mixinFunction
import { dedupingMixin } from '@polymer/polymer/lib/utils/mixin.js';
const MultiRegister = dedupingMixin(superClass => {
* @polymer
* @mixinClass
class Register extends superClass {
static get properties() {
return {,
* `registerContainerName` the name of the container set to registered items. This is needed because
* some items can be registered agains mutiple domain. For instance, multi-g : as an resizable svg item
import { dedupingMixin } from "@polymer/polymer/lib/utils/mixin.js";
import toggleEntity from "../common/entity/toggle-entity.js";
import NavigateMixin from "../../../mixins/navigate-mixin";
import EventsMixin from "../../../mixins/events-mixin.js";
import computeStateName from "../../../common/entity/compute_state_name";
* @polymerMixin
* @appliesMixin EventsMixin
* @appliesMixin NavigateMixin
export default dedupingMixin(
(superClass) =>
class extends NavigateMixin(EventsMixin(superClass)) {
handleClick(hass, config, hold) {
let action = config.tap_action || "more-info";
if (hold) {
action = config.hold_action;
if (action === "none") return;
switch (action) {
case "more-info":"hass-more-info", { entityId: config.entity });
case "navigate":
import { dedupingMixin } from '@polymer/polymer/lib/utils/mixin.js';
import { cssTheme } from '@preignition/preignition-mixin';
import { select } from 'd3-selection';
* ## MultiHighlight
* adds a highlight class on shapes with same keys as `highlightedKeys`
* @memberof MultiChart.mixin
* @polymer
* @mixinFunction
const MultiHighlight = dedupingMixin(superClass => {
* @polymer
* @mixinClass
class Mixin extends superClass {
static get properties() {
return {,
highlightedKeys: {
type: Array,
attribute: 'highlighted-keys'
import { html } from '@polymer/polymer/lib/utils/html-tag.js';
import { dedupingMixin } from '@polymer/polymer/lib/utils/mixin.js';
* Mixin for creating a picker for datetime
* @mixinFunction
* @polymer
export const DatetimePickerMixin = dedupingMixin( superClass => {
return class extends superClass {
static get nativeInputTemplate() {
return html`
<template is="">
<input max="[[_computeNativeThreshold(_maxValue)]]" min="[[_computeNativeThreshold(_minValue)]]" step="[[_computeNativeStep(_partsStep, clamp)]]" value="{{_nativeInput::input}}" type="${this.expectedNativeInputType}" class="native">
${this.timezoneInputTemplate || html``}
static get styleTemplate() {
return html`
${super.styleTemplate || html``}
.native {</style>
import { TimeInputPattern } from '@fooloomanzoo/datetime-input/time-input.js';
import { DatetimeMixin } from '@fooloomanzoo/property-mixins/datetime-mixin.js';
import { CalendarElementPattern } from './calendar-element.js';
import { DatePickerPattern } from './date-picker.js';
import { TimeElementPattern } from './time-element.js';
import { TimePickerPattern } from './time-picker.js';
import { DatetimePickerMixin } from './datetime-picker-mixin.js';
import { style as dropdownStyle } from '@fooloomanzoo/input-picker-pattern/dropdown-style.js';
* Mixin for datetime-picker
* @mixinFunction
* @polymer
export const DatetimePickerPattern = dedupingMixin( superClass => {
return class extends superClass {
static get expectedNativeInputType() {
return htmlLiteral`datetime-local`;
static get pickerTemplate() {
return html`
<div class="dropdown" id="picker">
<div id="buttons">
import { dedupingMixin } from "@polymer/polymer/lib/utils/mixin.js";
import EventsMixin from "./events-mixin";
* @polymerMixin
* @appliesMixin EventsMixin
export default dedupingMixin(
(superClass) =>
class extends EventsMixin(superClass) {
navigate(path, replace = false) {
if (replace) {
history.replaceState(null, null, path);
} else {
history.pushState(null, null, path);
import { InputPickerPattern } from '@fooloomanzoo/input-picker-pattern/input-picker-pattern.js';
import { SwitchMixin } from '@fooloomanzoo/input-picker-pattern/switch-mixin.js';
import { DatetimeFormMixin, DatetimeInputMixin } from '@fooloomanzoo/datetime-input/datetime-input-mixin.js';
import { DateInputPattern } from '@fooloomanzoo/datetime-input/date-input.js';
import { DatetimeMixin } from '@fooloomanzoo/property-mixins/datetime-mixin.js';
import { CalendarElementPattern } from './calendar-element.js';
import { DatetimePickerMixin } from './datetime-picker-mixin.js';
import { style as dropdownStyle } from '@fooloomanzoo/input-picker-pattern/dropdown-style.js';
* Mixin for date-picker
* @mixinFunction
* @polymer
export const DatePickerPattern = dedupingMixin( superClass => {
return class extends superClass {
static get expectedNativeInputType() {
return htmlLiteral`date`;
static get pickerTemplate() {
return html`
<div class="dropdown" id="picker">
<div id="buttons">