How to use the @polkadot/keyring/testingPairs function in @polkadot/keyring

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @polkadot/keyring examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github polkadot-js / api / packages / types / src / primitive / Extrinsic / v4 / Extrinsic.spec.ts View on Github external
// Copyright 2017-2019 @polkadot/types authors & contributors
// This software may be modified and distributed under the terms
// of the Apache-2.0 license. See the LICENSE file for details.

import BN from 'bn.js';
import testingPairs from '@polkadot/keyring/testingPairs';
import Decorated from '@polkadot/metadata/Decorated';
import Metadata from '@polkadot/metadata/Metadata';
import metadataStatic from '@polkadot/metadata/Metadata/static';

import { TypeRegistry } from '../../../codec/create';
import Extrinsic from './Extrinsic';

const registry = new TypeRegistry();
const decorated = new Decorated(registry, metadataStatic);
const keyring = testingPairs({ type: 'ed25519' }, false);

// eslint-disable-next-line no-new
new Metadata(registry, metadataStatic);

describe('ExtrinsicV4', (): void => {
  it('constructs a sane Uint8Array (default)', (): void => {
      new Extrinsic(registry).toU8a()
    ).toEqual(new Uint8Array([0, 0]));

  it('creates a unsigned extrinsic', (): void => {
      new Extrinsic(
        decorated.tx.balances.transfer(keyring.bob.publicKey, 6969)
github polkadot-js / api / packages / metadata / src / Decorated / extrinsics / index.spec.ts View on Github external
// Copyright 2017-2019 @polkadot/metadata authors & contributors
// This software may be modified and distributed under the terms
// of the Apache-2.0 license. See the LICENSE file for details.

import BN from 'bn.js';
import testingPairs from '@polkadot/keyring/testingPairs';
import { createType, Metadata, TypeRegistry } from '@polkadot/types';

import metadataStatic from '../../Metadata/static';
import fromMetadata from './fromMetadata';

const keyring = testingPairs({ type: 'ed25519' }, false);
const registry = new TypeRegistry();
const metadata = new Metadata(registry, metadataStatic);
const extrinsics = fromMetadata(registry, metadata);

describe('extrinsics', (): void => {
  it('encodes an actual transfer (actual data)', (): void => {
      createType(registry, 'Extrinsic',
        extrinsics.balances.transfer(keyring.bob.publicKey, 6969)
      ).sign(keyring.alice, {
        blockHash: '0xec7afaf1cca720ce88c1d1b689d81f0583cc15a97d621cf046dd9abf605ef22f',
        genesisHash: '0xdcd1346701ca8396496e52aa2785b1748deb6db09551b72159dcb3e08991025b',
        nonce: 0,
        runtimeVersion: {
          apis: [],
          authoringVersion: new BN(123),
github polkadot-js / api / packages / metadata / src / Decorated / storage / fromMetadata / fromMetadata.spec.ts View on Github external
// Copyright 2017-2019 @polkadot/metadata authors & contributors
// This software may be modified and distributed under the terms
// of the Apache-2.0 license. See the LICENSE file for details.

import testingPairs from '@polkadot/keyring/testingPairs';
import { TypeRegistry } from '@polkadot/types';
import { u8aToHex } from '@polkadot/util';

import rpcMetadata from '../../../Metadata/static';
import rpcMetadataV8 from '../../../Metadata/v8/static';
import Decorated from '../../Decorated';

const keyring = testingPairs({ type: 'ed25519' });

describe('fromMetadata', (): void => {
  describe('latest', (): void => {
    const registry = new TypeRegistry();
    const decorated = new Decorated(registry, rpcMetadata);

    it('should throw if the storage function expects an argument', (): void => {
      expect((): any => decorated.query.balances.freeBalance()).toThrowError(/requires one argument/);

    it('should return a value if the storage function does not expect an argument', (): void => {
      expect((): any =>;

    it('should return the correct length-prefixed storage key', (): void => {
github polkadot-js / api / packages / types / src / primitive / Extrinsic / v2 / Extrinsic.spec.ts View on Github external
// Copyright 2017-2019 @polkadot/types authors & contributors
// This software may be modified and distributed under the terms
// of the Apache-2.0 license. See the LICENSE file for details.

import BN from 'bn.js';
import Decorated from '@polkadot/metadata/Decorated';
import Metadata from '@polkadot/metadata/Metadata';
import rpcMetadata from '@polkadot/metadata/Metadata/static';
import testingPairs from '@polkadot/keyring/testingPairs';

import { TypeRegistry } from '../../../codec';
import Extrinsic from './Extrinsic';

const registry = new TypeRegistry();
const decorated = new Decorated(registry, rpcMetadata);
const keyring = testingPairs({ type: 'ed25519' }, false);

// eslint-disable-next-line no-new
new Metadata(registry, rpcMetadata);

describe('ExtrinsicV2', (): void => {
  it('constructs a sane Uint8Array (default)', (): void => {
      new Extrinsic(registry).toU8a()
    ).toEqual(new Uint8Array([0, 0]));

  it('creates a unsigned extrinsic', (): void => {
      new Extrinsic(
        decorated.tx.balances.transfer(keyring.bob.publicKey, 6969)
github polkadot-js / client / packages / client-db / src / state / balance.spec.js View on Github external
// Copyright 2017-2018 @polkadot/client-db authors & contributors
// This software may be modified and distributed under the terms
// of the ISC license. See the LICENSE file for details.

import { hexToU8a, u8aToHex } from '@polkadot/util';
import testingPairs from '@polkadot/keyring/testingPairs';

import db from './index';

const keyring = testingPairs();

describe.skip('balance', () => {
  let staking;

  describe('get', () => {
    beforeEach(() => {
      staking = db({

        get: (key) => {
          switch (u8aToHex(key)) {
            case '0x93b3a06afc9ac6777adff1f6ad2cd5d9':
              return hexToU8a('0x4500000000000000');

            case '0x8e4b46d94b25bb2f5c9fa65f60263160':
              return hexToU8a('0x2a00000000000000');
github polkadot-js / api / packages / rpc-rx / src / cached.spec.ts View on Github external
describe('createCachedObservable', () => {
  let api: RpcRx;
  let creator: (...params: Array) => Observable;
  const keyring = testingPairs();
  let section: RpcInterface$Section;

  beforeEach(() => {
    api = new RpcRx();

  beforeEach(() => {
    // Create two methods in our section
    const subMethod: any = jest.fn(() => Promise.resolve('subMethodResult'));
    subMethod.unsubscribe = jest.fn(() => Promise.resolve(true));
    const subMethod2: any = jest.fn(() => Promise.resolve('subMethod2Result'));
    subMethod2.unsubscribe = jest.fn(() => Promise.resolve(true));

    section = {
github polkadot-js / api / packages / rpc-core / src / cached.spec.ts View on Github external
describe('Cached Observables', (): void => {
  const registry = new TypeRegistry();
  let rpc: Rpc;
  const keyring = testingPairs();

  beforeEach((): void => {
    rpc = new Rpc(registry, new MockProvider(registry));

  it('creates a single observable for subscriptions (multiple calls)', (): void => {
    const observable1 = rpc.state.subscribeStorage([123]);
    const observable2 = rpc.state.subscribeStorage([123]);


  it('creates a single observable for subscriptions (multiple calls, no arguments)', (): void => {
    const observable1 = rpc.chain.subscribeNewHeads();
    const observable2 = rpc.chain.subscribeNewHeads();
github polkadot-js / api / packages / api / src / promise / Api.spec.ts View on Github external
describe('ApiPromise', (): void => {
  const registry = new TypeRegistry();
  const keyring = testingPairs({ type: 'ed25519' });
  let provider: Mock;

  beforeEach((): void => {
    provider = new Mock(registry);

  describe('initialization', (): void => {
    it('Create API instance with metadata map and makes the runtime, rpc, state & extrinsics available', async (): Promise => {
      const rpcData = await provider.send('state_getMetadata', []);
      const genesisHash = createType(registry, 'Hash', await provider.send('chain_getBlockHash', [])).toHex();
      const specVersion = 0;
      const metadata: any = {};
      const key = `${genesisHash}-${specVersion}`;
      metadata[key] = rpcData;
      const api = await ApiPromise.create({ provider, metadata, registry } as unknown as ApiOptions);
github polkadot-js / api / packages / api / src / checkTypes.manual.ts View on Github external
async function main (): Promise {
  const api = await ApiPromise.create();
  const keyring = testKeyring();

  query(api, keyring);
  tx(api, keyring);


Keyring management

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