How to use @pnpm/link-bins - 7 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @pnpm/link-bins examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github microsoft / rushstack / apps / rush-lib / src / logic / pnpm / PnpmLinkManager.ts View on Github external


    if (!this._rushConfiguration.experimentsConfiguration.configuration.legacyIncrementalBuildDependencyDetection) {;
    } else {

    // Also symlink the ".bin" folder
    const projectFolder: string = path.join(localPackage.folderPath, 'node_modules');
    const projectBinFolder: string = path.join(localPackage.folderPath, 'node_modules', '.bin');

    // Return type is Promise because the API returns Promise.all()
    return pnpmLinkBins(projectFolder, projectBinFolder)
      .then(() => { /* empty block */ });
github pnpm / pnpm / packages / build-modules / src / index.ts View on Github external
      .map(async (alias) => {
        const dep = depGraph[childrenToLink[alias]]
        return {
          location: dep.peripheralLocation,
          manifest: await dep.fetchingBundledManifest?.() || (await readPackageFromDir(dep.peripheralLocation) as DependencyManifest),

  await linkBinsOfPackages(pkgs, binPath, { warn: opts.warn })

  // link also the bundled dependencies` bins
  if (depNode.hasBundledDependencies) {
    const bundledModules = path.join(depNode.peripheralLocation, 'node_modules')
    await linkBins(bundledModules, binPath, { warn: opts.warn })
github pnpm / pnpm / packages / hoist / src / index.ts View on Github external
lockfileDir: opts.lockfileDir,
      registries: opts.registries,
      virtualStoreDir: opts.virtualStoreDir,

  const aliasesByDependencyPath = await hoistGraph(deps, opts.lockfile.importers['.'].specifiers, {
    dryRun: false,
    modulesDir: opts.modulesDir,

  const bin = path.join(opts.modulesDir, '.bin')
  const warn = (message: string) => logger.warn({ message, prefix: path.join(opts.modulesDir, '../..') })
  try {
    await linkBins(opts.modulesDir, bin, { allowExoticManifests: true, warn })
  } catch (err) {
    // Some packages generate their commands with lifecycle hooks.
    // At this stage, such commands are not generated yet.
    // For now, we don't hoist such generated commands.
    // Related issue:

  return aliasesByDependencyPath
github pnpm / pnpm / packages / plugin-commands-rebuild / src / implementation / index.ts View on Github external
const pkgRoot = !independent
        ? path.join(ctx.virtualStoreDir, pkgIdToFilename(depPath, opts.lockfileDir), 'node_modules',
        : await (
          async () => {
            const { dir } = await opts.storeController.getPackageLocation( || depPath,, {
              lockfileDir: opts.lockfileDir,
              targetEngine: opts.sideEffectsCacheRead && !opts.force && ENGINE_NAME || undefined,
            return dir
      try {
        if (!independent) {
          const modules = path.join(ctx.virtualStoreDir, pkgIdToFilename(depPath, opts.lockfileDir), 'node_modules')
          const binPath = path.join(pkgRoot, 'node_modules', '.bin')
          await linkBins(modules, binPath, { warn })
        await runPostinstallHooks({
          extraBinPaths: ctx.extraBinPaths,
          optional: pkgSnapshot.optional === true,
          prepare: pkgSnapshot.prepare,
          rawConfig: opts.rawConfig,
          rootNodeModulesDir: ctx.rootModulesDir,
          unsafePerm: opts.unsafePerm || false,
      } catch (err) {
        if (pkgSnapshot.optional) {
          // TODO: add parents field to the log
github pnpm / pnpm / packages / build-modules / src / index.ts View on Github external
// TODO: Try to reproduce this issue with a test in supi
          logger.debug({ message: `Failed to link bins of "${alias}" to "${binPath}". This is probably not an issue.` })
          return false
        return dep.hasBin && dep.installable !== false
      .map(async (alias) => {
        const dep = depGraph[childrenToLink[alias]]
        return {
          location: dep.peripheralLocation,
          manifest: await dep.fetchingBundledManifest?.() || (await readPackageFromDir(dep.peripheralLocation) as DependencyManifest),

  await linkBinsOfPackages(pkgs, binPath, { warn: opts.warn })

  // link also the bundled dependencies` bins
  if (depNode.hasBundledDependencies) {
    const bundledModules = path.join(depNode.peripheralLocation, 'node_modules')
    await linkBins(bundledModules, binPath, { warn: opts.warn })
github pnpm / pnpm / packages / supi / src / link / index.ts View on Github external

  // Linking should happen after removing orphans
  // Otherwise would've been removed
  for (const { alias, manifest, path } of linkedPkgs) {
    // TODO: cover with test that linking reports with correct dependency types
    const stu = specsToUpsert.find((s) => s.alias ===
    await symlinkDirectRootDependency(path, destModules, alias, {
      fromDependenciesField: stu?.saveType ?? opts.targetDependenciesField,
      linkedPackage: manifest,
      prefix: opts.dir,

  const linkToBin = maybeOpts?.linkToBin || path.join(destModules, '.bin')
  await linkBinsOfPackages( => ({ manifest: p.manifest, location: p.path })), linkToBin, {
    warn: (message: string) => logger.warn({ message, prefix: opts.dir }),

  let newPkg!: ImporterManifest
  if (opts.targetDependenciesField) {
    newPkg = await save(opts.dir, opts.manifest, specsToUpsert)
    for (const { alias } of specsToUpsert) {
      updatedWantedLockfile.importers[importerId].specifiers[alias] = getSpecFromPackageManifest(newPkg, alias)
  } else {
    newPkg = opts.manifest
  const lockfileOpts = { forceSharedFormat: opts.forceSharedLockfile }
  if (opts.useLockfile) {
    await writeLockfiles({
      currentLockfile: updatedCurrentLockfile,
github pnpm / pnpm / packages / supi / src / install / index.ts View on Github external
function linkBinsOfImporter ({ modulesDir, binsDir, rootDir }: ImporterToLink) {
  const warn = (message: string) => logger.warn({ message, prefix: rootDir })
  return linkBins(modulesDir, binsDir, { allowExoticManifests: true, warn })


Link bins to node_modules/.bin

Latest version published 21 days ago

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68 / 100
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