How to use the @pixi/constants.PRECISION.HIGH function in @pixi/constants

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github pixijs / pixi.js / packages / core / src / shader / utils / setPrecision.js View on Github external
export function setPrecision(src, requestedPrecision, maxSupportedPrecision)
    if (src.substring(0, 9) !== 'precision')
        // no precision supplied, so PixiJS will add the requested level.
        let precision = requestedPrecision;

        // If highp is requested but not supported, downgrade precision to a level all devices support.
        if (requestedPrecision === PRECISION.HIGH && maxSupportedPrecision !== PRECISION.HIGH)
            precision = PRECISION.MEDIUM;

        return `precision ${precision} float;\n${src}`;
    else if (maxSupportedPrecision !== PRECISION.HIGH && src.substring(0, 15) === 'precision highp')
        // precision was supplied, but at a level this device does not support, so downgrading to mediump.
        return src.replace('precision highp', 'precision mediump');

    return src;
github pixijs / pixi.js / packages / core / src / shader / utils / setPrecision.js View on Github external
export function setPrecision(src, requestedPrecision, maxSupportedPrecision)
    if (src.substring(0, 9) !== 'precision')
        // no precision supplied, so PixiJS will add the requested level.
        let precision = requestedPrecision;

        // If highp is requested but not supported, downgrade precision to a level all devices support.
        if (requestedPrecision === PRECISION.HIGH && maxSupportedPrecision !== PRECISION.HIGH)
            precision = PRECISION.MEDIUM;

        return `precision ${precision} float;\n${src}`;
    else if (maxSupportedPrecision !== PRECISION.HIGH && src.substring(0, 15) === 'precision highp')
        // precision was supplied, but at a level this device does not support, so downgrading to mediump.
        return src.replace('precision highp', 'precision mediump');

    return src;
github pixijs / pixi.js / packages / core / src / shader / Program.js View on Github external
name = name.replace(/\s+/g, '-');

            if (nameCache[name])
                name += `-${nameCache[name]}`;
                nameCache[name] = 1;

            this.vertexSrc = `#define SHADER_NAME ${name}\n${this.vertexSrc}`;
            this.fragmentSrc = `#define SHADER_NAME ${name}\n${this.fragmentSrc}`;

            this.vertexSrc = setPrecision(this.vertexSrc, settings.PRECISION_VERTEX, PRECISION.HIGH);
            this.fragmentSrc = setPrecision(this.fragmentSrc, settings.PRECISION_FRAGMENT, getMaxFragmentPrecision());

        // currently this does not extract structs only default types
        this.extractData(this.vertexSrc, this.fragmentSrc);

        // this is where we store shader references..
        this.glPrograms = {};

        this.syncUniforms = null;
github pixijs / pixi.js / packages / core / src / shader / utils / getMaxFragmentPrecision.js View on Github external
export function getMaxFragmentPrecision()
    if (!maxFragmentPrecision)
        maxFragmentPrecision = PRECISION.MEDIUM;
        const gl = getTestContext();

        if (gl)
            if (gl.getShaderPrecisionFormat)
                const shaderFragment = gl.getShaderPrecisionFormat(gl.FRAGMENT_SHADER, gl.HIGH_FLOAT);

                maxFragmentPrecision = shaderFragment.precision ? PRECISION.HIGH : PRECISION.MEDIUM;

    return maxFragmentPrecision;