How to use the @pixi/canvas-renderer.canvasUtils.getTintedCanvas function in @pixi/canvas-renderer

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github pixijs / pixi.js / packages / canvas / canvas-mesh / src / NineSlicePlane.js View on Github external
const context = renderer.context;
    const transform = this.worldTransform;
    const res = renderer.resolution;
    const isTinted = this.tint !== 0xFFFFFF;
    const texture = this.texture;

    // Work out tinting
    if (isTinted)
        if (this._cachedTint !== this.tint)
            // Tint has changed, need to update the tinted texture and use that instead

            this._cachedTint = this.tint;

            this._tintedCanvas = canvasUtils.getTintedCanvas(this, this.tint);

    const textureSource = !isTinted ? texture.baseTexture.source : this._tintedCanvas;

    if (!this._canvasUvs)
        this._canvasUvs = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];

    const vertices = this.vertices;
    const uvs = this._canvasUvs;
    const u0 = isTinted ? 0 : texture.frame.x;
    const v0 = isTinted ? 0 : texture.frame.y;
    const u1 = u0 + texture.frame.width;
    const v1 = v0 + texture.frame.height;
github pixijs / pixi.js / packages / canvas / canvas-sprite-tiling / src / TilingSprite.js View on Github external
const modX = ((this.tilePosition.x / this.tileScale.x) % texture._frame.width) * baseTextureResolution;
    const modY = ((this.tilePosition.y / this.tileScale.y) % texture._frame.height) * baseTextureResolution;

    // create a nice shiny pattern!
    if (this._textureID !== this._texture._updateID || this._cachedTint !== this.tint)
        this._textureID = this._texture._updateID;
        // cut an object from a spritesheet..
        const tempCanvas = new CanvasRenderTarget(texture._frame.width,

        // Tint the tiling sprite
        if (this.tint !== 0xFFFFFF)
            this._tintedCanvas = canvasUtils.getTintedCanvas(this, this.tint);
            tempCanvas.context.drawImage(this._tintedCanvas, 0, 0);
                -texture._frame.x * baseTextureResolution, -texture._frame.y * baseTextureResolution);
        this._cachedTint = this.tint;
        this._canvasPattern = tempCanvas.context.createPattern(tempCanvas.canvas, 'repeat');

    // set context state..
    context.globalAlpha = this.worldAlpha;
    context.setTransform(transform.a * resolution,
        transform.b * resolution,
        transform.c * resolution,


Rendering using the Canvas API

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