How to use @ohif/ui - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @ohif/ui examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github OHIF / Viewers / platform / viewer / src / studylist / StudyListRoute.js View on Github external
const [searchStatus, setSearchStatus] = useState({
    isSearchingForStudies: false,
    error: null,
  const [activeModalId, setActiveModalId] = useState(null);
  const [rowsPerPage, setRowsPerPage] = useState(25);
  const [pageNumber, setPageNumber] = useState(0);
  const appContext = useContext(AppContext);
  const displaySize = useMedia(
    ['(min-width: 1750px)', '(min-width: 1000px)', '(min-width: 768px)'],
    ['large', 'medium', 'small'],
  const debouncedSort = useDebounce(sort, 200);
  const debouncedFilters = useDebounce(filterValues, 250);

  // Google Cloud Adapter for DICOM Store Picking
  const { appConfig = {} } = appContext;
  const isGoogleCHAIntegrationEnabled =
    !server && appConfig.enableGoogleCloudAdapter;
  if (isGoogleCHAIntegrationEnabled && activeModalId !== 'DicomStorePicker') {

  // Called when relevant state/props are updated
  // Watches filters and sort, debounced
    () => {
      const fetchStudies = async () => {
        try {
github OHIF / Viewers / platform / viewer / src / studylist / StudyListRoute.js View on Github external
isSearchingForStudies: false,
    error: null,
  const [activeModalId, setActiveModalId] = useState(null);
  const [rowsPerPage, setRowsPerPage] = useState(25);
  const [pageNumber, setPageNumber] = useState(0);
  const appContext = useContext(AppContext);
  const displaySize = useMedia(
    ['(min-width: 1750px)', '(min-width: 1000px)', '(min-width: 768px)'],
    ['large', 'medium', 'small'],
  const debouncedSort = useDebounce(sort, 200);
  const debouncedFilters = useDebounce(filterValues, 250);

  // Google Cloud Adapter for DICOM Store Picking
  const { appConfig = {} } = appContext;
  const isGoogleCHAIntegrationEnabled =
    !server && appConfig.enableGoogleCloudAdapter;
  if (isGoogleCHAIntegrationEnabled && activeModalId !== 'DicomStorePicker') {

  // Called when relevant state/props are updated
  // Watches filters and sort, debounced
    () => {
      const fetchStudies = async () => {
        try {
          setSearchStatus({ error: null, isSearchingForStudies: true });
github OHIF / Viewers / platform / viewer / src / connectedComponents / ViewerRetrieveStudyData.js View on Github external
function ViewerRetrieveStudyData({
}) {
  // hooks
  const [error, setError] = useState(false);
  const [studies, setStudies] = useState([]);
  const [isStudyLoaded, setIsStudyLoaded] = useState(false);
  const snackbarContext = useSnackbarContext();
  const { appConfig = {} } = useContext(AppContext);
  const { filterQueryParam: isFilterStrategy = false } = appConfig;

  let cancelableSeriesPromises;
  let cancelableStudiesPromises;
   * Callback method when study is totally loaded
   * @param {object} study study loaded
   * @param {object} studyMetadata studyMetadata for given study
   * @param {Object} [filters] - Object containing filters to be applied
   * @param {string} [filter.seriesInstanceUID] - series instance uid to filter results against
  const studyDidLoad = (study, studyMetadata, filters) => {
    // User message
    const promoted = _promoteList(
github OHIF / Viewers / platform / viewer / src / connectedComponents / Viewer.js View on Github external
{/* RIGHT */}
            {VisiblePanelRight && (

export default withDialog(Viewer);

 * What types are these? Why do we have "mapping" dropped in here instead of in
 * a mapping layer?
 * TODO[react]:
 * - Add sorting of display sets
 * - Add showStackLoadingProgressBar option
 * @param {Study[]} studies
 * @param {DisplaySet[]} studies[].displaySets
const _mapStudiesToThumbnails = function(studies) {
  return => {
    const { studyInstanceUid } = study;
github OHIF / Viewers / platform / viewer / src / studylist / StudyListRoute.js View on Github external
patientNameOrId: '',
    accessionOrModalityOrDescription: '',
    allFields: '',
  const [studies, setStudies] = useState([]);
  const [searchStatus, setSearchStatus] = useState({
    isSearchingForStudies: false,
    error: null,
  const [activeModalId, setActiveModalId] = useState(null);
  const [rowsPerPage, setRowsPerPage] = useState(25);
  const [pageNumber, setPageNumber] = useState(0);
  const appContext = useContext(AppContext);
  const displaySize = useMedia(
    ['(min-width: 1750px)', '(min-width: 1000px)', '(min-width: 768px)'],
    ['large', 'medium', 'small'],
  const debouncedSort = useDebounce(sort, 200);
  const debouncedFilters = useDebounce(filterValues, 250);

  // Google Cloud Adapter for DICOM Store Picking
  const { appConfig = {} } = appContext;
  const isGoogleCHAIntegrationEnabled =
    !server && appConfig.enableGoogleCloudAdapter;
  if (isGoogleCHAIntegrationEnabled && activeModalId !== 'DicomStorePicker') {
github OHIF / Viewers / platform / ui / src / components / userPreferencesForm / UserPreferencesForm.js View on Github external
hidden: true,
  const [tabsState, setTabsState] = useState({
    Hotkeys: { hotkeyDefinitions, hotkeyRecord },
    'Window Level': { windowLevelData },
    General: { generalPreferences },
  const [tabsError, setTabsError] = useState(
    tabs.reduce((acc, tab) => {
      acc[] = false;
      return acc;
    }, {})

  const snackbar = useSnackbarContext();

  const { t, ready: translationsAreReady } = useTranslation(

  const onTabStateChanged = (tabName, newState) => {
    setTabsState({ ...tabsState, [tabName]: newState });

  const onTabErrorChanged = (tabName, hasError) => {
    setTabsError({ ...tabsError, [tabName]: hasError });

  const hasAnyError = () => {
    return Object.values(tabsError).reduce((acc, value) => acc || value);
github OHIF / Viewers / platform / viewer / src / connectedComponents / ToolbarRow.js View on Github external
this.setState(state => ({
        dialogId: newDialogId,
        activeButtons: [...state.activeButtons, button],

  if (options.behavior === 'DOWNLOAD_SCREEN_SHOT') {
    commandsManager.runCommand('showDownloadViewportModal', {
      title: t('Download High Quality Image'),

export default withTranslation(['Common', 'ViewportDownloadForm'])(
github OHIF / Viewers / platform / viewer / src / components / Header / Header.js View on Github external
              {t('INVESTIGATIONAL USE ONLY')}

export default withTranslation(['Header', 'AboutModal'])(
github OHIF / Viewers / extensions / cornerstone / src / init.js View on Github external
const callInputDialog = (data, event, callback) => {
    const { UIDialogService } =;

    if (UIDialogService) {
      let dialogId = UIDialogService.create({
        centralize: true,
        isDraggable: false,
        content: SimpleDialog.InputDialog,
        useLastPosition: false,
        showOverlay: true,
        contentProps: {
          title: 'Enter your annotation',
          label: 'New label',
          measurementData: data ? { description: data.text } : {},
          onClose: () => UIDialogService.dismiss({ id: dialogId }),
          onSubmit: value => {
            UIDialogService.dismiss({ id: dialogId });
github OHIF / Viewers / platform / viewer / src / OHIFStandaloneViewer.js View on Github external

const mapStateToProps = state => {
  return {
    user: state.oidc.user,

const ConnectedOHIFStandaloneViewer = connect(

export default ViewerbaseDragDropContext(


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