Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
PropertyGet.flags = {
// override property command flags, they need to be boolean type, not string
...Object.assign(RuntimeBaseCommand.flags, RuntimeBaseCommand.propertyFlags({ asBoolean: true })),
namespace: flags.boolean({
description: 'whisk namespace'
all: flags.boolean({
description: 'all properties'
apibuild: flags.boolean({
description: 'whisk API build version'
apibuildno: flags.boolean({
description: 'whisk API build number'
cliversion: flags.boolean({
description: 'whisk CLI version'
PropertyGet.description = 'get property'
PropertyGet.aliases = [
module.exports = PropertyGet
import { sleep } from '@celo/utils/lib/async'
import { flags } from '@oclif/command'
import { cli } from 'cli-ux'
import { BaseCommand } from '../../base'
import { newCheckBuilder } from '../../utils/checks'
import { displaySendTx } from '../../utils/cli'
import { Flags } from '../../utils/command'
export default class ElectionVote extends BaseCommand {
static description =
'Activate pending votes in validator elections to begin earning rewards. To earn rewards as a voter, it is required to activate your pending votes at some point after the end of the epoch in which they were made.'
static flags = {
from: Flags.address({ required: true, description: "Voter's address" }),
wait: flags.boolean({ description: 'Wait until all pending votes can be activated' }),
static examples = [
'activate --from 0x4443d0349e8b3075cba511a0a87796597602a0f1',
'activate --from 0x4443d0349e8b3075cba511a0a87796597602a0f1 --wait',
async run() {
const res = this.parse(ElectionVote)
this.kit.defaultAccount = res.flags.from
await newCheckBuilder(this, res.flags.from)
const election = await this.kit.contracts.getElection()
const accounts = await this.kit.contracts.getAccounts()
RuleList.description = 'Retrieves a list of Rules'
RuleList.flags = {
limit: flags.integer({
char: 'l',
description: 'Limit number of rules returned. Default 30',
default: 30
skip: flags.integer({
char: 's',
description: 'Skip number of rules returned'
json: flags.boolean({
description: 'output raw json'
'name-sort': flags.boolean({
description: 'sort results by name'
name: flags.boolean({
char: 'n',
description: 'sort results by name'
RuleList.aliases = [
p12_cert: flags.string({
char: 'c',
description: 'Absolute path to .p12 file.',
required: false,
notification_template: flags.string({
char: 'n',
description: 'JSON template for notifications.',
required: false,
disable: flags.boolean({
description: 'Disable APN push notifications and clear config.',
required: false,
json: flags.boolean({
char: 'j',
'Output results in JSON. When not specified, returns output in a human friendly format.',
required: false,
PushApn.description = 'Specifies APN for push notifications.';
module.exports.PushApn = PushApn;
If there is no wpInstall config in .wordup/config.yml, a setup for your installation will be shown.
You can set a custom site url for WordPress, but please be aware that you have to proxy this url to your localhost:port
The web frontend for the catched emails (MailHog) is available on localhost:[WORDPRESS_PORT + 1]
Wordup will assign automatically a different default port, if the default port of 8000 is taken by another wordup project.
Note: Flags in this command overrule the wordup config.yml.
InstallCommand.flags = {
port: flags.string({char: 'p', description: 'Install on a different port', default:'8000'}),
siteurl: flags.string({description: 'Specify a custom WordPress site url. Use --help for details.'}),
force: flags.boolean({char: 'f', description: 'Force the installation of the project (deprecated)', hidden:true}),
prompt: flags.boolean({description: 'If you want to do the setup again', exclusive: ['archive','connect']}),
archive: flags.string({description: 'Install from a wordup archive.'}),
connect: flags.string({description: 'Install from a WordPress running website.', exclusive: ['archive']}),
'private-key': flags.string({description: 'Private key for the wordup-connect plugin', exclusive: ['archive'], dependsOn: ['connect']}),
module.exports = InstallCommand
static description = 'Install an instance of Lisk Core.';
static examples = [
'core:install lisk-mainnet',
'core:install --no-start lisk-mainnet',
'core:install --no-snapshot lisk-mainnet',
'core:install --lisk-version=2.0.0 lisk-mainnet',
'core:install --network=testnet --release-url= lisk-mainnet',
'core:install --network=mainnet --snapshot-url= custom-mainnet',
static flags = {
json: flagParser.boolean({
hidden: true,
pretty: flagParser.boolean({
hidden: true,
'installation-path': flagParser.string({
default: '~/.lisk/instances',
hidden: true,
'lisk-version': flagParser.string({
'no-snapshot': flagParser.boolean({
char: 'm',
description: 'The unique identifier for the message.',
required: false,
text: flags.string({
char: 't',
description: 'The message you would like to send as text.',
required: false,
attachments: flags.string({
char: 'a',
'A JSON payload of attachments to send along with a message.',
required: false,
json: flags.boolean({
char: 'j',
'Output results in JSON. When not specified, returns output in a human friendly format.',
required: false,
MessageUpdate.description = 'Updates a message.';
module.exports.MessageUpdate = MessageUpdate;
description: 'filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo'
csv: flags.boolean({
exclusive: ['no-truncate'],
description: 'output is csv format'
extended: flags.boolean({char: 'x', description: 'show extra columns'}),
'no-truncate': flags.boolean({
exclusive: ['csv'],
description: 'do not truncate output to fit screen'
'no-header': flags.boolean({
exclusive: ['csv'],
description: 'hide table header from output'
json: flags.boolean({char: 'j', description: 'output in json format'}),
page: flags.integer({
char: 'p',
description: 'specific page to request'
module.exports = ActionsListCommand;
import { flags } from '@oclif/command'
import * as fs from 'fs'
import * as path from 'path'
import BaseCommand from '../../base-command'
import { RequireIntegrationFolder, skipIfNoViews } from '../../utils/decorators'
import { copyFiles } from '../../utils/helpers'
export default class GenerateSpec extends BaseCommand {
static description = 'Generate spec file for bearer integration'
static hidden = true
static flags = {
force: flags.boolean({})
static args = []
async run() {
const { flags } = this.parse(GenerateSpec)
const targetFolder = this.locator.integrationRoot
if (flags.force || !specExists(targetFolder)) {
try {
await copyFiles(this, 'generate/integration_specs', targetFolder, {})
this.success('Spec file successfully generated! 🎉')
} catch (e) {
description: 'Exempt user from device limits',
allowNo: true
'exempt-from-2fa': flags.boolean({
description: 'Exempt user from two-factor auth',
allowNo: true
'restrict-external-collab': flags.boolean({
description: 'Restrict user from external collaboration',
allowNo: true
'can-see-managed-users': flags.boolean({
description: 'User can see managed users',
allowNo: true
'password-reset': flags.boolean({
description: 'Force the user to reset password'
role: flags.string({
char: 'r',
description: 'Role of user. Enter user or coadmin',
options: [
language: flags.string({
char: 'l',
description: 'Language of the user (ISO 639-1 Language Code).'
'job-title': flags.string({
char: 'j',